多维视界 传播与文化研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴予敏主编;深圳大学文学院传播系编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7301052472
- 页数:461 页
Establishing the On-limits Ken:Restructuring of the Communication Studies WU Yu-min 1
创建开放的知识平台(代序) 吴予敏 1
第一辑 传播理论·传播史 3
论传播与人的反思性 吴予敏 3
Communication and Human Reflexivity WU Yu-min 3
Communication Theories·History of Communication 3
麦克卢汉的遗产——超越现代思维定势的后现代思维 何道宽 22
Legacy of McLuhan HE Dao-kuan 22
中文传播的媒介权力及其观念的演变 吴予敏 32
The Ideas of Media Power in Chinese Communication WU Yu-min 32
Communication and National Development in the Globalization Era WU Yu-min 49
全球化时代的传播与国家发展 吴予敏 49
My Tentative Analysis of Modern China s Movie Culture Media YOU Jian-xi 64
近代中国电影文化传播刍议 游建西 64
现代中国面向农民办报第一人——张雪岩和《田家》半月报 欧阳康 80
The Fore-runner Who Ran the First Peasant Newspaper in Modern Chinese History OUYANG Kang 80
传播学在旅游研究领域中的应用 李蕾蕾 88
On the Application of Communication Studies to the Tourism Development LI Lei-lei 88
第二辑 媒介研究 103
媒介即是文化——麦克卢汉媒介理论批评 何道宽 103
Studies of Media 103
Media Mean Culture:A Critique of McLuhan Media Theory HE Dao-kuan 103
变革中的中国电视体制和电视文化 吴予敏 117
On The Change of Chinese Television System and Culture WU Yu-min 117
报纸媒体网络化初探 陈静诗 139
On the Networking of the Newspaper Medium CHEN Jing-shi 139
媒体经济——一个新的研究领域 李新立 150
Media Economics as a Research Field LI Xin-li 150
Audience Rating in the Medium of TV LIU Qing-mian 166
浅谈电视传媒的“收视率” 刘庆年 166
Studies of Advertising and Brand 175
Internationalization and Localization:Development of China s Advertising WU Yu-min 175
广告发展两面观:国际化与本土化——兼论中国广告在全球经济时代的发展症结 吴予敏 175
第三辑 广告与品牌研究 175
The Trend of China s Advertising in 2001 YU Ming-yang 186
2001中国广告大趋势 余明阳 186
The Appeal and Effect of Advertisements WANG Xiao-hua 193
广告诉求与广告效果 王晓华 193
From Selling to Marketing:an Account of A Basic Proposition LI Xin-li 201
从销售到营销:基本命题的阐述 李新立 201
An Evaluation Model of Brand Extension YU Ming-yang 209
品牌延伸的评估模型 余明阳 209
My First Inquiry into the Strategy of Communication the Image of a Tourist Spot LI Lei-lei 257
旅游地形象的传播策略初探 李蕾蕾 257
Inter-cultural Communication and Cultural Studies 271
Sustainable-Development-Oriented Concept of Designing and the Local Cultural Spirit TIAN Shao-xu 271
可持续发展的设计观与本土文化精神 田少煦 271
第四辑 文化研究·跨文化传播 271
Cultures and Religions RUAN Wei 277
文化与宗教 阮炜 277
Civilizations and Sub-civilizations RUAN Wei 291
文明与亚文明 阮炜 291
A Combination of Taoist Tradition and Modern nature in ZHENG Guan-ying s Ideology of Learning from the West YOU Jian-xi 308
论郑观应“学务”思想中道家传统性与近代性的二重结合 游建西 308
Chinese Legacy for This Eventful World:Harmony Allowing Diversity HE Dao-kuan 325
和而不同息纷争——全球化进程中的救世良方 何道宽 325
The Research Fields and the Concern for Current Reality in Trans-cultural Media WU Yu-min 340
跨文化传播的研究领域与现实关切 吴予敏 340
Characteristics of the High-context Chinese Culture:Its Change in Contemporary China LIU Yin-kai 352
汉语文化的“高环境”特征及其在当代中国的变化 刘英凯 352
Different Use of Metaphors in Chinese and Western Works and Their Socio-cultural Origins LIU Ying-kai 363
中西作品中比喻差异及其社会文化成因 刘英凯 363
The Concept and Awareness of Identity QIAN Chao-ying 376
身份概念与身份意识 钱超英 376
A Journey of Imagination QIAN Chao-ying 387
想象的旅程——关于华人移民文学在一个英语主流社会传播命运的案例性考察 钱超英 387
Intercultural Communication and Its Influence on the Local Cultural Identity of Tourist Spots LI Lei-lei 408
跨文化传播及其对旅游目的地地方文化认同的影响 李蕾蕾 408
An Analysis of the Formation and Negative Influencing Elements of the Master Mentality of Shenzhen s New Immigrants WANG Xiao-hua 417
深圳新移民“主人心态”的形成及影响因素分析 王晓华 417
Build a Principle Culture by Transcending Immitation Wu Jun-zhong 436
超越参照,建设主体文化 吴俊忠 436
The Building of Advanced Culture and Ethics in Shenzhen:Its Chief Channels and Development Orientation Wu Jun-zhong 448
深圳精神文化建设的主要途径与发展方向 吴俊忠 448
About the Authors 459
本书作者简介 459
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