Moral Conflict and Legal ReasoningPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Hart Publishing LimitedInternational Specialized Book Services [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:1841131085;1841131083
- 页数:219 页
Introduction 1
1: The Dark Ages of Liberalism 11
The Rejection of Teleology 15
An Enlightened Alternative 21
The Emotivist Self 26
The Emotivist Compromise 30
Initial Problems with the Emotivist Self 40
2: The Politics of the Emotivist Compromise 49
A Four-Level Analysis 49
Conclusion 63
3: A Liberal Response 67
Berlin’s Liberalism 69
(i) Conflict 70
(ii) Rationality 74
(iii) Values, Commitment and Identity 82
(iv) Authority and Expertise 95
Law and Politics 104
(i) A Duality 104
(ii) Challenging Liberalism 107
(iii) Trade-offs 111
(iv) Questioning Authority 116
Conclusion 119
4: Liberalism and Law: MacIntyre and Berlin 123
5: On Liberal Legalism 137
“Law’s Images of Society” 141
(i) Community 142
(ii) Imperium 145
Some Preliminary Issues 149
(i) Whose Community? 149
(ii) Contested Rationalities 157
6: Law, Conflict, and Consensus 165
Deeper Concerns 165
(i) A Note on Decisions 165
(ii) Reasonable Men and Persons in Law 171
(iii) Legal Conflict 182
Law and “Other” Problems 188
(i) The Problems 190
(ii) Perspectives on Law 197
Conclusion 203
Bibliography 209
Index 217
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- 《爱与意志》(美)罗洛·梅著;冯川译 1998
- 《牛虻》(英)艾·丽·伏尼契著;亚贤译 1995
- 《自杀风险管理手册》(加)库奇,(加)切希尔著 2011
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- 《WIESEL骨科手术技巧 成人重建外科》(美)威塞尔(Sam W. Wiesel)总主编;(美)Javad Parvizi,Richard H. Rothman主编;张长青总主译 2015
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