- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:D.C
- 出版年份:1961
- 页数:146 页
Introductory Remarks E.C.Pollard 1
Duplication of DNA Franklin W.Stahl 2
Control of DNA Synthesis J.Herbert Taylor 12
Radiation Effects on Macromolecules Franklin Hutchinson 21
Radical Yield from Irradiation of Dry Material John Kirby-Smith 27
Radiation Effects on RNA from TMV Amos Norman 31
Experiments on E.coli TAU Richard B.Roberts 35
Thermoluminescence Studies Following Irradiation Leroy G.Augenstine 42
Ultraviolet Effects on RNA and Enzymes A.Douglas McLaren 47
Radiation Effects in Dry Seeds Howard Curtis 53
Discussion: Possibility of Radiation Damage from Excitations Martin Gouterman and others 56
Post-Irradiation Effects on Ultraviolet Induced Mutation Charles O.Doudney 58
Radiation Effects on Mammalian Cells Grown in Culture Mortimer M.Elkind 72
Recent Work on Yeast Radiobiology Robert Mortimer 91
Nucleic Acid Synthesis in Regenerating Rat Liver Van R.Potter 95
Radiation Sensitive Components of a Bacterial DNA Synthesizing System Daniel Billen 103
Radiation Effects on DNA and RNA Synthesis in L-Strain Cells Gordon Whitmore 107
Bacterial Ribosomes Richard B.Roberts 114
An Experimental Approach to Genetic Coding Problems William Dreyer 129
Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Amino Acid Uptake by E.coli E.C.Pollard 138
Summarizing Remarks E.C.Pollard 144
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