![FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LEGAL STANDARDIZATION](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s6f3c957.jpg)
![FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LEGAL STANDARDIZATION](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s6f3c957.jpg)
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:1871-1914
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:900421237X
- 页数:350 页
Introduction 1
1 Standard Contract Terms in National and International Business 5
1.1. From Weapons to Contracts: Standardisation Takes5Command 5
1.2. Contract Terms and Conditions in Individual Countries 11
1.2.1. The Beginnings of Standardisation in Technology and Law(ca.1770—1830) 11
1.2.2. Intensification of the Mass Phenomenon(ca.1830—1870) 14
1.2.3. Institutionalisation and State Control(ca.1870—1914) 26
1.3. Contract Terms in a Global Economy 33
1.3.1. The Internationalisation of Business(1871—1914) 33
1.3.2. Adjustment of Contract Bases to Economic Internationalisation 35
2 The Earthquake Clause in Fire Insurance Contracts:The Development of a Standard(1906—1907) 45
2.1. The Aftermath of an Earthquake 45
2.1.1. A Paradise for Fire Insurers 45
2.1.2. ‘San Francisco is gone’ 48
2.1.3. The Worldwide Aftershocks in the Insurance Business 50
2.1.4. The Beginning of Damage Settlements 54
2.1.5. Points of Conflict in Material Law 56
2.1.6. Attempts to Reach Out-of-Court Settlements 64
2.1.7. Court Cases and Settlements 77
2.1.8. The Earthquake Balance Sheet: The View from the International Insurance Business 93
2.2. The Reactions of the Insurance Industry 96
2.2.1. The San Francisco Disaster: Difference in the Perception of the Events 97
2.2.2. Danger or Risk? Differences in the Perception of the Possible 98
2.2.3. San Francisco, Valparaiso, Kingston: The Global Dimension 105
2.2.4. Radical Thought Experiments 109
2.2.5. The Initial Consequences in the Crisis Regions 113
2.2.6. Additional Premiums or an Earthquake Clause? 114
2.3. The Motors of an International Standardisation of the Earthquake Clause 118
2.3.1. The Project of the Four Reinsurers 119
2.3.2. Opposition in England and the United States 133
2.3.3. Adherence to the Concept of the Earthquake Clause 144
2.4. A New Standard for the World: Results of the Second Part 149
3 The Earthquake Clause in Fire Insurance Contracts:The Limits of International Standardisation (1907—1912) 151
3.1. The Introduction of Unitary Earthquake Clauses 152
3.1.1. Basic Features of National Developments 152
3.1.2. Germany: A Broad Consensus on the Earthquake Question 163
3.1.3. Preliminary Results 203
3.2. Rejection of the Earthquake Clause and its Alternatives 204
3.2.1. The Outlines of National Developments 204
3.2.2. California: Standard Policies as the Threshold for International Standardisation? 211
3.2.3. Preliminary Results 240
3.3. No Consensus on the Earthquake Clause 241
3.3.1. Character of National Developments 242
3.3.2. Italy: Discourse Control instead of Clause Reform 248
3.4. The Reasons for Success and Failure: Results of the Third Part 285
4 Summary:Paradigmatic Changes in the Law 289
4.1. New Regulatory Requirements 289
4.2. New Structures of the Formation of Norms 291
4.2.1. Scope, Conditions and Limits of the Standard Form Practice 292
4.2.2. Standardisation of the Contractual Bases as a Novel Organisational Strategy 295
4.3. Tendencies in the Replacement of State Law 298
4.3.1. Development of Law between Autonomy and the State’s Claim to Regulation 299
4.3.2. The Genesis of a Transnational Legal System? 302
Appendices 309
Table of Companies Involved in the Compensation of Damages Occurred in San Francisco 309
Table of Companies Involved in the Compensation of Damages Occurred in Valparaiso 322
Bibliography 325
Index 347
Table 1. Share of the continents in world foreign trade.Kenwood and Lougheed 1992,79 et seq 35
Table 2. Share of the global export trade (gross national product).Krugman,‘Growing World Trade: Causes and Consequences’,Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1 (1995),327 et seq 35
Table 3. International Standardisation through International Law.Knipping 1996,148 et seq 36
Table 4. International Standardisation of Contract Terms and Conditions (Selected Examples) 39
Table 5. Development of the price of shares of English insurers on the London stock exchange.The Times,cited in OVZ 1906 52
Table 6. The Trustees of the Policyholders’ League.‘The Policyholders’ League’,The Adjuster 33,August 1906,64 et seq 75
Table 7. Method of Payment Adopted by 77 Fire Insurance Companies in Settling the San Francisco damages.Whitney 1906 95
Table 8. Earthquake Statistics (1856—1906) by Montessus de Ballore.[Note] in La Semaine,23 December 1906,8…………lotTable 9. Examples of Earthquake Regulations sent to the Schweizerische Riickversicherungs-Gesellschaft(‘Swiss Reinsurance Company’).Source see footnote 491 124
Table 10. Direct Contacts between the Earthquake Commission and the Fire Insurance Companies.Source see footnote 498 125
Table 11. The Country Table of the Earthquake Commission.Overview of the Cologne Reinsurance Company(February 1907,SR/FA A9.0-32/loose material,doc.3.) 131
Table 12. State of the Clause Reform in Spain (November/December 1907).Source see footnotes 29,3o and 31 156
Table 13. Fire Insurance Companies Active in Portugal(December 1907).7 December 1907 SR to Tagus,SR/FA,77 157
Table 14. Members of the interim commission for the creation of a standard policy.Coogan in Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Fire Underwriters’ Association of the Pacific 1910,129 237
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