- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:9065444971
- 页数:402 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction:Dumping and Anti-Dumping 1
Ⅰ.The Phenomenon 1
Ⅱ.The Rules Governing Price Discrimination 2
Ⅲ.The Development of Anti-Dumping Enforcement 3
Ⅳ.The Justification of GATT Article VI and National Anti-Dumping Law Today 5
Chapter Ⅱ Dumping,Economic Theory,and the GATT Article VI Approach 7
Ⅰ.Introduction 7
Ⅱ.Classical Analysis 8
A.The Definition 8
B.The Rationale of Price Discrimination 9
C.The Effects of Dumping 10
Ⅲ.New Trade and Production Patterns 11
A.'Domestic'(Industry) Welfare? 11
B.'Domestic'Like Products? 14
C.'Domestic'Production? 15
Ⅳ.Conclusion 18
Chapter Ⅲ Dumping and the Multilateral Trade Treaty System 21
Ⅰ.Origins 21
Ⅱ.Evolution-Legalisation and Judicialisation 22
Ⅲ.Multilateral Obligations and Domestic Implementation 24
Ⅳ.Judicial Review 26
Ⅴ.Prospects 27
Chapter Ⅳ Analysis of Selected Anti-Dumping Issues 29
Ⅰ.Introduction 29
Ⅱ.Dumping as Price Discrimination 30
A.Introduction 30
B.Like Product Issues 33
1.The GATT and Code Standard 35
2.National Legislation 35
C.Domestic Industry 40
D.Input Dumping 45
1.The GATT and MTN Agreements Obligations 45
2.The Cases 46
3.The Position in United States' Law After the Trade Act 1988 49
4.Legislation of other Countries 51
5.Are Changes Necessary? 51
E.Subassembly Dumping 53
1.Introduction 53
2.Cases 55
3.The GATT and Code Obligations 56
4.Consideration of Cases 57
5.United States Legislation 58
6.The European Communities 62
7.Prospects 70
F.Sales Below Cost of Production and the Anti-Dumping Regime 71
1.Introduction 71
2.Economics and Sales Below Cost 72
3.Legislation in Different States 74
4.GATT and Code Standards 77
5.Actual National Practice 80
6.Consequences 83
7.Sales below Cost in Competition Law 85
8.Perspectives 86
Ⅲ.Injury and Causation Issues 87
A.Issues in the Kennedy and Tokyo Rounds 87
1.Harmonisation Attempts 87
2.The Tokyo-Round Negotiations 89
B.Issues in the Actual Debate 90
1.Material Injury 90
2.De Minimis? 93
3.Margins Analysis 94
4.Technical Dumping or Price Alignment 97
5.Cumulation 98
Ⅳ.Procedural Aspects 109
A.Initiation of Anti-Dumping Investigations 109
B.Harassment through Monitoring 110
C.Standing of Petitioners 110
D.Undertakings 111
E.Judicial Review 112
F.Financial Aspects 112
Chapter Ⅴ Price Discrimination in Competition Law and Anti-Dumping 113
Ⅰ.Renewed Interface Discussion 113
A.The Origins 113
1.The Canadian Legislation 113
2.The New Zealand Legislation 115
3.The Australian Legislation 116
4.The Legislation of Japan,South-Africa and New Foundland 117
5.The Legislation in the United Kingdom 118
6.The Development of United States Legislation 119
B.Anti-Trust Regulation in Multilateral Treaties 124
1.Paris and Brussels Sugar Convention 124
2.International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property,Paris 1883 124
3.League of Nations 125
4.General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 126
5.United Nations Economic and Social Council 127
6.OECD and UNCTAD Initiatives 128
7.Council of Europe and Organisation for European Economic Cooperation 129
8.European Coal and Steel Community 129
9.Treaty of the European Economic Community of 1957 130
10.EFTA Agreement of 1960 131
11.Free Trade Agreements EEC/ECSC-EFTA 132
12.Latin-American Associations 133
13.Canada-US Free Trade Agreement of 1988 134
14.Australia-New Zealand Trade Agreements 134
Ⅱ.Price Discrimination in Competition Laws 135
A.The Law and Debate in the United States of America 135
1.Sherman Act 135
2.Robinson-Patman Act 137
B.The Canadian Legislation 138
C.Law and Debate in the EEC 140
1.Article 85 EEC Treaty 141
2.Article 86 EEC Treaty 144
3.Competition Law of the Member States 146
D.Differences between Anti-Dumping and Anti-Trust Approaches to Price Discrimination 150
1.General Approach 150
2.Comparison of Essential Details 151
E.Possible Justifications 154
1.Domestic and Foreign Policy? 154
2.Extraterritoriality and Foreign Sovereignty? 154
3.Differences in the Setting 154
Chapter Ⅵ Antidumping in the Future-Repeal It 157
Ⅰ.Avenues for Action 157
Ⅱ.Small Steps:Bilateralism and Reciprocity 158
A.Improvement of Particular Aspects 158
1.Notification 159
2.Consultation 159
3.Review of Final Determinations 159
4.Increasing Thresholds 161
B.Substitution of Anti-Dumping with Competition Law 162
1.GATT Consistency 162
2.Obstacles to Overcome 163
Ⅲ.Multilateral Avenues of Action 164
A.Constraints on Abuses 164
1.Sales at a Loss 164
2.Components Dumping 165
3.Cumulation 165
4.Margins Analysis 165
5.Meeting Competition 166
B.Small Scale Improvements 166
1.Material Injury 166
2.Like Product Definition 166
3.Domestic Industry 167
4.Welfare Analysis 167
5.National Interest Clause 167
6.Judicial Review 168
C.Abandoning the GATT Anti-Dumping Concept 168
Ⅳ.Conclusion 169
Selected Bibliography 171
Ⅰ.Official Documents 171
A.League of Nations 171
B.United Nations and GATT 171
C.Other 173
D.Australia 174
E.Canada 175
F.European Communities 175
G.New Zealand 176
H.United States of America 176
Ⅱ.Books and Articles 176
Annex 1 GATT(excerpts) 219
Annex 2 Anti-dumping Code(1979) 223
Annex 3 GATT,Report by the Panel,EEC - Japan 237
Annex 4 Regulation(EC) No.2423/88 247
Annex 5 US Anti-dumping Laws(excerpts) 271
Annex 6 Canadian Anti-dumping Law(excerpts) 309
Annex 7 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement(excerpts) 325
Annex 8 Australian Anti-dumping Law 337
Annex 9 New Zealand Anti-dumping Law 381
Annex 10 ANCERTA(excerpts) 395
Annex 11 Protocol to the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement on Acceleration of Free Trade in Goods 397
Index 399
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