- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:1599410869
- 页数:442 页
Introduction 1
Part Ⅰ.Nuremberg and Its Progeny 11
Chapter One: 13
Nuremberg and Its Legacy&Theodor Meron and Jean Galbraith 13
Chapter Two: 45
Filartiga v.Pena-Irala: Judicial Internalization into Domestic Law of the Customary International Law Norm Against Torture&Harold Hongju Koh 45
Chapter Three: 77
The Velasquez Rodriguez Case: The Development of the Inter—American Human Rights System&Claudio Grossman 77
Chapter Four: 115
The Soering Case: The Long Reach of the European Convention on Human Rights&David Seymour and Jennifer Tooze 115
Part Ⅱ.International Law: The Domestic Impact 149
Chapter Five: 151
Foster v.Neilson and United States v.Percheman: Judicial Enforcement of Treaties&Carlos M.Vazquez 151
Chapter Six: 175
The Paquete Habana: Customary International Law as Part of Our Law&William S.Dodge 175
Chapter Seven: 207
Missouri v.Holland: Birds, Wars, and Rights&Mark W.Janis 207
Chapter Eight: 229
Hamdan v.Rumsfeld: Domestic Enforcement of International Law&Oona A.Hathaway 229
Part Ⅲ.International Law: Interstate Conflicts 261
Chapter Nine: 263
The Caroline: International Law Limits on Resort to Force&John E.Noyes 263
Chapter Ten: 307
The Reparation for Injuries Case: The Law of Nations is Transformed into International Law&David J.Bederman 307
Chapter Eleven: 339
The Nicaragua Case: Preserving World Peace and the World Court&Mary Ellen O’Connell 339
Chapter Twelve: 371
The LaGrand Case: A Story of Many Miscommunications&Bruno Simma and Carsten Hoppe 371
Chapter Thirteen: 405
Abu Ghraib: The Battle Over Institutional Culture and Respect for International Law within the U.S. Military&Laura A.Dickinson 405
Contributors to International Law Stories 435
Acknowledgements 441
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