- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:金涌,祝京旭等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7302047731
- 页数:532 页
Fluidization Engineering Principles 2
1-1 Fluidization Phenomenon 2
第1章 概论 金涌 2
1-1 流态化现象 2
1-2 Study Areas of Fluidization Engineering 6
1-2 流态化工程的研究领域 6
1-3 流态化技术的发展沿革及其工业应用 8
1-3 Developments and Applications of Fluidization Technology 8
1-4 Comparison between Fluidization Technology and Similar Technologies 13
1-4 流态化技术与其他同类技术的比较及其优缺点 13
References 14
Nomenclature 14
符号说明 14
参考文献 14
2-1-1 Conditions for fluidization and basic characteristics of fluidization 17
2-1 Basic Characteristics and Quality of Fluidization 17
第2章 流态化基础知识和流型分类 祝京旭、张辉 17
2-1 流态化的基本特征和流化质量 17
2-1-1 流化形成的条件和流态化的基本特征 17
2-1-2 流化质量、聚式与散式流态化 18
2-1-2 Fluidization quality, aggregate and particulate fluidization 18
2-1-3 Bed pressure drop versus fluidization velocity, incipient fluidization velocity 20
2-1-3 床层压降与流体流速的关系、起始流化速度 20
2-1-4 流化床反应器的基本结构 21
2-1-4 Structure of fluidized bed reactors 21
2-2-1 单颗粒的基本性质 24
2-2 颗粒的基本性质和分类 24
2-2 Basic Properties and Classification of Solid Particles 24
2-2-1 Basic properties of single particles 24
2-2-2 单颗粒的流动行为 27
2-2-2 Dynamic properties of single particles 27
2-2-3 Particle size distribution and equivalent particle diameters 29
2-2-3 颗粒群的粒度分布与平均当量直径 29
2-2-4 颗粒密度的几种定义及其测定方法 31
2-2-4 Definitions of various particle densities and their measurements 31
2-2-5 Angles of repose, internal friction and slide 32
2-2-5 颗粒群的堆积角、内摩擦角和滑落角 32
2-2-6 Mechanical properties of particles 33
2-2-6 颗粒群的机械性质 33
2-2-7 Effects of particle properties on fluidization behaviour-Geldart particle classification 36
2-2-7 颗粒性质对流化行为的影响——Geldart的颗粒分类法 36
2-2-8 Particle classification by bed collapse test and its application 37
2-2-8 应用床层塌落法对颗粒分类 37
2-3 流化床反应器的流型及流型转变 39
2-3-1 传统低气速流态化中的流型 39
2-3 Fluidization Regimes and Regime Transitions 39
2-3-1 Fluidization regimes in conventional low gas velocity fluidized bed 39
2-3-2 Transition from low gas velocity to high gas velocity fluidization 40
2-3-2 从低气速到高气速的转变 40
2-3-3 Typical fluidization regime maps 42
2-3-3 几种典型的流型图(相图) 42
符号说明 46
Nomenclature 46
参考文献 49
References 49
3-1-1 气体分布器 55
3-1 气固密相流化床的结构和主要组成部分 55
第3章 气固密相流化床 蔡平 范良士 55
3-1 Typical Structure and Main Components of a Gas-Solid Dense-Phase Fluidized bed 55
3-1-1 Gas distributor 55
3-1-2 Freeboard and enlargement section 56
3-1-3 Cyclone and dipleg 56
3-1-2 自由空域和扩大段 56
3-1-3 旋风分离器和料腿 56
3-2-1 气固散式流态化的一般行为 57
3-2-1 Characteristics of gas-solid particulate fluidization 57
3-2 Gas-Solid Particulate Fluidization and its Stability 57
3-1-4 Internals 57
3-1-4 内部构件 57
3-2 气固散式流态化及其稳定性 57
3-2-2 气固散式流态化发生的判据 58
3-2-2 Criteria for gas-solid particulate fluidization 58
3-2-3 气固散式流态化的稳定性分析及初始气泡的产生 59
3-2-3 Stability analysis for gas solid particulate fluidization and the formation of bubbles 59
