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Party Autonomy in International Property Law
Party Autonomy in International Property Law

Party Autonomy in International Property LawPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Van Der Weide
  • 出 版 社:Sellier - European Law Publishers GmbH
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9783866531734;3866531737
  • 页数:276 页
《Party Autonomy in International Property Law》目录

Introduction&Roel Westrik/Jeroen van der Weide 1

A.General Aspects of Party Autonomy,as seen from the Perspective of Continental Law as well as of Common Law 11

1.Choice of Law in International Property Law - New Encouragement from Europe&Axel Flessner 11

2.Party Autonomy in Dutch International Property Law&]eroen van der Weide 41

3.The Numerus Clausus and Party Autonomy in the Law of Property&T.H.D.Struycken 59

4.Party Autonomy and Property Rights&Robert Stevens 83

B.Private International (Property) Law 103

5.Party Autonomy in International Property Law:A German Perspective&Jan von Hein 103

6.Party Autonomy in French and Belgian Law&Vincent Sagaert 119

C.Developments and Prospects in Europe and in European Law Projects 145

7.Article 14 Rome I:A Political Perspective&Paulien M.M.van der Grinten 145

8.European Conflict Rules for the mutual Recognition of Security Rights in Goods&Ulrich Drobnig 165

D.Assignment in Private International Law;Financial Instruments/the Collateral Directive;Insolvency Law 189

9.Party Autonomy and Assignment&Hendrik Verhagen 189

10.Between Articles 14 and 27 of Rome I:How to interpret a European Regulation on Conflict of Laws?&Axel Flessner 207

11.Financial Collateral Arrangements and Party Autonomy&Reinout M.Wibier 225

12.Party Autonomy and Insolvency Law&P.M.Veder 261
