- 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:N.Y.
- 出版年份:1966
- 页数:854 页
(i)Birth 1
Marshall v. Murgatroyd (1870) L.R. 6 Q.B. 31; 40 L.J. (M.C.) 7;23 L.T. 393; 35 J.P. 153 1
(ii)Descent 3
Gertrude Bacon v. James Bacon and Three Others (1641) Cro.Car. 601; 79 E.R. 1117 3
The Case of Collingwood and Pace (1661) 1 Vent. 413; 86 E.R. 262;O. Bridg. 410; 1 Sid. 193 3
Craw v. Ramsey (1669) Vaugh. 274; 124 E.R. 1072; 2 Vent. 1; Cart.185; 2 Keb. 601; T.Jo. 10 13
Leslie v. Grant (1763) 2 Paton 68 27
Doe on the demise of Court Duroure v. Jones (1791) 4 T.R. 300;100 E.R. 1031 34
Count Wall's Case. General Michael Angélique Joseph Wall v. The Award of the Commissioners for Liquidating British Claims on France (1834) 3 Knapp. 13; 12 E.R. 551 41
Fitch v. Weber (1847) 6 Hare 51; 67 E.R. 1077; 17 L.J. (Ch.) 73; 10L.T. (O.S.) 284; 12 Jur. 76 44
Shedden v. Patrick et al. (1854) 1 Macq. 535; 23 LT. (O.S.) 194;1 Pater. App. 332 52
De Geer v. Stone (1882) 22 Ch.D. 243; 52 L.J. (Ch.) 57; 47 L.T.434 112
The King v. The Superintendent of Albany Street Police Station[Ex parte Carlebach] [1915] 3 K.B. 716; 84 L.J. (K.B.) 2121; 113L.T. 777; 31 T.L.R. 634; 25 Cox C.C. 108; [1915] W.N. 313 119
Bennie Abraham v. Attorney-General. Joey Abraham v. Attorney-General [1934] P. 17; 102 L.J. (P.) 115; 149 L.T. 539 126
(iii)Union of Crowns 133
[Calvin's Case, or] The Case of the Postnati, or of the Union of theRealm of Scotland with England (1608) 2 St. Tr. 559; 7 Co. Rep.la; Moore K.B. 790; Jenk. 306; 77 E.R. 377 133
William Macao v. Officers of State for Scotland (1822) 1 Shaw's App. 138 222
Gavin Gibson and Co., Limited v. Gibson [1913] 3 K.B. 379; 82L.J. (K.B.) 1315; 109 L.T. 445; 29 T.L.R. 665 230
In re Johnson. Roberts v. Attorney-General [1903] 1 Ch. 821; 72L.J. (Ch.) 682; 88 L.T. 161; 51 W.R. 444; 19 T.L.R. 309 238
(iv)Annesation of Territory 246
Gout v. Cimitian [1922] 1 A.C. 105; 91 L.J. (P.C. 18; 38 T.L.R.100; 126 L.T. 293 246
(v)Naturalisation and Endenization 250
Fish v. Klein (1817) 2 Mer. 431; 35 E.R. 1004 250
Fourdrin v. Gowdey (1834) 3 My. & K. 383; 40 E.R. 146; 3 L.J.(Ch.) 171 252
Re Giraud (1861-3) 32 Beav. 385; 55 E.R. 151; 9 Jur. (N.S.) 862;11 W.R. 607 263
In re Bourgoise (1889) 41 Ch.D. 310; 58 L.T. 563; 4 T.L.R. 195 264
Cunningham and Attorney-General for British Columbia v. TomeyHomma and Attorney-General for the Dominion of Canada [1903]A.C. 151; 72 L.J. (P. C.) 23; 87 L.T. 572; 19 T.L.R. 126 271
The King v. Speyer. The King v. Cassel [1916] 1 K.B. 595; 85 L.J.(K.B.) 630; 114 L.T. 463; 32 T.L.R. 211 274
The King v. Speyer [1916] 2 K.B. 858; 85 L.J. (K.B.) 1626; 115 L.T.89; 32 T.L.R. 686; 60 Sol. Jo. 707; [1916] W.N. 315 295
City of London Corporation v. Wolff (1917) 115 L.T. 830; (1916) 86L.J. (K.B.) 534; 80 J.P. 453; 14 L.G.R. 1123 307
Jaffé v. Keel [1916] 2 K.B. 476; 85 L.J. (K.B.) 1473; 114 L.T. 1133;80 J.P. 287; 32 T.L.R. 595; 25 Cox C.C. 419; 14 L.G.R. 895; 60Sol. Jo. 586; [1916] W.N. 265 311