3-3-1 流化床中的单个气泡 60
3-3 气固鼓泡流态化 60
3-3-1 Behaviour of Single bubbles 60
3-3 Gas-Solid Bubbling Fluidization 60
3-3-2 Flow around single bubbles 63
3-3-2 流化床中单个气泡周围的流场 63
3-3-3 Formation of bubbles and jets at the distributor 65
3-3-3 气泡与射流在分布器上的形成 65
3-3-4 Interaction, coalescence and breakup of bubbles 66
3-3-4 气泡间的相互作用、聚并和破碎 66
3-3-5 气泡尺寸 68
3-3-5 Bubble size 68
3-3-6 气泡上升速度 69
3-3-6 Bubble rise velocity 69
3-3-7 Gas distribution and the two-phase theory 70
3-3-7 气体在相间的分配和两相理论 70
3-3-8 Bubble holdup and bed expansion 72
3-3-8 流化床内的气泡体积分数及床层膨胀 72
3-4 Turbulent Fluidization 73
3-4-1 Characteristics of turbulent fluidization 73
3-4 湍动流态化 73
3-4-1 湍动流态化的流型特征 73
3-4-2 Definition and identification of turbulent fluidization 74
3-4-2 湍动流态化的定义与判别 74
3-4-3 Mechanism and modelling of the transition to turbulent fluidization 75
3-4-3 向湍动流态化转变的机理和模型 75
3-4-4 影响流型转变的诸因素及其关联式 76
3-4-4 Factors affecting regime transition and related correlations 76
3-4-5 Operating parameters for turbulent fluidization and their calculations 83
3-4-5 湍动流态化各操作参数的计算及其变化规律 83
3-5 Slugging 85
3-5-1 Formation of slugs 85
3-5-2 Shape and rising velocity of single slugs 85
3-5 节涌流态化 85
3-5-1 节涌的产生 85
3-5-2 单个气栓的形状和上升速度 85
3-6 Particle Elutriation and Carry-over in the Freeboard 86
3-5-3 Continuous slugging 86
3-5-3 连续节涌的特性 86
3-6 流化床自由空域内颗粒的扬析和夹带 86
3-6-1 Elutriation, carry-over and transport disengagement height 87
3-6-1 扬析、夹带与沉降分离高度 87
3-6-3 计算关联式及模型 88
3-6-2 Mechanism of particle ejection into the freeboard 88
3-6-2 颗粒弹射入自由空域的机理 88
3-6-3 Correlations and modelling 88
3-7 Industrial Applications of Gas-Solid Dense-Phase Fluidized Bed 90
3-8 结束语 90
3-7 气固密相流化床的工业应用 90
3-8 Concluding Remarks 90
符号说明 95
Nomenclature 95
参考文献 97
References 97
第4章 循环流化床 白丁荣 106
4-1 循环流化床装置及流型 106
4-1-1 循环流化床装置 106
4-1 Typical Structure of Circulating Fluidized Beds and the Operating Regimes 106
4-1-1 Typical set-up of circulating fluidized beds 106
4-1-2 Regime transitions and fluidization regime maps 108
4-1-2 流型转变及流化相图 108
4-1-3 气体饱和夹带 112
4-1-3 Gas saturation carrying capacity 112
4-2 循环流化床的操作稳定性 115
4-2-1 稳定性分析 115
4-2 Operation Stability 115
4-2-1 Stability analysis 115
4-2-2 Definitions and classifications of choking 116
4-2-2 噎塞现象及其判据 116
4-3 循环流态化气固流动规律 118
4-3 Hydrodynamics of Gas-Solid Circulating Fluidized Beds 118
4-3-1 局部流动结构及其规律 118
4-3-1 Local flow structure 118
4-3-2 轴向流动规律 126
4-3-2 Axial flow structure 126
4-3-3 径向流动规律 138
4-3-3 Radial flow structure 138
4-3-4 整体流动规律 146
4-3-4 Overall flow structure 146
4-4 Hydrodynamic Modelling 150
4-4-1 局部结构模型 150
4-4 循环流态化气固流动模型 150
4-4-1 Models for local flow structure 150
4-4-2 一维轴向流动模型 151
4-4-2 One-dimensional axial flow models 151
4-4-3 Core-annulus flow models 154
4-4-3 环-核流动模型 154
4-5-1 气体混合及其停留时间分布 157
4-5 气固混合及停留时间分布 157
