![COMPARATIVE LAW YEARBOOK VOLUME 1](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s678cade.jpg)
![COMPARATIVE LAW YEARBOOK VOLUME 1](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s678cade.jpg)
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:1978
- ISBN:9028606752
- 页数:345 页
1. Treaties on the Execution of Penal Sentences between the United States and Mexico, and the United States and Canada,&by M. Cherif Bassiouni 1
2. The Issue of Product Liability in American and European Law,&by William Tower 35
3. Marketing in Eastern Europe: the Legal Framework,&by Olof Myhrman 61
4. The Internationally Guaranteed Right of an Individual to a Clean Environment,&by Henn-Juri Uibopuu 101
5. The Right to Leave and the Right to Return,&by Rona Aybay 121
6. The Legal System of Syria,&by Riad Khany 137
7. Equity in the Law of St. Lucia,&by Dorcas White 153
8. The Role of Comparative Law in the International Protection of the Environment,&by Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern 195
9. Administrative Procedure in Eastern Europe,&by Marek Wiefrzbowski 211
10. Trademarks: the European Community Perspective,&by Frank Prizant 235
11. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Civil Judgments in New Zealand, Australian and English Law,&by Bradford Caffrey 265
12. The 'SE', a European Company and United States Corporation Laws: a Comparison,&by Constance E. Zec 285
13. Hungarian Criminal Justice: the Right to Counsel in Criminal Procedure,&by Arpad Erdei 323
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