Ernest v. Commissioner of Metropolitan Police (1919) 121 L.T.222; 89 L.J. (K.B.) 42; 35 T.L.R. 512; 17 L.G.R. 448; 83 J.P. 182;26 Cox C.C. 458; [1919] W.N. 156 315
In re Carlton [1945] 1 Ch. 280; 114 L.J. (Ch.) 219; 172 L.T. 376; 61T.L.R. 332; [1945] All E.R. 559 320
In re Carlton [1945] 1 Ch. 372; 114 L.J. (Ch.) 289; 173 L.T. 186; 61T.L.R. 523; 89 Sol. Jo. 467; [1945] 2 All E.R. 370 323
(vi)Marriage 328
Countess de Conway's Case. The Marquis de Boucet, Executor of the Comtesse de Conway v. The Award of the Commissioners for Liquidating British Claims on France (1834) 2 Knapp P.C. 364;12 E.R. 522; 3 St. Tr. (N.S.) 1281 328
The Case of the Representatives of Angelique Michael Wall (1848)6 Moo. P.C. 216; 13 E.R. 666 330
Reg. v. Maria Manning (1849) 4 Cox C.C. 31; 1 Den. C.C. 467; 2 Car. & K. 887; 7 St. Tr. (N.S.) 1029; T. & M. 155; 19 L.J. (M.C.)1; 13 J.P. 715; 13 Jur. 962 339
(B)LOSS 344
(i)Dissolution of Union 344
In re the Stepney Election Petition. Isaacson v. Durant (1886) 17 Q.B.D. 54; 55 L.J. (Q.B.) 331; 54 L.T. 684; 34 W.R. 547; 2 T.L.R.559 344
(ii)Cession of Territory 351
Ann Stewart v. Sophia Hoome (1792) 6 Morrison's Diet. of De-cisions 4649 351
Doe on the demise of P. Thomas and Frances Mary, his Wife v.Acklam (1824) 2 B. & C. 779; 107 E.R. 572; 4 Dow. & Ry. (K.B.)394; 2 St.Tr.(N.S.) 105; 2 L.J.(O.S.) 311 353
Doe on the Joint and Several Demises of Samuel.Overing Auch-muty and Two Others v. Juliana Mulcaster, Widow, RichardTylden and Jane his Wife (1826) 5 B. & C. 771; 108 E.R. 287;8 Dow. & Ry.(K.B.) 593; 2 St.Tr.(N.S.) 245; 4 L.J.(O.S.) 311 360
Sutton v. Sutton (1830) 1 Russ. & M. 663; 39 E.R. 255; 8 L.J.(O.S.)Ch. 161 362
Re Bruce (1832) 2 C. & J. 436; 149 E.R. 185; 2 Tyr. 475; 1 L.J.(Exch.) 153 368
Doe on the Demise of Stansbury v. Arkwright (1833) 5 C. & P. 575;172 E.R. 1105 375
Dundas v. Dundas (1839) 2 Sess. Cas. 10; 2 Dunl. (Ct.Sess.) 31 378
(iii)Foreign Naturalisation.Declaration of alienage 398
In re Trufort. Trafford v. Blanc (1887) 36 Ch.D. 600; 57 L.J.(Ch.)135; 57 L.T. 674; 3 T.L.R. 798 398
The King v. Lynch [1903] 1 K.B. 444; 72 L.J.(K.B.) 167; 88 L.T. 26;67 J.P. 41; 19 T.L.R. 163; 20 Cox C.C. 468; 51 W.R. 619; [1900-3]All E.R. Rep. 688 408
Sawyer v. Kropp (1916) 115 L.T. 232; 85 L.J.(K.B.) 1446; 80 J.P.327; 32 T.L.R. 650; 25 Cox C.C. 474 416
Atkinson v. Recruiting Officer for District of Bury St. Edmunds(1917) 116 L.T. 305; 86 L.J.(K.B.) 415; 81 J.P. 74; [1917] W.N.129; 15 L.G.R. 315 420
The King v. Commanding Officer, 30th Battalion Middlesex Regi-ment. Ex parte Freyberger [1917] 2 K.B. 129; 86 L.J. (K.B.) 943;116 L.T. 237; 81 J.P. 161; 33 T.L.R. 275; 25 Cox C.C. 607; 15L.G.R. 327; [1917] W.N. 122 424
Vecht v. Taylor (1917) 116 L.T. 446; 81 J.P. 199; 33 T.L.R. 317; 25Cox C.C. 684; 15 L.G.R. 491 430
Dawson v. Meuli (1918) 118 L.T. 357; 82 J.P. 99; 26 Cox C.C. 117;16 L.G.R. 308 433
Gschwind v. Huntingdon [1918] 2 K.B. 420; 87 L.J.(K.B.) 977; 118 L.T. 213; 34 T.L.R. 505; 26 Cox C.C. 244; 82 J.P. 285; 16 L.G.R.764; [1918] W.N. 211 436
(iv) Marriage 440
Fasbender v. Attorney-General [1922] 1 Ch. 232; 91 L.J.(Ch.) 791;38 T.L.R. 852; 61 So1.Jo. 708 440
