Electronic evidence and e-discoveryPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Wotherspoon
- 出 版 社:LexisNexis
- 出版年份:2010
- 页数:170 页
Chapter 1 — Introduction to Electronic Evidence and Electronic Discovery 1
Ⅰ. Electronic Information is EverywherE 1
Ⅱ. Challenges of Electronic Information 6
Ⅲ. Overview of this Book 10
Chapter 2 — Managing Electronic Evidence Risks Before Litigation: Document Management Policies 13
Ⅰ. Overview 13
Ⅱ. Important Themes in a Document Management Policy 15
A. Reasonableness 16
B. Good faith 17
C. Responsiveness to litigation needs 17
Ⅲ. How to Create and Implement a Document Management Policy 18
A. Obtain buy-in and form a document management policy team 18
B. Identify business and legal requirements 19
C. Create an information inventory 24
D. Drafting the document management policy 26
E. Implementing,enforcing and reviewing the document management policy 30
Ⅳ. Destruction Provisions in a Document Management Policy 32
Ⅴ. Implementing a “Litigation Hold” Mechanism in a Document Management Policy 35
Ⅵ. Electronic Records Standards 37
Ⅶ. Tables and Checklists 40
A. Document management policy Checklist 40
Chapter 3 — Electronic Discovery: The Obligation to Preserve and Disclose Electronic EvidencE 45
Ⅰ. Overview of Discovery Obligations 45
A. The purpose of pre-trial discovery 46
B. Discovery of documents: What is a document? 47
C. Discovery of documents: Civil proceedings 48
D. Civil disclosure: Summary 51
E. Crown disclosure: Disclosure in the criminal and quasi-criminal context 51
F. Disclosure in the context of electronic documents 54
Ⅱ. The Obligation to Preserve Documents 62
A. What triggers the obligation to preserve documents in Canada? 63
B. What needs to be preserved? Circumscribing the obligation to preservE 67
Ⅲ. Spoliation: The Supervisory Role of the Courts 76
A. Sanctions for spoliation in Canada and the United States 78
Ⅳ. Privacy Considerations and Constraints 83
A. Data protection law and litigation 84
B. The implied undertaking rulE 87
C. Information held by a party 89
D. Information held by a non-party 93
Ⅴ. Privilege Considerations and Constraints 95
Chapter 4 — Gathering and Preserving Electronic EvidencE 101
Ⅰ. Introduction 101
Ⅱ. Strategy 102
A. Develop a search strategy 102
B. Create an e-discovery team 102
Ⅲ. Sources of Electronic EvidencE 108
Ⅳ. Steps to Effective Computer Forensic Analysis 109
A. Developing a strategy 112
B. Gathering electronic evidencE 116
C. AnalyzinG 120
D. EvaluatinG 126
Ⅴ. Gathering and Preserving Evidence Beyond your Control 127
A. Preservation letters,agreements and court orders 128
Ⅵ. Summary and Checklist 133
A. E-Discovery Checklist 134
Chapter 5 — Using and Challenging Electronic Evidence Effectively 137
Ⅰ. Introduction 137
A. The adversarial trial process 137
B. Overview of the trial process 138
C. Sources of evidence laws 139
Ⅱ. Using the General Principles of the Law of EvidencE 140
A. Admissibility 140
B. RelevancE 141
C. Exclusionary principles 144
D. Statutory provisions that govern electronic evidence 148
Ⅲ. Other Considerations in Using and Challenging Electronic EvidencE 149
A. The dynamic quality of electronic documents 149
B. Waiver of privilege and motions to remove counsel 150
C. Tangible or real evidence 151
D. Strategies and tips: Electronic evidence before the Court 152
Ⅳ. Summary 158
Index 159