International organizations in their legal settingPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:28 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:by Frederic L. Kirgis
- 出 版 社:West Pub. Co.
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:0314016430
- 页数:1119 页
Chapter 1.Legal Status of International Organizations and of Associated Persons and Premises 1
1.Introduction 1
2.International Legal Capacity 7
3.The Status of International Organizations in the Domestic Law of the United States 19
4.The Status of Persons and Premises Associated With International Organizations 54
Chapter 2.Membership and Participation in International Organizations 137
1.Introduction 137
2.Admission to Membership 138
3.Observer Status and Nonvoting Participation 166
4.Representation 176
5.Decision-Making Procedures 188
6.Voluntary Withdrawal and Withholding of Support 238
Chapter 3.Rule Making and Dispute Settlement 274
1.Rule-Making Powers 274
2.Dispute-Settlement and Interpretive Powers 388
Chapter 4.Enforcement Techniques 522
1.Introduction 522
2.Nonsanctions 524
3.Sanctions 554
Chapter 5.The Evolving United Nations:Peacekeeping,Peacemaking and Humanitarian Intervention 716
1.Peacekeeping and Peacemaking 716
2.Humanitarian Intervention 852
3.Beyond Peacekeeping 881
4.Nonstates,The U.N.and International Personality 889
Chapter 6.Protecting Basic Human Rights in the United Nations and in Regional Organizations 891
1.Introduction 891
2.The United Nations 892
3.The Inter-American System 975
4.The European System 1030
Index 1101
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