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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王明达,张锡禄著
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南人民出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7222011617
  • 页数:300 页
标签:马帮 文化

绪论 1

Chapter One:Horse Caravan—a Peculiar Culture of the Yunnan Plateau 6

1. A Primitive Means of Transportation That Crosses High Mountains and Deep Ravines—the Breeding and Domestication of Yunnan Horses 6

Introduction 6

第一章 马帮——云南高原的一种独特文化 6

一、能跨越高山深谷的原始运载工具——云南马的饲养与驯化 6

2. The Making of the Yunnan Plateau Horse Caravan and the Long History of Its Development 16

二、云南高原马帮的形成及悠久的赶马历史 16

Chapter Two:The Relations between the Horse Caravan and the Transportation of Yunnan 28

第二章 马帮与云南交通之关系 28

1.The Changes in the Horse Caravan Routes 28

一、马帮路线的变迁 28

二、马帮在云南交通史上的地位 54

2.The Place of the Horse Caravan in the History of the Transportation of Yunnan 54

Chapter Three: The Role of the Horse Caravan in Pushing Forward the Economic Development of the Various Nationalities of Yunnan 64

1. The Development of Transport Goods for Sale in Yunnan during the Qin and Han Dynasties and the Inevitability of the Emergence of the Horse Caravan 64

一、秦汉云南贩运性商业的发展与马帮出现的必然性 64

第三章 马帮对云南各民族经济发展的有力推动 64

2. The Relation between of Horse Caravan and the Rejuvenation and Development of the Economy of Yunnan during the Era of Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms 78

二、南诏大理国时期云南经济的恢复发展与马帮运输的关系 78

三、马帮运输大发展与明清云南经济的新变化 85

3. The Great Development of the Horse Caravan and the New Changes in the Economy of Yunnan during the Ming and Qing Dynasties 85

4. The Zenith in the Developmeent of the Horse Caravan and its Particular Contributions to the Economy of Modern and Contemporary Yunnan 88

四、走向发展最高峰的马帮对近现代云南经济的特殊贡献 88

Chapter Four: The Life,Customs and Mental Attitude of the Horse Driver 113

1. The Organization of a Horse Caravan 113

一、马帮的组织形式 113

第四章 赶马人的生活、习俗及心态 113

2. The Life of the ordinary Horse Hand 127

二、“驮伕”的生活 127

三、马锅头的生活 132

3. The Life of the Head Horse Driver 132

4.How a Horse Caravan Is hired 147

四、雇马帮的方法 147

5. The Freight Rate 148

五、运价 148

6. The Horse Caravan and the Smuggling of Opium 156

六、马帮与鸦片走私 156

7. The Selection of Horses and Mules and How They Are Named 160

七、骡马的选择与命名 160

八、马帮行话 161

8. The Jargon of the Horse Drivers 161

九、马帮与文身习俗 164

9. The Horse Caravan And the Custom of Tattooing 164

10.The Social Relations of the Horse Caravan 165

十、马帮的社会关系 165

11. The Different Mental Attitudes of the Horse Drivers 168

十一、赶马人的不同心态 168

12. The Ethical Principles and Moral Code of the Horse Drivers 171

十二、赶马人的伦理道德观念 171

13. The Religious Concept of the Horse Drivers 174

十三、赶马人的宗教意识 174

十四、赶马人的禁忌 180

14. The Taboos among the Horse Drivers 180

Chapter Five: For Antiphonal Singing,Go to Shunning —On the Horse -Driving Ditties 185

第五章 “要唱调子下顺宁”——赶马小调论 185

Chapter Six:Rich and Colourful Long Narrative Songs about Horse Driving 206

1. Long Narrative Songs 206

一、长篇叙事歌 206

第六章 丰富多彩的赶马长篇叙事歌 206

2. More about the Horse-Driving Music and Dances 250

二、关于赶马音乐及舞蹈的进一步介绍 250

1.Folktales 266

Chapter Seven :Stories Told around a Bonfire and Others 266

第七章 篝火边的故事及其它 266

一、民间故事 266

2.Proverbs,Aphorisms with Implied Meanings,And Riddles 279

二、谚语、歇后语、谜语 279

3. Literary Works by Men of Letters 283

三、文人文学作品 283

4. Other Forms of Artistic Creation 295

四、其它艺术样式 295

Epilogue 297

结束语 297
