The Impact of Uniform Laws on the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Preservation of Cultural HPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Kono
- 出 版 社:BRILL
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9004180444;9004180443
- 页数:786 页
General Report&Toshiyuki Kono and Stefan Wrbka 1
Introduction / Prologue 4
1. Cultural Heritage Protection: A Story of Several Beginnings—or: The Pre-UNESCO Period 10
2. Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954) 16
3. UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970) 32
4. Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) 43
5. UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects (1995) 59
6. Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001) 70
7. Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) 82
8. Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) 96
9. Conclusion 108
1. General Issues 112
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 136
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 205
4. Epilogue 223
Table—Status of National Ratification/Acceptance of International Tools 231
Canada&Robert K. Paterson 233
1. General Issues 233
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 235
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 243
4. Beyond Preservation 246
Croatia&Igor Gliha and Tatjana Josipovic 247
1. General Issues 247
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 252
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 268
4. Beyond Preservation 276
5. Abbreviations 279
Czech Republic&Pavel Sturma 281
1. General Issues 281
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 284
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 292
4. Beyond Preservation 292
5. Miscellaneous 292
Denmark&Ditlev Tamm and Anne ?strup 297
1. Introduction 297
2. Protection and Preservation of the Danish Tangible Cultural Heritage 301
3. Safeguarding the Archeological Heritage 325
4. Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in the Event of an Armed Conflict 330
5. Protection and Preservation of the Danish Intangible Cultural Heritage 333
6. Conclusion 335
France&Marie Cornu 341
1. General Issues 341
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 358
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 412
4. Beyond Preservation 414
5. Miscellaneous 415
6. Annexe 417
Germany&Kurt Siehr 422
1. Cultural Matters in Germany: Legislative Power 422
2. Protection Cultural; Property: Sources 423
3. Cultural Property 425
4. Immovables 430
5. Movables 433
6. Intangible Cultural Property 436
7. Measures Beyond Preservation? 436
8. Recent Trends 436
9. Summary 437
Italy&Federico Lenzerini 439
1. General Background 439
2. Categorization of Cultural Heritage in Italian Law 441
3. Rights over Cultural Heritage 444
4. Protection of Tangible Cultural Heritage 450
5. Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage 462
6. Conclusion 463
7. Additional Information 464
Japan&Toshiyuki Kono 469
1. Historical Development of the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Japan 469
2. The Current Protection Scheme Under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Property 474
3. Tangible Cultural Heritage 478
4. Intangible Cultural Heritage 487
5. Beyond Preservation 492
6. Conclusion 493
Mexico&Jorge Sanchez Cordero 497
1. Introduction 497
2. The Mexican Legal Order Functionality 498
3. General Issues 503
4. The Mexican Institutions Charged with the Protection of Mexican Archeological Sites 547
5. The Fatigue of the Nationalistic Cultural Heritage Model, the Emergence of the Multilateral Model 551
6. Conclusions 558
Netherlands&Katja Lubina 563
1. Introduction and Key Facts of the Legal System of the Netherlands 563
2. General Issues 565
3. Tangible Cultural Heritage 574
4. Intangible Cultural Heritage 624
5. Bibliography 634
New Zealand / Aotearoa&Paul Myburgh 640
1. General Issues 640
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 645
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 658
4. Beyond Preservation 662
Spain&Sofia de Salas 664
1. General Issues 664
2. Scope of LHHS and Categories of Cultural Heritage Conceptualized in It 667
3. Tangible Cultural Heritage 673
4. Intangible Cultural Heritage 684
Switzerland&Eva Maria Belser, Eva Ruegg and Eva Molinari 692
1. General Issues 692
2. The Protection of Tangible Cultural Heritage 694
3. The Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage 714
4. Appendix: Legal Sources 743
Taiwan&Ming-Yan Shieh and Chung-Hsi Lee 745
1. General Issues 745
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 748
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 754
4. Beyond Preservation 756
United States&fames A.R. Nafziger 757
1. General Issues 757
2. Tangible Cultural Heritage 758
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage 770
4. Miscellaneous Provisions 771
Index 773
- 《The Impact of Uniform Laws on the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Preservation of Cultural H》Kono 2010