- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:9041199403
- 页数:464 页
Introduction 3
Said Mahmoudi 3
Welcoming Remarks 9
Gustaf Lindencrona 9
John Norton Moore 11
Keynote Addresses 15
Hans Blix 15
Bjorn Lomborg 25
Hans Corell 43
Panel Ⅰ:Impact of the Stockholm Declaration on International Environmental Law Principles&John Norton Moore,Moderator 53
The Destiny of the Principles of the Stockholm Declaration&Alexandre Kiss 53
The Stockholm Declaration and the Structure and Processes of International Environmental Law&Jutta Brunnée 67
Impact on the Development of International Law on Cooperation:The United Nations Law of the Sea,Straddling Stocks and Biodiversity Convention&Patricia Birnie 85
Panel Ⅱ:Impact of the Stockholm Declaration on International Environmental Institutions&David Anderson,Moderator 101
The Marine Environment and International Environmental Governance&Geir Ulfstein 101
The World Trade Organization and the Marine Environment&Alan Boyle 109
International Financial Institutions and the Marine Environment:A View from the World Bank&David Freestone 119
Panel Ⅲ:Regional Protection of the Marine Environment&Tullio Treves,Moderator 137
Regional Approaches to the Protection of the Marine Environment&Tullio Treves 137
Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area—The Impact of the Stockholm Declaration&Jonas Ebbesson 155
Soft and Hard Law Aspects of Fisheries Issues:Some Recent Global and Regional Approaches&William Edeson 165
Regional Protection of the Marine Environment in the Northeast Atlantic Under the OSPAR Convention of 1992&Rainer Lagoni 183
Polar Seas&Alexander S.Skaridov 205
Panel Ⅳ:Marine Environment in Enclosed and Semi Enclosed Seas&Anatoly Kolodkin,Moderator 223
New Forms of Cooperation in the Mediterranean System of Environmental Protection&Maria Gavouneli 223
The Black Sea:A Case Study in Regional Cooperation&Nilufer Oral 237
The Protection of the Marine Environment in the Adriatic Sea&Igor Vio 257
Panel Ⅴ:Marine Environment Jurisdictional Issues&Choon Ho Park,Moderator 277
Jurisdictional Developments and the Law of the Sea Convention:Some Observations on Vessel-Source Pollution&Kari Hakap? 277
Marine Environment Jurisdictional Issues:Coastal States&Erik Franckx 287
Flag State Perspectives&Marie Jacobsson 299
Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas: Current Developments&J.Ashley Roach 311
Panel Ⅵ:Science and the Marine Environment&Dolliver Nelson,Moderator 353
The Stockholm Declaration and Law of Marine Environment:An NGO Perspective&Bertil H?gerh?ll 353
Environmental Problems in the Aegean Sea&Bayram and Ayaka Amaha ?ztürk 359
Of Scientists,Science and the Continental Shelf&George Taft 367
Panel Ⅶ:Sustainable Development and the Marine Environment&Satya N.Nandan,Moderator 375
Three Decades' Progress in High Seas Fisheries Governance:Towards a Common Heritage Regime?&Moritaka Hayashi 375
Management of the Utilization of Living Marine Resources&Thorir Skarphedinsson 399
Iceland's Adherence to the International Whaling Commission&Stefan Asmundsson 405
Moratorium or Management?&Ray Gambell 413
Replacing Bias with Reality to Achieve the Stockholm Declaration's Dream of a Poverty and Pollution Free World&Dick Monroe 427
Panel Ⅷ:Future Developments&Alexander Yankov,Moderator 437
Some Future Developments in Liability and Compensation for Environmental Damage at Sea&Rosalie P Balkin 437
International Challenges in Addressing Marine Environmental Problems&Mary Beth West 455
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