- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:1987
- ISBN:0860109100
- 页数:196 页
Chairman’s Introduction 1
Members of the Experts Group on Environmental Law 4
Strengthening the Legal and Institutional Framework for Environmen- tal Protection and Sustainable Development 5
Consolidated Report of the Experts Group on Environmental Law to the World Commission on Environment and Development 5
Legal Principles for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 7
1.Character and Structure of the Proposed Legal Principles 7
2.Key Terms Used 8
3.Summaries of the Legal Principles 8
Proposals for Strengthening the Legal and Institutional Framework 14
1.Establish a New Legal Basis for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 15
2.Set Up a Special UN Commission 15
3.Appoint an International “Ombudsman” 16
4.Strengthen the Existing Global and Regional Legal Framework 16
5.Increase the Capacity to Avoid and Settle Disputes 17
6.Launch New Initiative of Non-Governmental Organizations on Implementing International Agreements 18
7.Expand Participation and Standing of Non-Governmental Organizations 18
8.Extend Environmental Responsibilities of Private Enter- prises 19
9.Apply Criminal Liability for Environmental Damage 20
10.Assess Risks of New Technologies 20
11.Adopt Basic Safety and Notification Measures for Nuclear Power Installations 20
12.Increase Environmental Education and Expertise 20
13.Avoid Severe Environmental Damage from Armed Conflicts 21
Annex Ⅰ —List of Background and Discussion Papers 21
Annex Ⅱ—Final Report of the Experts Group on Environmental Law on Legal Principles for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 22
Elements for a Draft Convention on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 23
General Principles Concerning Natural Resources and Environmen- tal Interferences 25
Principles Specifically Concerning Transboundary Natural Resources and Environment Interferences 27
State Responsibility 32
Peaceful Settlement of Disputes 32
Final Report of the Experts Group on Environmental Law on Legal Principles for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 35
Use of Terms 37
General Principles Concerning Natural Resources and Environmen- tal Interferences 38
Principles Specifically Concerning Transboundary Natural Resources and Environmental Interferences 72
State Responsibility 127
Peaceful Settlement of Disputes 130
Annex—List of International Agreements and Other Instruments 133
Annex I—Selected Reference Documents 145
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 1972 147
UN General Assembly Resolution on the World Charter for Nature 1982 155
OECD Principles Concerning Transfrontier Pollution 1974 161
IIL Resolution on the Use of International Non-Maritime Waters 1961 168
IIL Resolution on the Pollution of Rivers and Lakes and Interna- tional Law 1979 171
ILA Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers 1966 175
ILA Montreal Rules of International Law Applicable to Trans- frontier Pollution 1982 187
ILA Montreal Rules on Water Pollution in an International Drainage Basin 1982 189
Annex Ⅱ—Mandate of the World Commission on Environment and Development 193
Annex Ⅲ—Members of the World Commission on Environment and Development 194
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