Universality and Continuity in International LawPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Marauhn
- 出 版 社:Intl Specialized Book Service Inc
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9789490947071;9490947075
- 页数:527 页
Part Ⅰ Theory 13
Universality and Continuity in International Public Law?&Heinhard Steiger 13
The Relevance of Culture in Framing International Law&Thilo Marauhn 45
The Play of Medieval Ghosts and Renaissance Demons in Birth, Death and Rebirth of European International Law&Anthony Carty 61
Universality of International Law: An Asian Perspective&Ram Prakash Anand 87
Part Ⅱ Roots and Early Developments 107
International Law in the Hebrew Bible and its Ancient Oriental Roots&Eckart Otto 109
Continuity and Discontinuity in European International Law: Ancient Near East and Ancient Greece&Karl-Heinz Ziegler 133
Roman Law and the Early Historiography of International Law: Ward, Wheaton, Hosack and Walker&Randall Lesaffer 149
An Islamic Law of Nations? The Weight of History and Tormented Modernization in Muslim Nations&Ebrahim Afsah 185
Part Ⅲ The European Middle Ages 233
The Concept of the Normativity of Law: "Ius gentium" in the Writings of Francisco Suarez and Thomas Aquinas&Matthias Lutz-Bachmann 235
The Underlying Continuity of the Subsequent Legal and Political Orders. Looking from the Middle Ages into the Modern Times - Some Reflections&Dominique Bauer 249
War and Inter-Power Canon Law in the 12th Century&Ernst-Dieter Hehl 271
The Sign of the Stranger: Reflections on the Meaning of Symbolic Forms of Communication in Intercultural Envoy Exchange in the 13th Century&Claudia Gamier 285
Thinking International Law in Late Medieval Europe&Martin Kintzinger 311
Part Ⅳ Ius Gentium Europaeaum 323
On the Doctrinal Origins of Ius in Bello: From Rights of War to the Laws of War&Peter Haggenmacher 325
War Not Without Reason: Legitimization of War in Early Modern Europe&Anuschka Tischer 359
The Continuity of Values, the Rhetoric of Peace, and Friendship during the End of the Hundred Years' War: The Peace of Ensisheim in 1444&Michael Jucker 375
Ius Gentium and a Peace Order: the Treaty of London (1518) and Continuity in the International Law of the Modern Times&Christoph Kampmann 393
Part Ⅴ Globalization and Universalization 407
Treaties between European and Non-European Powers in Early Modern and Modern Times (16th-20th Centuries) - Some Remarks on their Perception and Interpretation&Cornelis G. Roelofsen 409
The "Reception" of European International Law in China, Japan and Korea: A Comparative and Critical Perspective&Keun-Gwan Lee 419
Japan's Engagement With and Use of International Law: 1853-1945&Masaharu Yanagihara 447
Universality of International Law in the 20th Century&Sebastian Heselhaus 471
The Development of International Humanitarian Law since the 19th Century&Stefanie Schmahl 485
The Development of Human Rights in International Law&Andreas Haratsch 505
Part Ⅵ Conclusion 517
Conclusions&Heinhard Steiger and Thilo Marauhn 519
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