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Corporate governance and financial reform in China's transition economy
Corporate governance and financial reform in China's transition economy

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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Jing Leng.
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9789622099319;9789622099326
  • 页数:304 页
《Corporate governance and financial reform in China's transition economy》目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 The Relevance of Corporate Governance to China 2

1.2 The Impact of Economic Globalization on China's Corporate Governance Reform 7

1.3 China and a Dynamic Theory of Corporate Governance 14

1.4 Subjects of Investigation 21

Chapter 2 Basic Concepts of Corporate Governance and Global Movements in Corporate Governance Reforms 25

2.1 Basic Concepts of Corporate Governance 25

2.2 Recent Corporate Governance Failures in the West and New Waves of Global Corporate Governance Reforms 30

2.3 New Trends in Contemporary Corporate Governance Research 34

Chapter 3 The History of China's Enterprise Reform and Emerging Corporate Governance Issues 39

3.1 The First Stage of SOE Reorm: Autonomy, Incentives, and Competition (1978-1992) 41

3.2 The Second Stage ofSOE Reform: Restructuring, Corporatization, and Ownership Diversification (1993-1997) 44

3.3 The Third Stage of SOE Reform: Decentralized Privatization and the Need tor Complementary Financial Reform (1997 to Present) 47

3.4 Summary 60

Chapter 4 Corporate Governance Practices of Major Types of Chinese Enterprises and Institutional Constraints on Corporate Governance Improvements during Transition 63

4.1 The Enterprise Landscape in China 67

4.2 Corporate Governance of SOEs 70

4.3 Corporate Governance of Listed Companies 90

4.4 Corporate Governance of Township and Village Enterprises (TVEs) 91

4.5 Corporate Governance of Private Enterprises 98

4.6 Important Questions Arising from Corporate (,overnance Reform in China 110

Chapter 5 The Interaction between Capital Markets and Corporate Governance of Chinese Listed Companies 117

5.1 An Overview of hnportant Aspects of China's Stockmarket 121

5.2 Corporate Governance and Performance of Listed Companies in Domestic Market 134

5.3 Overseas Listings and Corporate Governance of Chinese Companies 146

5.4 Legal and Regulatory Reforms to hnprove China's Stockmarket and Corporate Governance of Listed Companies 361

5.5 Summary 176

Chapter 6 Corporate Governance Reform of China's Banking System 183

6.1 The NPL Problem and the Urgency of China's Banking Reform 185

6.2 AMCs and NPL Disposal 188

6.3 Recapitalizing the "Big Four" 194

6.4 Shareholding Restructuring and Corporate Governance hnprovements 199

6.5 Egregions Corporate Governance Faihtres at the "Big Four" and Their Repercussions 205

6.6 Overseas Listings of Chinese Banks 211

6.7 Summary 215

Chapter 7 The Chinese Experience in International Corporate Governance Debates 221

7.1 China and Alternative Approaches to Corporate Governance 222

7.2 China and the Debate on Global Convergence in Corporate Governance 237

7.3 Corporate Governance Failures in Transition Economies: Lessons from Russian Privatization and Its Discontents 244

7.4 Summary 256

Chapter 8 Conclusion 259

8.1 The Central Argument of This Book 259

8.2 Re-interpreting "Gradualism" with Respect to Corporate Governance Reform and Related Financial Reform in a Transition Economy 260

8.3 A Summary of Major Findings in This Book 261

8.4 The Broad Implications of China's Gradualist Strategy for Corporate Governance Reforms and Related Financial Reforms for Developing and Transition Econonmies 266

Appendix 1 Abbreviations 271

Appendix 2 Cbinese Government and Regulatory Agencies 273

Appendix 3 Chinese Terms 274

Appendix 4 Chinese Language Financial Newspapers and Journals 275

Appendix 5 Glossary 276

Index 291
