- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:OREGON
- 出版年份:2011
- 页数:523 页
Introduction: The Social Embeddedness of Transnational Markets: Introducing and Structuring the Project&Christian Joerges and Josef Falke 1
Part I: General Theories 19
1. Transnational Markets and the Polanyi Problem&Alexander Ebner 19
2. Re-embedding the Market through Law? The Ambivalence of Juridification in the International Context&Regina Kreide 41
3. Re-embedding Neo-liberal Constitutionalism: A Polanyian Case for the Economic Sociology of Law&Sabine Frerichs 65
4. The Structural Tranformation of Embeddedness&Poul F Kjaer 85
Part Ⅱ: Norm-generating Mechanisms: Middle-range Theories 107
5. Bringing Professions back in: A Fresh Look at the Dynamics of Institution-building in (World) Society&Martin Herberg 107
6. Enclosed Solutions for Common Problems? Uncertainty,Precaution and Collective Learning in Environmental Law&Olaf Dilling 131
Part Ⅲ: Case Studies on the Dis-embedding and Re-embedding of Transnational Markets 157
(A) Financial Markets 157
7. Dis-embedding and Regulation: The Paradox of International Finance&Sol Picciotto 157
8. The Next 'Great Transformation'? The Double Movement in Transnational Corporate Governance and Capital Markets Regulation&Peer Zumbansen 181
(B) Organising and Legalising Services Transnationally 209
9. International Standards and the Service Economy&Jean-Christophe Graz 209
10. Commodifying and Embedding Services of General Interests in Transnational Contexts: The Example of Healthcare Liberalisation in the EU and the WTO&Markus Krajewski 231
11. Embedded Transnational Markets for Telecommunications Services&Olga Batura 255
(C) Labour Standards in De-nationalised Markets 279
12. WTO and ILO: Can Social Responsibility be Maintained in International Trade?&Josef Falke 279
13. The UN Special Representative on Business and Human Rights: Re-embedding or Dis-embedding Transnational Markets?&Claire Methven O'Brien 323
14. Globalising Speenhamland: On the Transnational Metamorphosis of Corporate Social Responsibility&Marc Amstutz 359
Part Ⅳ. Re-embedding Transnational Markets through Law? 397
15. The State in International Law&Karl-Heinz Ladeur 397
16. The Dialectics of Transnational Economic Constitutionalism&Moritz Renner 419
17. The Constitution of Transnational Governance Arrangements: Karl Polanyi's Double Movement in the Transformation of Law&Lars Viellechner 435
18. A New Type of Conflicts Law as the Legal Paradigm of the Postnational Constellation&Christian Joerges 465
Index 503