- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:INC
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:1555878555
- 页数:347 页
Introduction 1
1 War 5
2 Over the Pond 31
3 “Hey Froggie” 47
4 Murder in the Mud 61
5 First to Fight 77
6 Ebb and Flow 101
7 The Turn of the Tide 121
8 Wounded 151
9 Experience of War 171
10 The Doughboys 195
11 The St.Mihiel Picnic 223
12 Into the Argonne 239
13 Death in the Forest 259
14 To the Bitter End 293
15 Peace and Home 309
Epilogue 327
Selected Bibliography 331
Index 337
About the Book 347
Members of the 32nd Division snack on French onions on their way to the front 146
A doughboy herds German prisoners to the rear 146
Doughboys from the 1st Division wear gas masks as they man frontline trenches in January 1918 147
Doughboys from the 28th Infantry, 1st Division, charge toward Cantigny in one of the earliest U.S. actions of the war 147
A phosphorous shell rains fire during action along the Vesle River in August 1918 148
A doughboy examines the field of fire of a captured German heavy machine gun near Grandpre 148
Doughboys of the 33rd Division keep a watchful eye on the German lines near Forges in October 1918 149
A German prisoner helps two wounded doughboys to an aid station 149
A burial detail inters the dead of the 79th Division on the edge of Bois de Consenvoye in November 1918 150
Dead of the 79th Division are gathered for burial during the battle for the Meuse-Argonne 150
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- 《心脏移植 英文版》(美)James k.Kirklin等编著 2002
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- 《成功英语阅读策略 F级 上(适用于高中三年级)》(美)Diane Lapp James Flood著;中方主编 2004
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- 《语海寻规:语言学的实证方法》麦杰(James Myers)主编 2012
- 《华盛顿广场》(美)Henry James著;(美)Gina D. B. Clemen改写 2009