基于硅技术24GHz汽车雷达的微波电路 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(德)伊萨克诺夫编著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787030344779
- 页数:208 页
1 Introduction 1
References 4
2 Radar Systems 5
2.1 Radar Principle 5
2.2 Radar Equation and System Considerations 6
2.3 CW and Frequency-Modulated Radar 8
2.3.1 Doppler Radar 8
2.3.2 Frequency-Modulated Radar 9 Linear FM Continuous-Wave Radar 9
2.4 Angle Detection 11
2.5 Frequency Regulations 12
2.6 Receiver Architectures 14
2.6.1 Homodyne 14
2.6.2 Heterodyne 15
2.7 Status of Automotive Radar Systems 16
2.8 Technology Requirements for Radar Chipset 17
References 17
3 CMOS and Bipolar Technologies 19
3.1 CMOS Technology 19
3.1.1 MOSFET Layout and Modeling Considerations 20
3.1.2 Devices Available in C11N 22
3.2 Bipolar Transistors 23
3.2.1 HBT Layout and Modeling Considerations 24
3.2.2 Devices Available in B7HF200 25
3.3 Technology Comparison 26
3.3.1 Transistor Performance 26
3.3.2 Metallization and Passive Components 29
References 31
4 Modeling Techniques 33
4.1 Analytical Fitting of On-Chip Inductors 33
4.1.1 Series Branch Parameters Fitting 36
4.1.2 Shunt Branches Parameters Fitting 38
4.1.3 Results Verification 40
4.2 Transistor Finger Capacitance Estimation 42
References 45
5 Measurement Techniques 47
5.1 S-parameter De-embedding Techniques 48
5.1.1 Extension of Thru Technique for De-embedding of Asymmetrical Error Networks 49 Theory 49 Result Verification 52
5.1.2 De-embedding of Differential Devices using cascade-based Two-Port Techniques 54 Theory 54 Result Verification 60
5.2 Differential Measurements using Baluns 63
5.2.1 Theoretical Analysis 64 Back-to-Back Measurement 65 DUT Measurement 67 Insertion Loss De-embedding Error 68
5.2.2 Measurement Verification 69
References 74
6 Radar Receiver Circuits 77
6.1 Low-Noise Amplifiers 78
6.1.1 LNA in CMOS Technology 78
6.1.2 LNA in SiGe:C Technoiogy 83
6.1.3 Measurements of CMOS and SiGe LNAs 86
6.1.4 LNA Results Summary and Comparison 91
6.2 Mixers 92
6.2.1 Active Mixers 93 Active Mixer in CMOS Technology 93 Active Mixer in SiGe Technology 95 Measurements of CMOS and SiGe Active Mixers 97 Active Mixers Results Summary and Comparison 101
6.2.2 Passive Mixers 102 Passive Resistive Ring Mixer in CMOS Technology 102 Passive Bipolar Mixer in SiGe Technology 105 Measurements of CMOS and SiGe Passive Mixers 107 Passive Mixers Results Summary and Comparison 110
6.2.3 Comparison of Active and Passive Mixers 111
6.3 Single-Channel Receivers 112
6.3.1 Design of Active and Passive Receivers in CMOS 113
6.3.2 Receiver Measurements and Analysis 113 Chip Size 114 Power Consumption,Gain and Noise Figure 114 Linearity 116 Required LO Power 118 Isolation 119 Temperature Performance 120
6.3.3 Receiver Results Summary and Comparison 121
6.4 IQ Receivers 122
6.4.1 Design of IQ Receivers 122 IQ Receiver in CMOS Technology 122 IQ Receiver in SiGe Technology 124
6.4.2 IQ Receiver Measurements 125
6.4.3 IQ Receiver Results Summary and Comparison 131
6.5 Integrated Passive Circuits 132
6.5.1 Circuit Design and Layout Considerations 132 On-Chip 180°Power Splitter/Combiner 132 On-Chip 90°Power Splitter/Combiner 134 On-Chip 180°Hybrid Ring Coupler 136
6.5.2 Realization and Measurement Results 137 On-Chip 180°Power Splitter/Combiner 137 On-Chip 90°Power Splitter/Combiner 138 On-Chip 180°Hybrid Ring Coupler 140
6.5.3 Results Summary and Discussion 143
6.6 Circuit-Level RF ESD Protection 144
6.6.1 Overview of Circuit-Level Protection Techniques 145
6.6.2 Virtual Ground Concept 147 Concept Verification by Circuit Simulation 149 Concept Verification by HBM Measurement 150 Concept Verification by TLP Measurement 151
6.6.3 Transformer Protection Concept 153 Test LNA Circuit Design 155 Test LNA Realization and Measurement 156 Concept Verification by TLP Measurement 157
References 158
7 Radar Transceiver Circuits 165
7.1 IQ Transceiver in CMOS 166
7.1.1 IQ Transceiver Circuit Design 166
7.1.2 Measurements of Transceiver 169
7.1.3 Results Summary and Comparison 171
7.2 Merged Power-Amplifier-Mixer Transceiver 173
7.2.1 System Considerations 173
7.2.2 Power-Amplifier-Mixer Circuit Design 174
7.2.3 PAMIX Measurements 176
7.2.4 Results Summary and Comparison 179
References 180
8 Conclusions and Outlook 181
A LFMCW Radar 185
References 188
B FSCW Radar 189
References 190
C Surface Charge Method 191
C.1 Surface Charge Method Theory 191
C.2 Meshing of the Multifinger Layout 194
D Measurement of Active Circuits 197
D.1 Measurement Techniques 197
D.2 LNA Characterization 200
D.2.1 S-parameter Measurement 200
D.2.2 Noise Figure Measurement 200
D.2.3 Linearity Measurement 202
D.3 Mixer and Receiver Characterization 203
D.3.1 Conversion Gain Measurement 203
D.3.2 Noise Figure Measurement 203
D.3.3 Linearity Measurement 204
References 205
Index 207
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