4-4-4 两维流体力学模型 157
4-5-1 Gas mixing and residence time distribution 157
4-5 Gas and Solids Mixing and Residence Time Distributions 157
4-4-4 Two-dimensional flow models 157
4-5-2 固体混合及其停留时间分布 161
4-5-2 Solids mixing and residence time distribution 161
4-6-1 Axial solids segregation and operating ranges 165
4-6 Multi-Component Particle Systems 165
4-6 多组分颗粒循环流态化 165
4-6-1 颗粒轴向离析及操作区域 165
4-6-2 Axial voidage distribution 168
4-6-2 空隙率轴向分布 168
4-6-3 Interaction between particles 170
4-6-3 颗粒间相互作用 170
4-6-4 Binary particle circulating fluidized beds as chemical reactors 171
4-6-4 双组分循环流化床的反应行为 171
4-7 High-Destiny Circulating Fluidized Beds 172
4-7 高密度循环流化床 172
4-8 Design and Seale-up of Circulating Fluidized Beds 177
4-8 循环流化床的设计与放大 177
4-8-1 循环系统的构成及设计应考虑的主要因素 178
4-8-1 Key components and important considerations for the design of circulating fluidized beds 178
4-8-2 循环流化床的放大准则 182
4-8-2 Scaling rules for circulating fluidized beds 182
4-9 循环流化床的应用 184
4-9 Applications of Circulating Fluidized Beds 184
4-9-1 低、中温的气固非均相催化反应过程 186
4-9-1 Low to medium temperature gas-phase heterogeneous catalytic reactions 186
4-9-2 Gas-solid non-catalytic reactions 191
4-9-2 气固非催化反应过程 191
4-9-3 Physical processes 193
4-9-3 物理过程 193
Nomenclature 195
符号说明 195
References 201
参考文献 201
第5章 气固顺重力场流态化 魏飞 祝京旭 祁春鸣 金涌 217
5-1 Developments and Applications of Downflow Circulating Fluidized Beds(Downers) 218
5-1 顺重力场循环流化床的发展与工业实践 218
5-1-1 气固并流下行床研究的沿革 218
5-1-1 Inception and developments of downflow fluidized beds 218
5-1-2 下行循环流化床的应用 220
5-1-2 Applications of downflow circulating fluidized beds 220
5-2 Structure of Downer Reactors 224
5-2 下行床反应器的结构 224
5-2-1 Gas and solids distributors 225
5-2-1 气固入口分布器 225
5-2-2 Downer column 227
5-2-3 Gas-solids fast separators 227
5-2-2 下行床反应器主体 227
5-2-3 气固快速分离 227
5-3 下行床的流体力学特征 229
5-3 Hydrodynamics of Downers 229
5-3-1 Flow regions in the downer 230
5-3-1 下行床的流动分区 230
5-3-2 Pressure distripution, axial distributions of solids velocity and concentration 232
5-3-2 轴向压力分布及轴向颗粒浓度与速度的变化 232
5-3-3 局部气体速度径向分布 233
5-3-3 Radial distributions of gas velocity 233
5-3-4 局部颗粒速度径向分布 234
5-3-4 Radial distributions of particle velocity 234
5-3-5 局部颗粒浓度径向分布 235
5-3-5 Radial distributions of solids concentration 235
5-3-6 Radial distributions of slip velocity and velocity fluctuation 237
5-3-6 局部滑落速度及脉动速度的径向分布 237
5-3-7 Analysis of the interaction between gas and solids in the downer and the riser 239
5-3-7 下行床与提升管中气体及颗粒之间的相互作用分析 239
5-4 Gas-solids Fluid Dynamic Models 241
5-4 气固湍流流动模型 241
5-4-1 Conventional two-fluid model 242
5-4-1 传统双流体模型 242
5-4-2 kinetic theory of particulate phase and research development 244
5-4-2 颗粒相动力学理论、模型及研究进展 244
5-4-3 Comparison between modeling and experi mental results 251
5-4-3 模拟结果与实验数据的对照分析 251
5-5 气、固两相流动非线性动力学分析 263
