国际政治理论 范式与流派PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王柏松著
- 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787513015325
- 页数:248 页
Chapter One Liberalism 1
Ideological Origins of International Politics Theories of Liberalism 2
Hugo Grotius'thought of international polities 2
John Locke's thought of international politics 5
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's thought of international politics 6
Immanuel Kant's thought of international politics 8
Jeremy Bentham's thought of international politics 11
Idealism 13
Woodrow Wilson's thought of international politics 14
Alfred Zimmern's thought of international politics 16
John Murray's thought of international politics 18
Appraisement for idealism 20
Interdependence Liberalism 21
Defining interdependence 22
Joseph Nye and Robert Keohane's thought of complex interdependence 23
Neoliberal institutionalism 26
Robert Keohane's international regimes theory 27
Oran Young's international regime theory 29
Republican Liberalism 31
Democratic peace theory 31
Michael Doyle's thought of democratic peace 32
Bruce Russett's thought of democratic peace 34
Chapter Two Realism 38
Legacy of Realism 39
Thucydides and the History of the Peloponnesian War 40
Niccolò Machiavelli and The Prince 42
Thomas Hobbes and the Leviathan 45
George Hegel's thought of realism 47
Max Weber's thought of realism 49
Classical Realism 50
E.H.Carr and The Twenty Years'Crisis 51
Reinhold Niebuhr's thought of Christian realism 53
Hans Morgenthau and Politics among Nations 56
George Kennan and strategy of containment 60
Raymond Aron and Peace and War 63
John Herz's thought between realism and idealism 65
Henry Kissinger and diplomatic thought of realism 68
Neo-realism 70
Kenneth Waltz and Theory of International Politics 71
Robert Gilpin and War and Change in World Politics 75
The New Development of Realism 77
Offensive realism 78
Defensive realism 82
Neoclassical Realism 86
Appraisement for Realism 89
Chapter Three Scientific Behavioralism 91
Karl Deutsch and his quintessence of scientific behavioralism 92
Morton Kaplan and international systems theory 96
Chapter Four English School 101
Martin Wight and thought from pacifism to rationalism 104
Hedley Bull and thought of the anarchic society 107
John Vincent and solidarism 111
Barry Buzan and the remaking of the English School 114
Chapter Five Constructivism 120
Nicholas Onuf and rule-oriented constructivism 122
Alexander Wendt and social constructivist theory 124
Chapter Six Marxism 129
International Politics Theories of Classical Marxism 131
International politics thoughts of Marx and Engels 131
International politics thought of Lenin 137
Development of Marxist International Politics Theories in China 142
Mao Zedong's thought of international politics 143
Deng Xiaoping's thought of international politics 149
Jiang Zemin's thought of international politics 157
Hu Jintao's thought of international politics 162
Neo-Marxism in the Research ofInternational Politics 171
Dependency theory 171
World system theory 183
Critical theory 188
Chapter Seven Other Theoretical Schools of Western International Politics 206
Normative Theory 206
Feminist Theory 209
Postmodernism 214
Historical Sociology 216
Chapter Eight Traditional Chinese International Politics Culture 219
Guanzi's Thought of International Politics 219
Laozi"s Thought of International Politics 222
Confucius'Thought of International Politics 224
Mencius'Thought of International Politics 228
Xunzi's Thought of International Politics 231
Mozi's Thought of International Politics 236
Han Feizi's Thought of International Politics 240
Sun Tzu's Thought of International Politics 245
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