词汇 语法五十年 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郑定欧著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787510047138
- 页数:278 页
Remarks on the Separation between Syntax and Semantics&Maurice Gross 1
Remarks on the Principles and the Goals of the Syntactic Tables of Lexical Elements&J.P.Boons,A.Guillet,Ch.Leclère 8
Taxonomy in Syntax&Maurice Gross 19
The Use of Finite Automata in the Lexical Representation of Natural Language&Maurice Gross 36
Dictionary Completeness and Corpus Analysis&David Clemenceau 54
The Argument Structure of Elementary Sentences&Maurice Gross 63
Local Grammars and their Representation by Finite Automata&Maurice Gross 77
Constructing Lexicon-Grammars&Maurice Gross 90
Parsing with the Lexicon Grammar,Harrisian Transformations and Local Subgrammars&Lucio Costa,Zinnia Millicent Steinhauer 134
Representation of Finite Utterances and the Automatic Parsing of Texts&Maurice Gross 144
On Counting Meaningful Units in Texts&Maurice Gross 157
The Construction of Local Grammars&Maurice Gross 168
Some Remarks on the Application of a Lexicon-Grammar&Sébastien Paumier 189
Consequences of the Metalanguage being Included in the Language&Maurice Gross 198
Organization of the Lexicon-Grammar of French Verbs&Christian Leclère 206
Lexicon-Grammar,Electronic Dictionaries and Local Grammars of Italian&Emilio D'Agostino,Annibale Elia,Simonetta Vietri 223
A Linguistic Test Battery for Support Verb Constructions&Stefan Langer 233
Using Lexicon-Grammar Tables for French Verbs in a Large-coverage Parser&Elsa Tolone,Beno?t Sagot 244
Neutral Phrasal Verbs in English&Peter A.Machonis 253
Is the Lexicon-Grammar Exploitable for Language Processing?&?ric Laporte 261
附录一 《莫里斯·格罗斯生平》(节录) 271
附录二 《词汇—语法》简介 272
附录三 《生成语法的失败》(节录) 275
2010年国际上评价乔姆斯基语法的两份资料 277
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