- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:1982
- 页数:384 页
1.Introduction&by JOHN GUNN and DAVID P. FARRINGTON 1
Part 1: Psychology, Law, and the Criminal Justice System 9
2.Reflections on Psychology in the Criminal Justice System&by EDWIN I. MEGARGEE 9
3.Psychological Roles and Issues in Recent Prison Litigation&by CARL B. CLEMENTS 37
4.Prison Class Action Suits: The Aftermaths&by STANLEY L. BRODSKY 61
5.Reflections on a Decade of Law and Psychology in the United States&by JUNE LOUIN TAPP 77
6.On Measuring Distaste in Years&by CATHERINE FITZMAURICE and KEN PEASE 91
Part 2: Explanations of Delinquency and Crime 113
7.A Longitudinal View of the Relationship Between Paternal Absence and Crime&by JOAN McCoRD 113
8.Family Backgrounds of Male and Female Delinquents&by DAVID R. OFFORD 129
9.Personality and Delinquency in London and Montreal&by DAVID P. FARRINGTON, LOUISE BIRON and MARC LeBLANC 153
10.Delinquent Boys in Reykjavik: A Follow-up Study of Boys Sent to an Institution&by GISLI H. GUDJONSSON 203
11.Crime Prevention through Environmental Management and Design&by RON V. G. CLARKE 213
Part 3: Abnormal Offenders and their Management 233
12.Public Attitudes to Mentally Abnormal Offenders&by SIR DENIS HILL 233
13.The 1959 Mental Health Act of England and Wales:Changes in the Use of Its Criminal Provisions&by GRAHAM ROBERTSON 245
14.Schizophrenia and Violence&by PAMELA TAYLOR 269
15.An Evaluation of Grendon Prison&by JOHN GUNN and GRAHAM ROBERTSON 285
16.A 5-Year Follow-up Study of Male Patients Discharged from Broadmoor Hospital&by D. ANTHONY BLACK 307
17.Transfer of Special Hospital Patients into National Health Service Hospitals&by SUSANNE DELL 325
18.The Resettlement of Epileptic Offenders&by SHELLEY CHANNON 339
Author Index 375
Subject Index 381
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