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The limits of competition policy
The limits of competition policy

The limits of competition policyPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:A.E. Rodriguez
  • 出 版 社:Wolters Kluwer Law & Business ;Kluwer Law International ;Sold and distributed in North Central and S
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9041131779
  • 页数:203 页
《The limits of competition policy》目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 The Emergence of Competition Policy Regimes 19

Chapter 3 The Errors of Antitrust 31

Chapter 4 The Performance Gap 49

Chapter 5 What Is Competition Policy? 77

Chapter 6 Sources of Error in Antitrust Practice 95

Chapter 7 What Is Different in Developing and Transition Economies? 117

Chapter 8 The Political Economy of Antitrust Enforcement 135

Chapter 9 International Harmonization of Competition Policy 143

Chapter 10 The Limits of Competition Advocacy 159

Chapter 11 Concluding Comments 167

Bibliography 171

Table of Cases and Statutes 193

Index 195

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1. Realization and Embrace 6

1.1.1. A Technocratic Experiment 7

1.1.2. A Gateway 9

1.2. The Supply of Antitrust 10

Chapter 2 The Emergence of Competition Policy Regimes 19

2.1. The Process of Adoption 21

2.2. Ignorance or Acquiescence? 25

Chapter 3 The Errors of Antitrust 31

3.1. Antitrust Decision-Making and the Error-Cost Framework 33

3.2. How is a Competition Authority to Decide? 42

3.3. The Error-Cost Framework: The United States Experience 44

3.4. Concluding Comment 48

Chapter 4 The Performance Gap 49

4.1. The Performance Gap 50

4.2. Appraising Competition Agency Performance 54

4.3. The Gap: Explanations 55

4.4. Antitrust Decision-Making in the United States 63

4.4.1. Change in Competitive Vigor 65

4.4.2. Change in Competitive Dynamics 66

4.5. Recognizing Antitrust's Unintended Effects 67

4.5.1. Policy Implications 72

4.6. Conclusion 73

Chapter 5 What Is Competition Policy? 77

5.1. Economics and the Competition Law 80

5.2. The Goal(s) of Antitrust 83

5.3. The Proscribed Practices 85

5.3.1. Concerted Practices 87

5.3.2. Merger Review 89

5.3.3. Unilateral Behavior 91

5.4. Conclusion 93

Chapter 6 Sources of Error in Antitrust Practice 95

6.1. The Goal(s) of Antitrust 97

6.2. The Errors of Economics 101

6.3. The Price Discrimination Syllogism 104

6.4. The Imprecision of Market Definition 107

6.5. Calculating Market Concentration 109

6.6. Analysis of Entry 110

6.7. Mergers 111

6.8. The Limitations of a Weak Judicial System 113

6.9. The Unavailability of Ancillary Institutions 114

6.10. Training and Manpower 115

6.11. Conclusion 115

Chapter 7 What Is Different in Developing and Transition Economies? 117

7.1. The Legacy 121

7.2. The Consequences 126

7.3. Conclusion 132

Chapter 8 The Political Economy of Antitrust Enforcement 135

8.1. A Model 136

Chapter 9 International Harmonization of Competition Policy 143

9.1. The Proposals for International Harmonization 144

9.2. Harmonization: Pros and Cons 147

9.2.1. The Trade-Begets-Cartels Argument 148

9.2.2. The Transactions Cost Argument 148

9.2.3. The Minimize-International-Competitive-Distortions Argument 149

9.3. A Critical Examination of Harmonization Arguments 150

9.4. Conclusion 156

Chapter 10 The Limits of Competition Advocacy 159

10.1. The Competition Agency as Consumer Advocate 161

10.2. Rent-Seeking and Special Interests 162

10.3. Conclusion 166

Chapter 11 Concluding Comments 167

Bibliography 171

Table of Cases and Statutes 193

Index 195
