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- 出 版 社:JOERGES
- 出版年份:2222
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Section Ⅰ: International Trade Law: Constitutionalisation and Judicialisation in the WTO and Beyond 1
Section Ⅰ.1 Constitutionalisation and the WTO: Two Competing Visions from Two Different Disciplines 3
1 Multilevel Trade Governance in the WTO Requires Multilevel Constitutionalism&Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann 5
2 Democratic Legitimacy of Transnational Trade Governance:A View from Political Theory&Patrizia Nanz 59
Section Ⅰ.2 Judicialisation: Empirical Inquiries and Constitutional Concerns 83
3 Dispute Settlement under GATT and WTO:An Empirical Enquiry into a Regime Change&Achim Helmedach and Bernhard Zangl 85
4 The Appellate Body’s ‘Response’ to the Tensions and Interdependencies Between Transnational Trade Governance and Social Regulation&Christiane Gerstetter 111
Section Ⅰ.3 Participatory Governance: Emerging Patterns and their Juridi fication 133
5 Why Co-operate? Civil Society Participation at the WTO&Jen; Steffek and Claudia Kissling 135
6 Participatory Transnational Governance&Rainer Nickel 157
Section Ⅰ.4 Legalisation Patterns outside the WTO 197
7 Non-Traditional Patterns of Global Regulation:Is the WTO ‘Missing the Boat’?&Joost Pauwelyn 199
8 Conflicts and Comity in Transnational Governance: Private International Law as Mechanism and Metaphor for Transnational Social Regulation through Plural Legal Regimes&Robert Wai 229
Section Ⅱ: Transnational Governance Arrangements for Product Safety 263
Section Ⅱ.1 Food Safety Regulation: the SPS Agreement and the Codex Alimentarius 265
9 Fixing the Codex? Global Food-Safety Governance Under Review&Thorsten Huller and Matthias Leonhard Maier 267
10 The Precautionary Principle in Support of Practical Reason: an Argument Against Formalistic Interpretations of the Precautionary Principle&Alexia Herwig 301
11 Beyond the Science/Democracy Dichotomy: The World Trade Organisation Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement and Administrative Constitutionalism&Elizabeth Fisher 327
12 Administrative Globalisation and Curbing the Excesses of the State&Damian Chalmers 351
Section Ⅱ.2 The TBT Agreement and International Standardisation 381
13 A New Device for creating International Legal Normativity:The WTO Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement and ‘International Standards’&Robert Howse 383
14 The Empire’s Drains: Sources of Legal Recognition of Private Standardisation under the TBT Agreement&Harm Schepel 397
Section Ⅲ The WTO and Transnational Environmental Governance 411
15 Global Environmental Governance and the WTO:Emerging Rulesthrough Evolving Practice: The CBD-Bonn Guidelines&Christine Godt 413
16 Environmental Policies and the WTO Committee on Trade and Environment:A Record of Failure?&Ulrike Ehling 437
17 Facing the Global Hydra: Ecological Transformation at the Global Financial Frontier: The Ambitious Case of the Global Reporting Initiative&Oren Perez 459
Section Ⅳ Epilogue 489
18 Constitutionalism in Postnational Constellations: Contrasting Social Regulation in the EU and in the WTO&Christian Joerges 491
Index 529
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