5-5 Non-linear Analyses on the Gas and Solids Dynamic Flow Structure 263
5-5-1 混沌分析 264
5-5-1 Chaotic analyses 264
5-5-2 Chaotic analyses in the fully developed region in the riser and the downer 267
5-5-2 提升管和下行床完全发展段混沌动力学分析 267
5-6-1 Axial solids mixing 273
5-6-1 轴向颗粒混合 273
5-6 Gas and Solids Mixing 273
5-6 气固混合 273
5-6-2 径向颗粒混合 276
5-6-2 Radial solids mixing 276
5-6-3 气体混合 278
5-6-3 Gas mixing 278
5-7-1 Heat transfer between bed and suspended surface 280
5-7-1 下行床床层与浸入换热面的传热 280
5-7 下行床中的传热问题 280
5-7 Heat Transfer 280
5-7-2 Gas-solid heat transfer 281
5-7-2 下行床床层中气固相间的传热 281
5-8 结束语 282
5-8 Concluding Remarks 282
符号说明 283
Nomenclature 283
References 286
参考文献 286
6-1-1 气体与颗粒间的传热 294
6-1 鼓泡流化床内的传热 294
第6章 气固流化床的传热 祝京旭 马颖亮 栾文琦 294
6-1 Heat Transfer in Bubbling Fluidized Beds 294
6-1-1 Transfer between gas and solids 294
6-1-2 Transfer between bed and heat transfer surfaces 297
6-1-2 床层与传热表面间的传热规律 297
6-1-3 Mechanism and modelling of transfer between bed and surfaces 300
6-1-3 床层与传热表面间的传热机理与模型 300
6-1-4 辐射传热 303
6-1-4 Radiation heat transfer 303
6-2 循环流化床内的传热 304
6-2-1 床层与传热表面间的传热规律与影响因素 304
6-2 Heat Transfer in Circulating Fluidized Beds 304
6-2-1 Transfer between bed suspension and surfaces, and main influencing factors 304
6-2-2 Locations of heat transfer surfaces and their functions 311
6-2-2 传热面的设置及其作用 311
6-2-3 Radiation heat transfer under high temperature conditions 312
6-2-3 高温操作中的辐射传热 312
6-3 Heat Transfer Mechanism and Modelling between Bed Suspension and Walls in Circulating Fluidized Beds 314
6-3-1 Particle convection 314
6-3 循环流化床内床层与壁面的传热机理与模型 314
6-3-1 颗粒对流传热 314
6-3-2 Gas convection 318
6-3-2 气体对流传热 318
6-3-3 Radiation 319
6-3-3 辐射传热 319
6-4 传热实验的测量手段 320
6-4-1 对流传热的测量 320
6-4 Measurement Methods in Heat Transfer Experiments 320
6-4-1 Convective heat transfer 320
6-4-2 Radiative heat transfer 322
6-4-2 辐射传热的测量 322
6-5 Concluding Remarks 323
Nomenclature 323
6-5 结束语 323
符号说明 323
参考文献 327
References 327
7-1 统一流化床两相反应器模型 334
第7章 流化床反应器的模型与放大 毕晓涛 334
7-1 Generalized Two-Phase Model 334
7-2 鼓泡流化床的反应器模型 335
7-2-1 鼓泡流化床的两相反应器模型 335
7-2 Bubbling Fluidized Bed Models 335
7-2-1 Two-phase bubbling fluidized bed models 335
7-2-2 鼓泡流化床的三相反应器模型 338
7-2-2 Three-phase bubbling fluidized bed models 338
7-2-3 Comparison between experimental results and predictions of various models 339
7-2-3 典型模型计算结果与实验数据的比较 339
7-2-4 Influence of internals, distributor and freeboard on reaction conversion 342
7-2-4 内构件、分布板区及稀相空域对转化率的影响 342
7-4 湍动流化床的反应器模型 343
7-3 节涌流化床的反应器模型 343
7-3 Slugging Fluidized Bed Reactor Models 343
7-4 Turbulent Fluidized Bed Reactor Models 343
7-5-1 One-dimensional plug flow models 345
7-5 快速流化床的反应器模型 345
7-5-1 一维平推流模型 345
7-5 Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor Models 345
7-5-2 环-核反应器模型 346
7-5-2 Core-annuals models 346
7-5-3 颗粒团聚模型 348
