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The World of Business Volume III
The World of Business Volume III

The World of Business Volume IIIPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:44 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:Inc.
  • 出版年份:1962
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:1934 页
《The World of Business Volume III》目录


The Rights of Workers in the Thirteenth Century as Illustrated by the Laws Protecting Crewmen&Margaret R.Stobie 1290

The Marchants Aviso,or the Merchants' Guide&Patrick McGrath and John Browne 1293

Le Parfait Négotiant-A Frenchman Advises Apprentices&Jacques Savary 1311

Industry and Idleness&William Hogarth and Thomas Clerk 1313

The Superannuated Man&Charles Lamb 1338

The Father of Personnel Management&Robert Owen 1345

The"Silent Monitor"&Robert Owen 1350

A President Speaks on Labor&Abraham Lincoln 1352

Dombey and Son&Charles Dickens 1353

lohn Wanamaker—Paternalism in Labor Relations from Golden Book of the Wanamaker Stores,Jubilee Year,1861-1911 1363

Heard by Telephone—An Interview&Metcalfe 1365

The Father of the Modern Labor Union&Samuel Gompers 1367

Eight Rules for Office Workers in 1872&Anonymous 1374

The Secret of Business Is the Management of Men&Andrew Carnegie 1375

The Jungle&Upton Sinclair 1390

The Workers—A Poem&John Masefield 1399

Incentives for Workers—the Donkey and the Carrot&Mark Spade (Nigel Balchin) 1400

Barriers and Gateways to Communication&Carl R.Rogers and F.J.Roethlisberger 1402

Love Letter to a Factory&Phyllis McGinley 1414

Patterns—A Television Play&Rod Serling 1416

Settling a Strike in India&Mohandas K.Gandhi 1439

Men and Machines Talk Back to One Another&Norbert Wiener 1442


The Consequences of Power&Lyman Bryson 1445

The Dark Satanic Mills&William Blake 1447

Will Machinery Grind Down Labor?&David Ricardo 1447

To a Locomotive in Winter&Walt Whitman 1449

Machines That Can Think But Not Talk&Samuel Butler 1450

First Appearance of the Robot&Karel Capek 1455

Making and Managing the Machine—in Poetry&Eunice Tietjens and Harriet Monroe 1485

The Dignity of Labor Is a Delusion&H.L.Mencken 1490

One Poet Likes Factory Work—for Other People&Robert Frost 1491

Why Not Invent Animals to Run the Machines?&Clarence Day 1493

The Adding Machine&Elmer Rice 1500

A Chinese Philosopher Prefers the Material Civilization of the West&Hu Shih 1505

Computers Are Like Nervous Systems&Norbert Wiener 1510

The Promise of Automation&Peter F.Drucker 1513


The Mechanical Arts Are Held in Bad Repute—Fifth Century B.C.&Xenophon 1526

The Noblest Roman Exception of Them All&Marcus Tullius Cicero 1527

A Seventeenth-Century Frenchman Discusses Commerce&Jacques Savary 1528

Hamilton and Jefferson Disagree on the Role of Industry in the New Nation&Winston Churchill 1529

A Frenchman Comes to Understand Us in the Early 1800s—Democracy in Action&Alexis de Tocqueville 1534

The Statesman's Best Helpmate Is the Money-Making Citizen from The Economist 1538

Great Wealth—a Misfortune&Horace Mann 1541

The Role of the Wealthy in American Society&Ralph Waldo Emerson 1542

The Bustle of Business Interrupts Some Dreaming&Henry David Thoreau 1545

Peter Cooper—the Humble Rich Man of the 1800s&Peter Lyon 1554

and Mark an Era for Education in Business&A.Lawrence Lowell 1555

Two Russian Poems Glorify Machinery&V.Kirillov and A.K.Gastev 1557

An Argument Against Bigness in Business&Louis D.Brandeis 1559

A Defense of Big Business,and the Big Need to Make It Better&Theodore Roosevelt 1560

Unbusinesslike Big Business—an Unfriendly Appraisal&Gilbert K.Chesterton 1562

The Superlative Power of Individualism&Herbert Hoover 1565

A New Business Magazine Looks at the End of an Old Era—and the Beginning of a New One from Business Week 1570