Fasbender v. Attorney-General. Kramer v. Attorney-General [1922]2 Ch. 850; 38 T.L.R. 854; 61 So1.Jo. 709; [1922] W.N. 256 446
(v) Revocation of Naturalisation 463
Co-operative Committee on Japanese Canadians and Another v.Attorney-General for Canada and Another [1947] A.C. 87; 176 L.T. 547; [1947] L.J.R. 836 463
In re Logue (1933) 67 Ir.L.T. 253 477
Murray v. Parkes [1942] 2 K.B. 123; 111 L.J.(K.B.) 377; 166 L.T.246; 106 J.P. 150; 58 T.L.R. 231; 40 L.G.R. 127; [1942] All E.R.558 480
Michael Stanislaus Faulkner v. John Hill (Procurator-Fiscal, Pais-ley) (1942) S.C.(J.) 20 489
The King v. Francis. Ex parte Markwald [1918] 1 K.B. 617; 87 L.J.(K.B.) 620; 118 L.T. 502; 82 J.P. 134; 34 T.L.R. 273; 16 L.G.R.219; 26 Cox C.C. 211; [1918] W.N. 53 499
Markwald v. Attorney-General [1920] 1 Ch. 348; 89 L.J.(Ch.) 225;122 L.T. 603; 36 T.L.R. 197; 64 Sol. Jo. 239; [1920] W.N. 30 504
Ellen Abd-Ul-Messih (Widow) v. Chukri Farra and Angela Farra(1888) L.R. 13 App.Cas. 431; 57 L.J.(P.C.) 88; 59 L.T. 106; 4 T.L.R. 407 516
The King v. Graham Campbell. Ex parte Ahmed Hamid Moussa[1921] 2 K.B. 473; 90 L.J.(K.B.) 818; 125 L.T. 310; 85 J.P. 189;19 L.G.R. 461; 37 T.L.R. 611; 27 Cox C.C. 747; [1921] W.N. 145;[1921] All E.R. 499 524
R. v. Ketter [194011 K.B. 787; [1939] 1 All E.R. 729; 108 L.J.(K.B.)345; 160 L.T. 306; 103 J.P. 129; 55 T.L.R. 449; 27 Cr.App.Rep.55; 31 Cox C.C. 243; 37 L.G.R. 238; [1939] W.N. 72 528
Proceedings against Aeneas Macdonald (1747) 18 St.Tr. 858; Fost.59 532
Wilson v. Marryat (1798) 8 Term.R..31; 101 E.R. 1250 535
Marryat v. Wilson (1799) 1 Bos. & Pul. 430; 126 E.R. 993 545
Drummond's Case. Charles Edward Drummond, Emily Felicity Drummond, George Drummond and Francis Henry Davis and Lucy Clementina, his Wife v. The Award of the Commissioners for Liquidating the Claims of British Subjects on France (1834)2 Knapp P.C. 295; 12 E.R. 492 554
Kramer v. Attorney-General [1923] A.C..528; 92 L.J.(Ch.) 333; 129 L.T. 390; 39 T.L.R. 462; 67 Sol.Jo. 552 569
Ex parte Weber (1916) 113 L.T. 968; [1916] 1 K.B. 280n.; 85 L.J.(K.B.) 217n 577
Ex parte Weber [1916] 1 A.C. 421; 85 L.J.(K.B.) 944; 114 L.T.214; 80 J.P. 249; 32 T.L.R. 312; 60 So1.Jo. 306; 25 Cox C.C. 258 583
The King v. Superintendent of Vine Street Police Station. Ex parte Liebmann [1916] 1 K.B. 268; 85 L.J.(K.B.) 210; 113 L.T. 971; 80J.P. 49; 25 Cox C.C. 179; 32 T.L.R. 3; [1915] W.N. 320; [1914-15]All E.R. 393 587
Stoeck v. Public Trustee [1921] 2 Ch. 67; 90 L.J.(Ch.) 386; 125 L.T.851; 37 T.L.R. 666; 65 Sol.Jo. 605; [1921] W.N. 180 593
The King v. The Home Secretary. Ex parte L. and Another [1945]K.B. 7; 114 L.J.(K.B.) 229 601
Lowenthal and Others v. Attorney-General [1948] 1 All E.R. 295;64 T.L.R. 145; 65 R.P.C. 126; [1948] W.N. 66 603
In re Chamberlain's Settlement [1921] 2 Ch. 533; 91 L.J.(Ch.) 34;126 L.T. 52; 37 T.L.R. 966; 66 So1.Jo. 3 609
Rothschild v. Administrator of Austrian Property [1923] 2 Ch. 542;93 L.J.(Ch.) 508; 130 L.T. 175; 68 Sol.Jo. 40; [1923] W.N. 259 617
