The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal LawPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Deigh
- 出 版 社:Incorporated
- 出版年份:2011
- 页数:525 页
1. The Limits of the Criminal Law,&Gerald Dworkin 3
2. Criminalizing Expression: Hate Speech and Obscenity,&L. W. Sumner 17
3. Blackmail,&Mitchell N. Berman 37
4. The Alleged Act Requirement in Criminal Law,&Douglas Husak 107
5. Attempts,&Andrew Ashworth 125
6. The Philosophical Foundations of Complicity Law,&Christopher Kutz 147
7. Causation in the Criminal Law,&Michael Moore 168
8. Responsibility,&John Deigh 194
9. Culpability,&Larry Alexander 218
10. Justification and Excuse,&Kimberly Ferzan 239
11. Duress,&Joshua Dressler 269
12. Insanity Defenses,&Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Ken Levy 299
13. Gender Issues in the Criminal Law,&Marcia Baron 335
14. Punishment,&David Dolinko 403
15. The Death Penalty and Deontology,&Carol Steiker 441
16. Mercy,&R. A. Duff 467
17. Alternatives to Punishment,&Stephen P. Garvey 493
Name Index, 521
Subject Index, 523