光放大原理与分析方法 增益介质中光的传播 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(澳)普里马拉特纳等著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787030367129
- 页数:270 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Maxwell's equations 2
1.2 Permittivity of isotropic materials 9
1.3 Dispersion relations 12
1.4 Causality and its implications 19
1.5 Simple solutions of Maxwell's equations 22
References 26
2 Light propagation through dispersive dielectric slabs 28
2.1 State of polarization of optical waves 29
2.2 Impedance and refractive index 31
2.3 Fresnel equations 33
2.4 Propagation of optical pulses 37
2.5 Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method 42
2.6 Phase and group velocities 53
2.7 Pulse propagation through a dielectric slab 56
References 60
3 Interaction of light with generic active media 63
3.1 Reflection of light from a gain medium 64
3.2 Surface-plasmon polaritons 69
3.3 Gain-assisted management of group velocity 75
3.4 Gain-assisted dispersion control 79
References 85
4 Optical Bloch equations 88
4.1 The bra and ket vectors 89
4.2 Density operator 91
4.3 Density-matrix equations for two-level atoms 93
4.4 Optical Bloch equations 101
4.5 Maxwell-Bloch equations 104
4.6 Numerical integration of Maxwell-Bloch equations 107
References 111
5 Fiber amplifiers 113
5.1 Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers 114
5.2 Amplifier gain and its bandwidth 116
5.3 Rate equations for EDFAs 119
5.4 Amplification under CW conditions 122
5.5 Amplification of picosecond pulses 124
5.6 Autosolitons and similaritons 131
5.7 Amplification of femtosecond pulses 138
References 140
6 Semiconductor optical amplifiers 143
6.1 Material aspects of SOAs 144
6.2 Carrier density and optical gain 147
6.3 Picosecond pulse amplification 151
6.4 Femtosecond pulse amplification 164
References 171
7 Raman amplifiers 173
7.1 Raman effect 174
7.2 Raman gain spectrum of optical fibers 177
7.3 Fiber Raman amplifiers 183
7.4 Silicon Raman amplifiers 188
References 205
8 Optical parametric amplifiers 208
8.1 Physics behind parametric amplification 208
8.2 Phase-matching condition 211
8.3 Four-wave mixing in optical fibers 212
8.4 Three-wave mixing in birefringent crystals 224
8.5 Phase matching in birefringent fibers 229
References 235
9 Gain in optical metamaterials 237
9.1 Classification of metamaterials 238
9.2 Schemes for loss compensation in metamaterials 241
9.3 Amplif?cation through three-wave mixing 246
9.4 Resonant four-wave mixing using dopants 250
9.5 Backward self-induced transparency 255
References 262
Index 265
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