Patents and Industry StandardsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Park
- 出 版 社:Incorporated
- 出版年份:2010
- 页数:238 页
1 Introduction 1
1 Background 1
2 Research questions 2
3 Methodological approach and source materials 3
4 Limitations 5
2 Industry standards 7
1 Introduction and definition of standards 7
2 Classification of standards by their economic effects 8
3 Standard setting process 12
4 Standardisation and technical change 15
5 Standards and competition 20
3 Patents and standards in the US 23
1 The legal issues 23
2 Patents and informal standards 24
3 Patents and formal standards 42
4 Patents and standards in the EU 55
1 Patents and informal standards 55
2 Patents and formal standards 78
3 Exceptional circumstances and industry standards 82
5 Patent laws and standards 96
1 Introduction 96
2 Reverse doctrine of equivalents 97
3 Compulsory licences 107
6 Costs and benefits of patent systems 118
1 Introduction 118
2 Costs and benefits of patent systems 119
3 Costs of patent systems in relation to standards 133
4 Review and implications 162
7 Alternative solutions and a suggested solution 165
1 Introduction 165
2 Proposals for patent reform 167
3 Suggested solution 200
4 Implementation of the proposed model 214
8 Conclusion 216
References 219
Index 231
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- 《东亚人面部美容手术》(美)JungI.Park主编;李航,刘立强译 2009
- 《风能及其利用》(美)派克(J.Park)著;孙云龙译 1984
- 《第八种现代物理》David Park 1977
- 《马塔潘角夜战》(美)帕克(Park,S.W.C.)著;李梦海译 1987
- 《构造地质学基础》(英)帕 克(Park,R.G.)著;李东旭等译 1988
- 《工程成本分析》William R.Park著;曾慧莺译 1979
- 《群众与公众》(美)罗伯特·E·帕克(Robert Ezra Park)著 2016
- 《原钻企业 崛起中的金砖国家企业成功法则 the four traits of succesful breakout firms in bric countries》(美)朴胜虎(Seung Ho Park),周楠,(美)杰拉尔多·伍松(Gerardo R. Ungson)著 2015
- 《两个加拿大人所见的莫斯科》(加拿大)派克(Libbie Park),(加拿大)派克(Frank Park)著;实生,鱼行译 1954