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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵宏宇编著
  • 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7561210612
  • 页数:434 页

第一部分 绪论 1

一、 英语专业四级写作要求 1

二、 考试大纲对四级写作的要求和规定 1

三、 作文构思 2

四、 提纲 6

五、 句子写作 11

六、 段落的写作 13

七、 文章的写作 16

八、 说明文 20

九、 议论文 24

十、 记叙文 26

十一、描写文 27

第二部分 作文 28

1.广告 28

2.自行车 34

3.书 38

4.死刑 43

5.职业 48

6.作弊 53

7.儿童教育 57

8.选择住地 61

9.课堂活动 66

10.交际 71

11.竞争与合作 75

12.电脑 80

13.信心 86

14.词典 90

15.勤奋与成功 93

16.不满足 97

17.教育 101

18.教育体制 105

19.英语学习(I) 109

20.英语学习(II) 113

21.环境污染 117

22.环境保护 122

23.安乐死 126

24.考试 131

25.失败 136

26.假冒伪劣商品 140

27.友谊 144

28.游戏 148

29.代沟 152

30.习惯 156

31.幸福 159

32.健康 163

33.健康与运动 167

34.业余爱好 171

35.诚实 175

36.幽默 179

37.智力与环境 183

38.工作 187

39.求职面试 191

40.闲暇时间 195

41.幸运数 200

42.钱 204

43.金钱与幸福 208

44.报纸 212

45.机遇 216

46.父母与子女 220

47.兼职 224

48.锻炼身体 229

49.污染 233

50.人口问题 238

51.私人小汽车 243

52.守时 247

53.阅读 250

54.吸烟 255

55.学生 260

56.留学 264

57.电话 269

58.电视 273

59.电视对青少年的影响 277

60.时间 281

61.交通问题 284

62.旅行 288

63.树 293

64.假期 298

65.财富 302

66.工作 305

第三部分 便条 309

67.祝贺生日 313

68.祝贺毕业 315

69.祝贺圣诞、祝贺新年 317

70.祝贺通过考试 319

71.祝贺获奖 321

72.慰问 323

73.同情 325

74.邀请(正式) 327

75.邀请(非正式) 329

76.感激 333

77.住址变动 336

78.道歉 337

79.求职 340

80.求学申请 342

81.推荐 345

82.自荐 347

83.寻物启事 349

84.招领启事 351

85.演讲比赛 353

86.请假 354

87.询问 356

88.简历 358

89.学生简历 360

第四部分 模拟训练参考作文 361

1.My View on Advertisements on TV 361

2.My View on Bicycles in China 362

3.Fiction Can Teach Us More 362

4.Capital Punishment:For and Against 363

5.My Ideal Job 364

6.My Solution to Cheating in Exams 365

7.Hard Life Is Good for Children 366

8.Where to live—in the City or in the Country 367

9.Active Classes or Passive Classes 368

10.By Phone or By Letter 369

11.My View on Competition 370

12.The Positive and Negative Effects of Computers 371

13.On the Importance of Self-confidence 372

14.Dictionary 373

15.No Pains,No Gains 374

16.My View on Dissatisfaction 375

17.Self-education 376

18.Letter Grades and Pass-fail Grades 377

19.The Importance of Extensive Reading 378

20.How to Enlarge Our English Vocabulary 379

21.The Greenhouse Effect 380

22.Economic Development and Environmental Protection 381

23.My View on Euthanasia 382

24.Objective Exams and Subjective Exams 383

25.Is Failure a Bad Thing 384

26.My View on the Harmfulness of Fake Commodities 385

27.On Choice of Friends 386

28.My View on Computer Games 387

29.On Generation Gap 387

30.On the Importance of Good Habits 389

31.What Makes Life Happy 390

32.On the Importance of Health 391

33.Health and Sports 391

34.My Hobbies 392

35.On Honesty 393

36.Humor and Wit 394

37.Is Intelligence Born or Developed 394

38.On Job-hopping 395

39.On the Advantages of a Job Interview 396

40.Physical or Intellectual Activities 397

41.Lucky Numbers Bring No Good Luck 398

42.My View on Money 399

43.Money Is Not All-powerful 400

44.The Part of the Newspaper I Read More Often 401

45.My View on Opportunity 402

46.On Spending Free Time 402

47.Students Should Be Encouraged to Take Part-time 404

48.Physical Exercise Should Be a Required Part of Every School Day 405

49.Water Pollution 406

50.My View on Whether to Have Children 407

51.Private Cars Should Not Be Encouraged 408

52.On Unpunctualness 409

53.Reading Selectively of Extensively 410

54.How to Give Up Smoking 411

55.On How to Be a Good Student 412

56.My View on Homestay Program 413

57.My View on the Telephone 414

58.Television and People s Behavior 415

59.The Harmful Effect of Television on Children 416

60.On How to Use Time 417

61.Motorcycles and City Traffic 418

62.The Advantages of Tourism 419

63.Trees——Man s Faithful Friends 420

64.I Prefer Long Vacations 421

66.Work and Play 422

65.Can success Be Measured in Terms of Money Alone 422

67.Congratulations on Birthday 423

76.Gratitude 424

78.Apology 424

79.Job Application 424

80.Applying for Studying in a University 425

83.Notice of Lost Object 425

84.Found 426

86.Asking for Leave 426

88.A Student s Resume 426

附录 关联词语 428