7-5-4 线流流动模型 348
7-5-3 Cluster models 348
7-5-4 Drift flux models 348
7-5-5 Effects of inlet, exit and internals 349
7-5-5 进、出口结构及内置构件的影响 349
7-6 Industrial Scale-up of Fluidized Bed Reactors 350
7-6 流化床反应器的放大 350
7-7 Concluding Remarks 351
7-7 结束语 351
符号说明 352
Nomenclature 352
References 354
参考文献 354
8-1-1 Spouting phenomena and operating range 360
第8章 喷动床 祝京旭 洪江 360
8-1 喷动床的基本特征 360
8-1-1 喷动现象和操作范围 360
CHAPTER 8 SPOUTED BED Zhu Jingxu and Hong Jiang 360
8-1 Characteristics of Spouted Beds 360
8-1-2 喷动床反应器的基本结构 362
8-1-2 Typical structure of spouted bed reactors 362
8-1-3 喷动床和密相流化床的同异点 363
8-1-3 Spouted beds versus dense-phase fluidized beds 363
8-2-1 气、固两相的总体流动行为 364
8-2-1 Overall flow behaviour of gas and solids 364
8-2 喷动床的流动行为 364
8-2-2 Onset of spouting and minimum spouting velocity 364
8-2-2 喷动床的起动和最小喷动速度 364
8-2 Hydrodynamics of Spouted Bed 364
8-2-3 Maximum spoutable bed height and its physical meaning 366
8-2-3 最大喷动床高及其物理意义 366
8-2-4 Spout diameter and flow behaviour inside the spout 368
8-2-4 喷射区的直径和流动特性 368
8-2-5 环隙区的两相流动 370
8-2-5 Flow behaviour of the two phases in the annulus 370
8-2-6 喷泉区的流动行为 371
8-2-6 Flow behaviour in the fountain region 371
8-2-7 颗粒的混合与分层 372
8-2-7 Solids mixing and separation 372
8-3-1 多喷头喷动床 373
8-3 喷动床的床型变化 373
8-3 Variations of Spouted Bed Structure 373
8-3-1 Multiple spouting 373
8-3-2 带引导管的喷动床 374
8-3-2 Spouted bed with draft tubes 374
8-3-3 Spout-fluid beds 375
8-3-3 喷动-流化床 375
8-3-4 Internal circulating fluidized beds 376
8-4 Modelling and Scale-up of Spouted Beds 376
8-4-1 Hydrodynamic modelling 376
8-4 喷动床的模型与放大 376
8-3-4 内循环床 376
8-4-1 喷动床的流动模型 376
8-4-2 Reactor modelling 383
8-4-2 喷动床的反应模型 383
8-4-3 Scaling rules for spouted beds 385
8-4-3 喷动床的放大规律 385
8-5 喷动床的应用 386
8-5-1 干燥及其他物理过程 386
8-5 Applications of Spouted Beds 386
8-5-1 Drying and other physical processes 386
8-5-3 燃烧和气化 387
8-5-2 Chemical reactions 387
8-5-3 Combustion and gasification 387
8-5-2 化学反应 387
8-5-4 细颗粒的捕集 388
8-5-5 颗粒的粉碎 388
符号说明 388
8-5-4 Collection of fine particles 388
Nomenclature 388
8-5-5 Particle Communition 388
References 390
参考文献 390
第9章 流态化的工业应用 俞芷青 399
9-1-1 Drying 400
9-1 Physical Processes 400
9-1 物理过程的应用 400
9-1-1 干燥 400
9-1-2 移热 402
9-1-2 Heat removal 402
9-1-3 Pneumatic transport 403
9-1-3 气力输送 403
9-1-4 物料混合与分级 404
9-1-4 Solids mixing and segregation 404
9-1-5 包涂 405
9-1-5 Coating 405
9-1-6 Adsorption 407
9-2 合成反应 407
9-1-6 吸附 407
9-2 Synthesis Reactions 407
9-2-1 邻苯二甲酸酐(苯酐) 408
9-2-1 Phthalic anhydride 408
9-2-2 醋酸乙烯 409
9-2-2 Vinyl acetate 409
9-2-3 Acrylonitrile 410
9-2-3 丙烯腈 410
9-2-5 Maleic anhydride 411
9-2-5 顺丁烯二酸酐(马来酸酐) 411
9-2-6 乙烯氧氯化制二氯乙烷 411
9-2-6 Ethylene oxidation-chlorization to dichloroethane 411
9-2-4 丁烯氧化脱氢制丁二烯 411
9-2-4 Oxidative dehydrogenation of butene to butadiene 411
9-3-2 Short-contact catalytic cracking 412
