International comparisons in implementing pollution lawsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:edited by Paul B. Downing and Kenneth Hanf.
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:1983
- 页数:341 页
1 Introduction: A Perspective for the Study of Regulatory Enforcement&Kenneth Hanf and Paul B.Downing 1
Ⅰ Detailed Studies of the United States 27
2 Effectiveness of the U.S.Regulatory Approach to Air Quality Management: Stationary Sources&Gordon L.Brady and Blair T.Bower 29
3 U.S.Mobile Source Emissions Regulation:The Problems of Implementation&Lawrence J.White 46
4 Revealed Rules for Regulatory Decisions:An Empirical Analysis of EPA Rulemaking Behavior&Alan J.Krupnick, Wesley A.Magat, and Winston Harrington 63
Ⅱ Detailed Studies of One Country 85
5 The Role of the British Alkali and Clean Air Inspectorate in Air Pollution Control&Michael Hill 87
6 Implementing Air Pollution Control in Italy: The Importance of the Political and Administrative Structure&Bruno Dente and Rudy Lewanski 107
7 State and Local Relations on Environmental Regulations in the Federal Republic of Germany&Jochen Hucke 129
8 The Role of Effluent Charges in Dutch Water Quality Policy&Hans Bressers 143
9 Policy Alternatives in Soviet Environmental Protection&Charles E.Ziegler 169
Ⅲ Studies Comparing Implementation Practice 189
10 Implementing Air Quality Control Programs in Europe:Some Results of a Comparative Study&Peter Knoepfel and Helmut Weidner 191
11 Mixed Implementation Incentive Systems for Water Quality Management in France, the Ruhr, and the United States&Blair T.Bower 212
12 Coastal Land Use Regulation in California Seen in Comparative Perspective&Paul Sabatier 228
Ⅳ Enforcement 247
13 Enforcing Pollution Control Laws in the United States&Paul B.Downing and James N.Kimball 249
14 The Implementation of Air Pollution Control in German Industry&Arieh A.Ullmann 264
15 The Enforcement of Water Pollution Controls in the United Kingdom&Genevra Richardson 281
Ⅴ Modeling the Environmental Policy Process 299
16 Institutional Choices and Social Regulation: The Case of Environmental and Occupational Health Standards&Giandomenico Majone 301
17 Modeling Environmental Regulation&Paul B.Downing and Kenneth Hanf 318
About the Authors 335
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