Baron Reitzes de Marienwert v. Administrator of Austrian Pro-perty [1924] 2 Ch. 282; 93 L.J.(Ch.) 587; 132 L.T. 42; 40 T.L.R.698; 68 Sol.Jo. 644; [I924] W.N. 186 622
Hahn v. Public Trustee [1925] 1 Ch. 715; 95 L.J.(Ch.) 9; 133 L.T.713; 41 T.L.R. 586 635
Groedel v. Administrator of Hungarian. Property [1926] W.N. 22 647
Case of the English Roman Catholic Colleges in France. The Rev.John Daniel, President of the English College at Douay; the Rev.John Beu, Superior of the English Seminary at Paris; the Rev.Francis Tuite, the Rev. John Yates and Thomas Cleghorn, surviv-ing Administrators of the English College at St. Omer v. The Award of the Commissioners for Liquidating British Claims on France (1825) 2 Knapp 23; 12 E.R. 387 652
Case of the Irish Roman Catholic Colleges in France. The Rev.Paul Long v. The Award of the Commissioners for LiquidatingBritish Claims on France (1832) 2 Knapp 51; 12 E.R. 398 663
Driefontein Consolidated Gold Mines, Limited v. Janson. West Rand Central Gold Mines Company, Limited v. De Rougemont[1900] 2 Q.B. 339; 69 L.J.(Q.B.) 771; 83 L.T. 79; 48 W.R. 619; 16T.L.R. 438; 44 Sol.Jo. 516; 5 Com. Cas. 296 666
Driefontein Consolidated Gold Mines, Limited v. Janson [1901]2 K.B. 419; 70 L.J.(K.B.) 881; 85 L.T. 104; 49 W.R. 660; 17T.L.R. 604; 6 Com.Cas. 198 671
Janson v. Driefontein Consolidated Gold Mines, Limited [1902]A.C. 484; 71 L.J.(K.B.) 857; 87 L.T. 372; 51 W.R. 142; 18 T.L.R.796; 7 Com.Cas. 268 682
Continental Tyre and Rubber Company (Great Britain), Ltd. v.Daimler Company Ltd. [1915] 1 K.B. 893; 84 L.J.(K.B.) 926;112 L.T. 324; 31 T.L.R. 159; 59 Sol.Jo. 232; 20 Com.Cas. 209;[1915] W.N. 44 696
Daimler Co. Ltd. v. Continental Tyre and Rubber Company (Great Britian) Ltd. [1916] 2 A.C. 307; 85 L.J.(K.B.) 1333; 114 L.T. 1049;32 T.L.R. 624; 60 Sol.Jo. 602; 22 Com.Cas. 32; [1916] W.N. 269 711
Bohemian Union Bank v. Administrator of Austrian Property [1927]2 Ch. 175; 96 L.J(Ch.) 365; 137 L.T. 271; 43 T.L.R. 356; 71 Sol.Jo.431; [1927] W.N. 113 737
Le Cheminant v. Pearson. Le Cheminant v. Allnutt (1812) 4 Taunt.367; 128 E.R. 372 749
Robert Wigram Crawford v. Richard Spooner (1846) 4 Moo.Ind.App. 179; 13 E.R. 582; 6 Moo.P.C.C. 1 755
The Queen v. Arnaud and Powell (1846) 9 Q.B. 806; 9 A. & E.(N.S.) 806; 16 L.J.(Q.B.) 50; 8 L.T.(O.S.) 212; 10 J.P. 821; 11Jur. 279 759
The Princess Charlotte (1863) Br. & Lush. 75; 167 E.R. 306; 33 L.J.(P.M.&A.) 188 765
The Queen v. Sven Seberg (1870) L.R. 1 C.C.R. 264; 22 L.T. 523;34 J.P. 468; 18 W.R. 935; 11 Cox C.C. 520; 39 L.J. (M.C.) 133 768
The King v. Brailsford and Another [1905] 2 K.B. 730; 75 L.J.(K.B.)64; 93 L.T. 401; 69 J.P. 370; 54 W.R. 283; 21 T.L.R. 727; 49Sol.Jo. 701; 21 Cox C.C. 16 771
In re Suwalsky (1928) 31 B. & C.R. 142 780
China Navigation Company, Ltd. v. Attorney-General (1931) 40LI.L.Rep. 110 781
China Navigation Company, Limited v. Attorney-General [1932] 2K.B. 197; [1932] W.N. 98; 147 L.T.22; 48 T.L.R. 375; 101 L.J.(K.B.) 478; 43 L1.L.R. 37 785
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