Kinship MattersPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Hart Publishing
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:9781841136974;1841136972
- 页数:311 页
1. Introduction: Regulating Relationships?& FATEMEH EBTEHAJ 1
Part 1: Who is Kin and What Does it Mean to be Kin in Contemporary British Society? 19
2. 'Close Marriage' in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Middle Strata &LEONORE DAVIDOFF 19
3. Status Anxiety? The Rush for Family Recognition&ANDREW BAINHAM 47
4. DNA Testing and Kinship: Paternity, Genealogy and the Search for the 'Truth' of Genetic Origins & TABITHA FREEMAN AND MARTIN RICHARDS 67
Part 2: Kin Care of Children and Adolescents 99
5. Children and Their Changing Families: Obligations, Responsibilities,and Benefits & JAN PRYOR 99
6. Substitute Care of Children by Members of Their Extended Families and Social Networks: An Overview &JoAN HUNT 115
7. Recognising Carets for What They Do—Legal Problems and Solutions for the Kinship Care of Children &JUDITH MASSON AND BRIDGET LINDLEY 135
8. Restorative Practices: Repairing Harm through Kith and Kin & LORAINE GELSTHORPE WITH LAYLA SKINNS 155
Part 3: Kin Contact and Care of Elderly People 175
9. Gender and Kinship in Contemporary Britain & JANE NOLAN AND JACQUELINE SCOTT 175
10. Kin Availability, Contact and Support Exchanges Between Adult Children and their Parents in Great Britain & EMILY GRUNDY AND MICHAEL MURPHY 195
11. Maintenance of the Elderly and Legal Signalling—Kinship and State & MIKA OLDHAM 217
Part 4: Migrant Communities and Transnational Kinship 239
12. The Impact of Migration on Care: The Iranian Experience & FATEMEH EBTEHAJ 239
13. Family Care and Transnational Kinship: British-Pakistani Experiences& KAVERI HARRISS AND ALISON SHAW 259
14. Kinship, Infertility and New Reproductive Technologies:A British-Pakistani Muslim Perspective & NAZALIE IQBAL AND ROBERT SIMPSON 275
Afterword 293
15. Kinship as 'Family' in Contemporary Britain & JANET FINCH 293
Index 307
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