Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology and PsychiatryPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Grigorenko
- 出 版 社:Springer;Central Book Services [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9781461409045;1461409047
- 页数:596 页
1 Introduction&Dana Shoenberg 1
2 Developmental Changes in Adolescence and Risks for Delinquency&Baptiste Barbot and Scott R. Hunter 11
3 The "Why(s)" of Criminal Behavior in Juveniles: The Long and the Short of It&Elena L. Grigorenko 35
4 Race and Sex Disparity in Juvenile Justice Processing&Kimberly Kempf-Leonard 53
5 Major Principles in a Minor Context: Forensic Practices Involving Adolescents&Sandra B. McPherson 69
6 Juveniles and Criminal Responsibility Evaluations&Charles L. Scott and Matthew Soulier 83
7 Sentencing Juveniles to Life in Prison Without the Opportunity for Parole&Jeffrey J. Shook 93
8 Transfer to Adult Court: Enhancing Clinical Forensic Evaluations and Informing Policy&Debra R. Chen and Randall T. Salekin 105
9 Need for and Barriers to Inclusion in Health Research of Justice-Involved Youth&Susan Bouregy, John F. Chapman, and Elena L. Grigorenko 127
10 Toward Establishing Standards of Practice in Juvenile Forensic Mental Health Assessment&Kirk Heilbrun and David DeMatteo 145
11 Assessment in Juvenile Justice Systems: An Overview&Robert D. Hoge 157
12 Mental Health Assessment of Juveniles&Cynthia Morgan-D'Atrio 169
13 The Juvenile Forensic Court Clinic in Theory and Practice&John F. Chapman 201
14 The History, Development, and Testing of Forensic Risk Assessment Tools&Jay P. Singh 215
15 Assessing Juveniles for Risk of Violence&Mary Alice Conroy 227
16 Becoming More Therapeutic: Motivational Interviewing as a Communication Style for Paraprofessionals in Juvenile Justice Settings&Angela R. Wood, Ralph J. Wood, and Susan M. Taylor 239
17 At the Junction of Personality Theories: Working with Juvenile Offenders&Elena L. Grigorenko 253
18 Services for Youth in Closed Settings: Gaps in Services&Faye S. Taxman, Sara Debus-Sherrill, and Carolyn A. Watson 281
19 Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Juvenile Justice Prevention and Treatment in Communities&Nancy G. Guerra and Kirk R. Williams 297
20 Preventing Early Conduct Problems and Later Delinquency&Christopher J. Trentacosta and Daniel S. Shaw 309
21 Treating Juvenile Offenders: Best Practices and Emerging Critical Issues&Paul Boxer and Sara E. Goldstein 323
22 Psychopharmacological Treatment of Youth in Juvenile Justice Settings&Lenore Engel, John Abulu, and Roumen N. Nikolov 341
23 ⅡCAPS: A Treatment Model for Delinquent Youths with Co-occurring Mental Health Disorders&Jean A. Adnopoz, Joseph L. Woolston, and Kathleen M.B. Balestracci 357
24 Serving Dually Diagnosed Youth in the Juvenile Justice System&Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, Shirley M. Smith, and Hilary K. Mead 371
25 Treating Juvenile Sex Offenders&Jeanne Bereiter and David Mullen 385
26 Sexually Transmitted Infections in Juvenile Offenders&William L. Risser and Jan M. Risser 405
27 A Self-Regulation Model for the Treatment of Pathological Juvenile Firesetters&Alan I. Feldberg and John H. Lemmon 417
28 Mentor Programming for At-Risk Youth&Donna Macomber and Elena L. Grigorenko 439
29 Responding to Child Trauma: Theory, Programs, and Policy&Steven Marans, Deborah Smolover, and Hilary Hahn 453
30 Psychosocial Treatment of Traumatized Juveniles&Carla Kmett Danielson, Angela Moreland Begle, Lynsay Ayer, and Rochelle F. Hanson 467
31 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Youth Involved in Juvenile Justice&Julian D. Ford 485
32 Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: A Critical Appraisal&Tina Maschi, Matt Stimmel, Keith Morgen, Sandy Gibson, and Areen O'Mary 503
33 Juvenile Offenders with Disabilities: Challenges and Promises&Antonis Katsiyannis, David E. Barrett, and Dalun Zhang 521
34 Ensuring that They Learn&Candace A. Mulcahy and Peter E. Leone 541
35 Female Juvenile Offenders&Leslie D. Leve, Patricia Chamberlain, Hyoun Kim, and Dana K. Smith 553
36 Juvenile Gangs&Wesley G. Jennings and J. Mitchell Miller 567
37 Juvenile Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry: The Movement Toward Data-Based Innovations&Thomas J. Dishion 579
Index 585
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