9-3-1 Fluid catalytic cracking 412
9-3 Hydrocarbon Conversions 412
9-3 烃类加工 412
9-3-1 催化裂化 412
9-3-2 催化裂化超短接触反应器 412
9-3-3 重油裂化 414
9-3-4 热裂解与催化裂解 414
9-3-3 Heavy oil cracking 414
9-3-4 Thermal cracking and catalytic cracking 414
9-3-5 Fischer-Tropsech synthesis 415
9-3-5 费-托合成 415
9-4 Calcination of Ore 416
9-4-1 Calcination of phosphate rock 416
9-4-1 硫铁矿焙烧 416
9-4 矿石焙烧 416
9-4-5 石灰石煅烧 417
9-4-5 Calcination of calcium carbonate 417
9-4-4 Calcination of alumina 417
9-4-3 Calcination of iron ore 417
9-4-2 Pre-reduction of iron ore 417
9-4-3 贫铁矿磁化焙烧 417
9-4-4 氧化铝煅烧 417
9-4-2 铁矿的预还原 417
9-5 Coal Utilization 419
9-5 煤的利用 419
9-5-1 煤的燃烧 419
9-5-1 Coal combustion 419
9-5-2 Gasification of coal and other organic materials 420
9-5-2 煤及其他有机物的气化 420
9-6 Reactions in Nuclear Industry 421
9-6 核化工反应 421
9-7 循环流化床的应用 422
9-7 Applications of Circulating Fluidized Beds 422
References 424
参考文献 424
9-8 Applications of Liquid-Solid and Three-Phase Fluidized Beds 424
9-8 液固流化床及三相流化床的应用 424
10-1 流化床的实验设备 430
第10章 流化床的实验设备和测试技术 汪展文 周家骅 祝京旭 430
10-1-1 Typical structure of dense-phase fluidized beds 430
10-1 Experimental Equipment 430
10-1-1 密相流化床的基本结构 430
10-1-2 Two-dimensional beds and semi-columns 431
10-1-2 二维床和半床 431
10-1-3 Circulating fluidized beds 432
10-1-3 循环流化床 432
10-1-4 实验用流化床设计的一般原则 433
10-1-4 General principles for the design of experimental fluidized beds 433
10-2 各种颗粒性质的测量方法 434
10-1-5 流化介质及其流量测量 434
10-2-1 颗粒直径的测量方法 434
10-1-5 Fluid medium and flowrate measurements 434
10-2 Measurement of Particle Properties 434
10-2-1 Particle diameters 434
10-2-2 颗粒密度的测量方法 438
10-2-3 颗粒形状的测量方法 438
10-2-3 Particle shape 438
10-2-2 Particle densities 438
10-3-1 压力和压差的测量 439
10-3 流化床中各种流体力学特性的测量 439
10-3-1 Absolute and differential pressure 439
10-3 Measurement of Hydrodynamic Flow Properties 439
10-3-2 气泡行为的测量 440
10-3-2 Bubble behaviour 440
10-3-3 气样的采集及气体速度的测量 443
10-3-3 Gas sampling and measurements of gas velocity 443
10-3-4 颗粒浓度的测量 444
10-3-4 Particle concentration 444
10-3-5 颗粒速度的测量 453
10-3-5 Particle velocity 453
10-3-6 Solid circulation rate in circulating fluidized beds 457
10-3-6 循环流化床中颗粒循环率的测量 457
符号说明 459
Nomenclature 459
参考文献 461
References 461
11-1 Particulate Fluidization and Characteristics of Liquid-Solid Fluidized Beds 467
第11章 液固及气液固三相流态化 郑莹 祝京旭 467
11-1-1 Characteristics of particulate fluidization 467
11-1 散式流态化及液固流化操作的基本特征 467
11-1-1 散式流态化的基本特征 467
11-1-2 Minimum fluidization velocity in liquid-solid system and related correlations 468
11-1-3 Conventional liquid-solid fluidized bed and Richardson-Zaki equation 468
11-1-2 液固体系起始流化速度的关联式 468
11-1-3 传统液固流化床与Richardson-Zaki方程 468
11-2 Liquid-Solid Circulating Fluidized Beds 469
11-2 液固循环流态化 469
11-2-1 Typical structures of liquid-solid circulating fluidized beds 470
11-2-1 液固循环流化床的基本结构 470
