- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:OREGON
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:1849460108
- 页数:321 页
PART Ⅰ Rethinking the Philosophical Foundations of Substantive Domestic Criminal Law 3
A.The Legitimate Scope of Criminal Law and the Methodology of Criminal Law Theory 3
1.Two Conceptions of Equality before the (Criminal) Law&Malcolm Thorburn 3
2.Individual Emergencies and the Rule of Criminal Law&Francois Tanguay-Renaud 21
3.The Wrong, the Bad and the Wayward: Liberalism’s Mala in Se&Alan Brudner 55
4.Obscenity without Borders&Leslie Green 75
B.New Perspectives on Exculpation 97
5.Understanding the Voluntary Act Principle&Andrew Botterell 97
6.Mental Disorder and the Instability of Blame in Criminal Law&Benjamin L Berger 117
7.Responsibility, Self-respect and the Ethics of Self-pathologization&Annalise Acorn 141
8.Excuses and Excusing Conditions&Dennis Klimchuk 161
PART Ⅱ Rethinking the Philosophical Foundations of the Domestic Criminal Process 177
9.The Law of Evidence and the Protection of Rights&Hamish Stewart 177
10.Packer’s Blind Spot: Low Visibility Encounters and the Limits of Due Process versus Crime Control&James Stribopoulos 193
11.Social Deprivation and Criminal Justice&Kimberley Brownlee 217
PART Ⅲ Rethinking International Criminal Law and its Specificities 233
12.Universal Jurisdiction and the Duty to Govern&Michael Giudice and Matthew Schaeffer 233
13.International Criminal Law: Between Utopian Dreams and Political Realities&Margaret Martin 249
14.Joint Intentions&Jens David Ohlin 267
15.Theorizing Duress and Necessity in International Criminal Law&Dwight Newman 291
Index 309
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