Practical Crime Scene Analysis and ReconstructionPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Gardner
- 出 版 社:CRC Press
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9781420065510
- 页数:279 页
1 An Introduction and History of Crime Scene Analysis 1
Introduction 1
Distinguishing Crime Scene Analysis from Crime Scene Processing 2
Distinguishing Crime Scene Analysis from Behavioral Profiling 2
Pioneers in Crime Scene Analysis: A History of the Discipline 4
The Future 8
Summary 9
References 9
2 Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Implementing Crime Scene Analysis 11
Introduction 11
Who Qualifies as a Crime Scene Analyst? 12
Fundamental Beliefs for Crime Scene Analysis 14
Theory and Applicable Principles for Crime Scene Analysis 14
Correlating Crime Scene Analysis with Archaeology 15
Principles of CSR 16
The Role of Scientific Method 18
Defining the Questions to Answer Using Scientific Method 20
Defining Additional Investigative Questions 28
When Is Crime Scene Analysis Employed? 29
Informal (Ad Hoc) Crime Scene Analysis 29
Summary 36
References 36
3 Event Analysis: A Practical Methodology for Crime Scene Reconstruction 37
Introduction 37
The Event Analysis Process 41
Summary 71
Reference 72
4 Resolving Significant Investigative Questions in CSR 73
Introduction 73
Using the Event Analysis Worksheet 78
Event Analysis Worksheet Explained 78
Statement Analysis Using the Worksheets 86
References 92
5 Understanding Crime Scene Protocols and Their Effect on Reconstruction 93
Introduction 93
The Importance of the Crime Scene Investigator 93
Role of the Initial Responding Officer 96
Incorporating the Basic Crime Scene Activities into a Crime Scene Protocol 97
Assessing 97
Observing 98
Documenting 99
Searching 102
Collection 104
On-Scene Analysis 105
Summary 105
References 106
6 Applying Bloodstain Pattern Analysis to Crime Scene Reconstruction 107
Introduction 107
A Background of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis 108
Impact Angle and Directionality 109
Impact Angle 109
Directionality 110
Bloodstain Classification 113
The Spatter Group 114
Spurt 114
Cast-Off 114
Drip Trail 116
Impact Pattern 117
Expectorate Pattern 118
Drip 119
The Nonspatter Group 120
Blood-into-Blood 120
Gush 122
Smear 123
Pattern Transfer 124
Pool 125
Saturation 125
Flow 126
Complex Patterns 126
Altered Stains 127
Area of Origin Evaluations 127
Summary 129
References 130
7 Shooting Scene Processing and Reconstruction&Matthew Noedel 131
Introduction 131
Understanding Ammunition 131
Cartridges 131
The Primer 131
The Propellant 132
The Projectile 133
The Cartridge Case 133
Shotshells 134
Caliber 135
Reconstruction Potential Associated with Cartridges 135
Understanding Firearms 136
Chamber 136
Barrel 137
Trigger 137
Firing Pin/Striker 138
Firearm Safeties 139
Firearm Caliber 139
Reconstruction Potential Associated with Firearms 139
Accidental versus Unintentional Discharge 140
Handling Firearms at a Scene 140
Unloading Firearms 141
Semiautomatic Firearms 141
Revolvers 142
Fired Cartridge Cases 143
Ejection Patterns 143
Fired Bullets 145
Recovering Fired Components 145
Perforation versus Penetration 146
Shotgun Pattern Evaluation and Reconstruction 146
Recording Impacts and Ricochets 149
Evaluating Bullet Impact through Glass 150
Bullet Ricochet 152
Bullet Impact Evaluation 155
Field Tests for Copper: Dithiooxamide (DTO) and 2-Nitroso-1-Naphthol (2-NN) 155
Field Test for Lead: Sodium Rhodizonate (NaRho) 156
Reconstructing a Fired Bullet Trajectory 157
Trajectory Measurement Technique 158
Horizontal Angle 158
Vertical Angle 159
Using a Laser to Define Trajectory 160
Photographing Laser Trajectories 162
Shots into Vehicles 162
Establishing a Baseline for Vehicles 163
Using a 360-Degree Scale for Vehicles 163
Recording Trajectory Angles 164
Reporting Measured Trajectory Angles 165
Horizontal Angles 166
Vertical Angles 166
Gunshot Residue Examination 167
Muzzle Effluent 167
Primer Residue 169
Processing Shooting Scenes 169
Summary 173
Chapter Author 174
8 The Forensic Pathologist, the Body, and Crime Scene Reconstruction&Scott A. Wagner, MD 175
Introduction 175
Theory and Approach to Death Scene Investigation 175
Homicides 176
Five Basic Questions Posed by the Death Investigation 177
Forming Preliminary Opinions: Be Suspicious but Objective 177
Detailed Questions to Be Considered at the Scene: 178
The Body and the Death Scene 178
Examination of the Body at the Scene 180
Photographic Documentation of the Scene and the Body 180
Position of the Body at the Scene 181
Blood at the Scene 182
Vomitus 182
Physical Examination of the Body at the Scene 183
Scene Assessment 183
The Body, the Four Signs of Death, and the Time of Death 183
Eyes 187
Clothing 187
Determining Time of Death by Scene Investigation 188
Forensic Entomology and Time of Death 188
Forensic Botany and Time of Death 189
Decomposition 189
Changes in the Body during Decomposition 189
Other Decompositional Changes 189
Identification Methods 190
Collection of Evidence at the Scene 190
Visual Identification 191
Other Visual Methods of Identification 191
"Softer" Forms of Identification 191
Scientific Forms of Identification 192
The Medical-Legal Autopsy 193
Phases of the Medical-Legal Autopsy 194
Jurisdiction and Permission for Autopsies 195
Misconceptions of the Autopsy 195
Traumatic Injuries 195
Blunt Force Injuries versus Sharp Force Injuries: The Importance of Terminology 195
Blunt Force Injuries 196
Features of Blunt Force Injuries 196
Sharp Force Injuries 206
Firearms and Gunshot Wounds 210
Gunshot wounds 213
Exit Wounds 216
Strangulation 221
The Autopsy Report 222
Reconstruction of a Bullet Trajectory 223
Conclusion 223
References and Suggested Reading 224
Chapter Author 224
9 Writing Crime Scene Reconstruction Reports 225
Introduction 225
Essential Report Elements 226
Statement of Purpose 226
References 227
Body of the Report 227
Body of the Report: Outline Format 228
Body of the Report: Narrative Format 230
Flow Chart 234
Summary 235
10 Arguments and Ethics 237
Deductive and Inductive Arguments 237
The Role of Logic in Crime Scene Analysis 242
Informal Fallacies Encountered in Analysis 242
An Ethical Approach to Crime Scene Analysis 244
Summary 247
References 247
11 Developing and Using Demonstrative Exhibits in Support of the Crime Scene Analysis&Iris Dalley 249
Collection of Data 249
Videography 249
Photography 250
Measurements 255
Analysis of Data 256
Image Editing 256
Sketching and Mapping 258
Two-Dimensional 259
Presentation 265
Courtroom Testimony 268
Courtroom Admissibility Issues 268
References 271
Chapter Author 271
Index 273
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