- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:900414403X
- 页数:339 页
Introduction and Welcoming Remarks 3
Director,Center for Oceans Law and Policy&John Norton Moore 3
Judge,International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea&H.E.Anatoliy L.Kolodkin 7
Keynote Addresses 11
Current and Emerging Issues in the Law of the Sea&H.E.Satya N.Nandan 11
Keynote Address (no text)&V.Peresupkin 11
Panel Ⅰ:Global Perspectives&John Norton Moore,Moderator 19
Russian Maritime Policy and Energy Resources&Payel Dzubenko 19
Current Oceans Policy:United States Perspectives&Margaret F.Hayes (presented by Myron H.Nordquisi) 23
The Law of the Sea Convention:A View from the U.S.Senate&Michael J. Mattler 33
Panel Ⅱ:International Law and Regional Energy Issues&H.E.Anatoliy L.Kolodkin,Moderator 41
China's Energy Policies and the Law of the Sea&Kuen-chen Fu 41
Problems of International Law Legislation for Exploration and Transportation of Energy Resources by the Sea in Light of Terrorist Activity&Boris A.Smuslov 63
Transportation of Energy Resources and the Turkish Policy in the Black Sea Straits&Vladimir S.Kotliar 69
Legal Aspects of Russian Perspectives on Continental Shelf Issues in the Arctic Areas&Alexander S.Skaridov and Mariya A.Skaridova 79
Panel Ⅲ:Scientific Aspects of Energy Exploration and Exploitation at Sea&Barbara Moore,Moderator 101
The Concept of the International Transfer of Good Practice as an Environmental Policy Component in Major Offshore Oil and Gas Developments: A Perspective from Environmental Science&William Ritchie 101
Challenges of Collecting Law of the Sea Data in the Arctic&Larry Mayer,Martin Jakobsson and John Hall 125
Panel Ⅳ:Legal,Environmental and Technical Aspects of Energy Transportation&Nilüfer Oral,Moderator 143
The Turkish Straits,Oil Transportation and Turkish Policy&Nilufer Oral 143
Cooperation Between Vessel Traffic Services (VTSs)in the Black Sea&Robert Hofstee and Ozkan Poyraz 157
Oil Spill Contingency Planning and Technical Cooperation of the Black Sea Region&John ?stergaard 189
Panel Ⅴ:Legal Aspects of Energy Development and Distribution&Myron H.Nordquist,Moderator 201
Encrgy Development and Distribution-What Can the Law Do?&Paul B.Stephan 201
A Conflict of Interest for Russia:Offshore Oil vs.the Problems of Environmental Regulation&Richard N.Dean and Michael P.Barry 213
Energy Policy and International Royalty:A Dormant Servitude Relevant for Arctic Offshore Development&Aldo Chircop 247
Panel Ⅵ:New Challenges in the Arctic Region&Sverrir Haukur Gunnlaugsson,Moderator 277
Consequences of Rapid Arctic Climate Changes&Alexander Klepikov,Alexander Danilov and Victor Dmitriev 277
Panel Ⅷ:Legal and Scientific Aspects of the North Sea Passage&Alexander S.Skaridov,Moderator 285
Climate Change and the Northern Sea Route:An Icelandic Perspective&Thor Edward Jakobsson 285
New Illusions of a Northwest Passage&Franklyn Griffiths 303
Coming to the Arctic:Oil,Ships and UNCLOS Plus Risk and Research&George B.Newton 321
Concluding Remarks&John Norton Moore 339
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