The Money-Changers Have Fled from Their High Seats in the Temple—Inaugural Address of F.D.R.&Franklin D.Roosevelt 1575

Three American Vices—Efficiency,Punctuality,and the Desire for Success&Lin Yutang 1577

Illusion and Disillusion in the Late Lamentable Thirties&Pitirim A.Sorokin 1581

Sears,Roebuck de Mexico,S.A.&Richardson Wood and Virginia Keyser 1585

The American Image Is an Image of Immense Energy&Thomas Griffith 1593


The Intellectual Occupations of Businessmen&G.M.Bell 1600

Business Has a Responsibility to Support Liberal Education&Abram S.Hewitt 1604

Business Should Seek More Than Profit&Louis D.Brandeis 1611

Man Is More Than Economic—the First Clinical Inquiry&Elton Mayo 1617

The Emerging Profession of Business&Wallace B.Donham 1624

Young Businessmen and Germany's Future&Josef Winschuh 1631


The Earliest Recorded Discussion of Delegation of Authority&from the Bible 1643

Socrates Sets Forth the Essentials of Management&Xenophon 1644

Piracy—an Early Form of Business Organization?&Werner Sombart 1646

Joint Liability—the Ruin of a Great Merchant Company&from Robert S.Lopez and Irving W.Raymond 1651

Guilds in the Middle Ages&Georges Renard 1656

Information Is the Soul of Enterprise&Roger Burlingame 1679

The Standard Oil Trust Pioneers in Management Techniques—the First Executive Committee&Ralph W.Hidy and Muriel E.Hidy 1683

General Principles of Management—from Division of Work to Esprit de Corps&Henri Fayol 1685

How Thoroughly Departmental&Robert Frost 1704

Fascism Applied to Business&Benito Mussolini 1705

New Methods of Work,New Methods of Management&Joseph Stalin 1709

The Managers Are Taking Over&James Burnham 1712

For Managing Directors Only—That Is,Only Nonsense&Mark Spade (Nigel Balchin) 1719

Du Pont's Experience in Decentralization,Delegation,and Management by Committee&William H.Mylander 1722

Parkinson's Law,or The Rising Pyramid&C.Northcote Parkinson 1737

The Unknown Citizen—Who Deserves to Be Better Known&W.H.Auden 1743

The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit&Sloan Wilson 1744

Belongingness—the Organization Man&William H.Whyte,Jr 1756

Organization of Work in Russia&Joseph S.Berliner 1766

The Corporation in Modern Society&Adolf A.Berle,Jr 1773


The Wild Flower Man&Lu Yu 1777

Geoffrey Chaucer's Business Background&Marchette Chute 1778

One of the First Great Entrepreneurs&Jacob Strieder 1784

Dick Whittington and His Cat&Henrietta M.Larson 1790

Two Strong-Willed Women Start a Japanese Business Dynasty&Oland D.Russell 1791

The First American Businessman,and the Oldest American Business Firm&N.S.B.Gras 1800

The Beginnings of a Famous Business Career&Benjamin Franklin 1802

Isaac Singer and His Wonderful Sewing Machine&Peter Lyon 1819

The Rise of Silas Lapham&William Dean Howells 1839

Horatio Alger,Jr.&Frederick Lewis Allen 1855

The Errand Boy&Horatio Alger,Jr 1862

The Elephant Cutlet&Ludwig Bemelmans 1873

The Man Who Could Not Be Cornered&George Horace Lorimer 1875

John Wanamaker—Marketer Extraordinary from Golden Book of the Wanamaker Stores,Jubilee Year,1861-1911&Joseph H.Appel 1884

The Titan&Theodore Dreiser 1893

Scattergood Baines—Invader&Clarence Budington Kelland 1904

Personal Note on Making Money&H.L.Mencken 1920

Clovis on the Alleged Romance of Business&Saki (H.H.Munro) 1921

Henry J.Kaiser—No.1 Shipbuilder of World War Ⅱ&Gerard Piel 1922

The Irreplaceable Anton Fomich—Dealer in Blat from Krokodil 1930

A Poet on Retirement—A Mind Quite Vacant Is a Mind Distress'd&William Cowper 1933
