The Chemistry and Function of Proteins Second EditionPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Academic Press Inc.
- 出版年份:1963
- 页数:455 页
Ⅰ.Role of Proteins in Biology 1
References 5
Ⅱ.Purification,Isolation,and Determination of Proteins 6
A.Methods of Isolation and Separation from Nonprotein Material 6
B.Fractionation of Protein Mixtures 12
C.The Problem of Protein Heterogeneity 15
D.Qualitative Tests for Proteins 19
E.Quantitative Determination of Proteins 20
References 22
Ⅲ.The Amino Acid Composition or Proteins 25
A.Cleavage by Hydrolysis and Other Methods 25
B.Determination of Rate of Hydrolysis 27
C.Fractionation and Isolation of Amino Acids 29
D.Amino Acids:General Properties and Specific Reactions 33
E.Quantitative Determination of Amino Acids in Proteins 42
References 48
Ⅳ.Amino Acid Sequence and Primary Structure or the Proteins 51
A.General Technique 51
B.Determination of the N-Terminal Amino Acids 52
C.Determination of the C-Terminal Amino Acids 55
D.Partial Degradation of Proteins and Separation of Peptides 57
References 60
Ⅴ.Size and Shape or Protein Molecules 62
A.Introduction.The Molecular Weight of Proteins 62
B.Osmotic Pressure of Proteins 65
C.Diffusion Rate of Proteins 68
D.Sedimentation Equilibrium 70
E.Sedimentation Velocity of Proteins 72
F.Viscosity of Protein Solutions 76
G.Flow Birefringence 79
H.Polarization of Fluorescence 80
I.Light Scattering by Proteins 81
J.Other Methods Used for the Determination of Molecular Weights and the Shape of Proteins in Their Solutions 83
K.Electron Micrography of Dry Proteins 83
L.X-Ray Analysis of Protein Crystals 85
M.Comparison of Molecular Weights and Shapes Found by Different Methods 86
References 89
Ⅵ.Electrochemistry and Hydration or Proteins 92
A.Amino Acids as Dipolar Ions 92
B.Ionization of Proteins 98
C.Electrophoresis of Proteins 104
D.Hydration and the Specific Volume of Solutes 111
E.Hydration of Dry Protein 115
F.Hydration of Proteins in Solution 118
G.Solubility of Proteins in Water 121
H.The Dielectric Properties of Protein Solutions 123
I.The Role of Proteins in Energy Transmission 127
References 129
Ⅶ.The Internal Structure of Globular Proteins 132
A.General Considerations 132
B.Examination of Globular Proteins by X-Ray Diffraction 134
C.Refractivity and Absorbancy of Protein Solutions 140
D.The Optical Rotation and Rotary Dispersion 143
E.Cross-Links in Globular Proteins 149
F.Chemical Reactivity of Proteins 154
G.The Problem of Branched or Cyclic Peptide Chains 159
H.Denaturation of Proteins 161
I.Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Denaturation 166
J.Proteins in Interfaces 174
References 178
Ⅷ.Albumins,Globulins,and Other Soluble Proteins 184
A.Classification of Soluble Proteins 184
B.Proteins of the Blood Serum 184
C.Fibrinogen and Its Conversion to Fibrin 193
D.Milk Proteins 197
E.Egg Proteins 199
F.Vegetable Proteins 202
G.Protamines and Histones 204
References 207
Ⅸ.Structural Proteins(Scleroproteins and the Muscle Proteins) 211
A.General Remarks 211
B.Collagen and Gelatin 212
C.Keratin 217
D.Fibroin 221
E.Other Scleroproteins 222
F.Biological Importance of Structural Proteins 223
G.Muscle Proteins(Contractile Proteins) 224
References 230
Ⅹ.Combination of Proteins with Other Substances 234
A.Intermolecular Forces 234
B.Combination of Proteins with Inorganic Ions 237
C.Combination of Proteins with Organic Dyes 231
D.Combination of Proteins with Other Organic Substances 238
References 243
Ⅺ.Conjugated Proteins 245
A.Survey on Composition and Properties 245
B.Lipoproteins 246
C.Glycoproteins(Mucoproteins) 250
D.Metalloproteins 256
E.Hemoglobin:General Properties 261
F.Hemoglobin:Combination with O2 and Other Ligands.Conformation 264
G.The Specificity of Hemoglobins 271
H.Other Chromoproteins 277
I.Nucleoproteins 279
References 289
Ⅻ.Enzymes:Proteins with Enzymatic Properties 296
A.The Function of Proteins as Enzymes and Apoenzymes 296
B.The Active Site of Enzymes 299
C.Specificity of Enzymes 303
D.The Enzyme-Substrate Complex 307
E.Kinetics of Enzyme Reactions 310
F.Proteinases and Peptidases 315
G.Other Nonoxidative Enzymes 321
H.Enzymes Involved in Oxidoreduction 327
References 340
ⅩⅢ.Proteins with Hormone Action 347
A.General Remarks 347
B.Thyroglobulin and the Thyroid Hormones 347
C.Insulin 349
D.Oxytocin and Vasopressin 352
E.The Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone(MSH)or Intermedin 354
F.Adrenocorticotropic Hormone(ACTH)or Corticotropin 355
G.Other Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary Lobe 356
H.Other Protein Hormones and Peptides with Hormone-like Action 358
References 360
ⅩⅣ.Toxins(Toxic Proteins) 363
A.Bacterial Exotoxins 363
B.Bacterial Endotoxins 364
C.Cyclic Peptides 365
D.Other Toxins 366
References 367
ⅩⅤ.Role of Proteins in Immunological Reactions 369
A.Antigens 369
B.Antibodies:Their Detection and Isolation 374
C.Antigen-Antibody Interaction 379
D.The Mechanism of Antibody Formation 384
E.Complement 389
References 390
ⅩⅥ.Protein Biosynthesis 394
A.Introduction 394
B.Amino Acid Supply 395
C.Nonenzymatic Formation of Peptide Bonds 399
D.Formation of Peptide Bonds by Proteolytic Enzymes 402
E.Activation of Amino Acids for Protein Biosynthesis 405
F.Incorporation of Amino Acids into Ribonucleoprotein Particles 409
G.The Sites and the Rate of Protein Biosynthesis 411
H.The Problem of Peptide Intermediates 416
I.The Role of DNA and Messenger RNA in Protein Biosynthesis 419
J.The Action of Analogs,Mutagens,and Inducers 421
K.Templates and the Coding Problem 423
References 440
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