11-2-2 Overal flow behaviour in liquid-solid circulating fluidized beds 471
11-2-2 液固循环流化床内的总体流动行为 471
11-2-3 Flow regimes in liquid-solid fluidized systems 472
11-2-3 液固流态化体系中的流型图 472
11-2-4 从低液速向循环流态化的转变 473
11-2-4 Transition from low-Velocity to circulating fluidization 473
11-2-5 Axial flow structure 474
11-2-5 轴向流动规律 474
11-2-6 径向流动规律 476
11-2-6 Radial flow structure 476
11-2-7 微观流动规律 479
11-2-7 Micro flow structure 479
11-2-8 流动模型 480
11-2-8 Modelling 480
11-3 传统三相床的流动特性 481
11-3-1 三相流态化的分类 481
11-3 Hydrodynamics of Conventional Three-Phase Fluidized Beds 481
11-3-1 Classification of three-Phase fluidized beds 481
11-3-2 三相流态化的流动特征 483
11-3-2 Hydrodynamics of three-phase fluidized beds 483
11-3-3 Incipient fluidization and minimum fluidization velocity 484
11-3-3 起始流态化及最小流化速度 484
11-3-4 Flow behaviour of bubbles and bubble wakes 486
11-3-4 气泡及其尾涡的流动行为 486
11-3-5 从气泡聚并区到气泡分散区的转变 490
11-3-5 Transition from bubble coalescence to free bubbling flow regimes 490
11-3-6 Transition from bubble coalescence regime to high-velocity regimes 491
11-3-7 Holdups of the three phases 491
11-3-6 从气泡聚并区到高气速区的转变 491
11-3-7 三相相含率 491
11-3-8 Modelling of three-phase fluidized beds 493
11-3-8 三相床的流动模型 493
11-4 Three-phase Circulation Fluidization and High Gas Velocity Three-phase Fluidization 496
11-4-1 Three-Phase fluidized bed unedr high liquid velocity-transport bed 496
11-4 循环三相流态化及高气速三相流态化 496
11-4-1 高液速下的三相流化床——输送床 496
11-4-2 Study for three-phase behaviour under high gas velocity 497
11-4-3 Circulating three-phase fluidized beds 497
11-4-2 高气速下三相流化行为的探索 497
11-4-3 三相循环流态化 497
11-5-1 液固流化床反应器的工业应用 499
11-5-1 Industrial applications of liquid-solid fluidized bed reactors 499
11-5 Applications of Liquid-Solid and Three-Phase Fluidized Beds 499
11-5 液固流化床及三相流化床的应用 499
11-5-2 Applications of three-phase fluidized beds in the chemical industry 501
11-5-2 三相流化床在化工中的应用 501
Nomenclature 502
符号说明 502
References 504
参考文献 504
Appendix 1 List of Contributors 510
附录1 作者简介 510
Appendix 2 Key International Fluidization Laboratories 512
附录2 国内外重要流态化实验室一览表 512
Appendix 3 English Translation of Key Words in Fluidization 519
附录3 中英文流态化关键词对照表 祝京旭 519
Appendix 4 English Translation of the Names of Chinese and Japanese Fluidization Researchers 528
附录4 中日流态化学者人名对照表 祝京旭 白丁荣 528
Postscript 531
后记 531
- 《市政工程基础》杨岚编著 2009
- 《工程静力学》王科盛主编 2019
- 《中央财政支持提升专业服务产业发展能力项目水利工程专业课程建设成果 设施农业工程技术》赵英编 2018
- 《化学反应工程》许志美主编 2019
- 《第一性原理方法及应用》李青坤著 2019
- 《计算机组成原理解题参考 第7版》张基温 2017
- 《绿色过程工程与清洁生产技术 张懿院士论文集精选 上》《绿色过程工程与清洁生产技术》编写组编 2019
- 《软件工程》齐治昌,谭庆平,宁洪编著 2019
- 《高等院校保险学专业系列教材 保险学原理与实务》林佳依责任编辑;(中国)牟晓伟,李彤宇 2019
- 《化学工程与工艺专业实验指导》郭跃萍主编 2019
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《北京生态环境保护》《北京环境保护丛书》编委会编著 2018
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 九年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019