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新编英语写作教程  上
新编英语写作教程  上

新编英语写作教程 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈立平主编;李志雪等编著
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7560512658
  • 页数:327 页
《新编英语写作教程 上》目录

Part Ⅰ Sentence Skills 1

Unit 1 Sentence Fundamentals 1

1.1 Recognize the Sentence 2

1.2 Classify the Sentence 4

Exercises 10

Unit 2 Sentence Agreement and Consistency 13

2.1 Sentence Agreement 14

2.2 Sentence Consistency 20

Exercises 23

Unit 3 Sentence Fragments, Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences 26

3.1 Sentence Fragments 26

3.2 Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences 30

Exercises 34

Unit 4 Sentence Combining-Coordination 37

4.1 Types of Coordination 38

4.2 The Coordinate Sentence 39

4.3 The Function of Coordination 42

4.4 Misuse of Coordination 43

Exercises 45

Unit 5 Sentence Combining-Subordination 48

5.1 Types of Subordination 49

5.2 The Function of Subordination 53

5.3 Ways of Achieving Subordination 54

5.4 Misuse of Subordination 56

5.5 Balance between Subordination and Coordination 57

Exercises 58

Unit 6 Sentence Unity and Coherence 61

6.1 Sentence Unity 61

6.2 Sentence Coherence 65

Exercise 70

Unit 7 Sentence Emphasis 73

7.1 Placement of Important Ideas 74

7.2 Use of Periodic Sentences 74

7.3 Climactic Order 75

7.5 Repetition of Important Words 76

7.4 Use of the Active Voice 76

7.6 Use of Balanced Sentences 77

7.7 Changes in Sentence Length 77

7.8 Use of Cleft Sentences 77

7.9 Inversion of Sentence Order 78

Exercises 79

Unit 8 Sentence Variety 83

8.1 Varied Sentence Lengths 84

8.2 Varied Sentence Structures 89

8.3 Varied Sentence Beginnings 91

8.4 Other Techniques to Vary the Sentence 93

Exercises 94

Unit 9 Sentence Parallelism 98

9.1 What is Parallelism 98

9.2 What Is the Value of Parallelism 99

9.3 How to Achieve Parallelism 100

9.4 How to Avoid Faulty Parallelism 103

Exercises 105

Part Ⅱ Mechanics and Punctuation 109

Unit 10 Mechanics 109

10.1 Spelling 110

10.2 Hyphenation 113

10.3 Capitalization 116

10.4 Numbers 118

10.5 Abbreviations 120

10.6 Italics 123

Exercises 125

Unit 11 Punctuation 128

11.1 The Period,Question Mark and Exclamation Mark 129

11.2 The Comma 130

11.3 The Semicolon 134

11.4 The Colon 135

11.5 Quotation Marks 135

11.6 Other Punctuation Marks 137

Exercises 140

Unit 12 Social Letters 144

Part Ⅲ Practical Writing 144

12.1 The Format of a Social Letter 145

12.2 Ways of Addressing the Envelope 152

12.3 The Language of Social Letters 153

12.4 Types of Social Letters 155

Exercises 172

Unit 13 Business Letters 174

13.1 The Format of a Business Letter 175

13.2 The Language of a Business Letters 183

13.3 Types of Business Letters 185

Exercises 193

Unit 14 Cards,Notes and Notices 195

14.1 Christmas Cards,Postcards,and Visiting Cards 196

14.2 Notes 200

14.3 Notices 203

Exercises 208

15.1 Telegrams 209

Unit 15 Telegrams,Certificates and Résumés 209

15.2 Certificates and Diplomas 212

15.3 Résumés 217

Exercises 221

Unit 16 Writing about Diagrams 222

16.1 Writing about Tables 223

16.2 Writing about Line Graphs 226

16.3 Writing about Bar Graphs 229

16.4 Writing about Pie Charts 231

Exercises 233

Unit 17 Writing about Pictures 236

17.1 Descriptive Type of Picture Writing 237

17.2 Narrative Type of Picture Writing 240

17.3 Expository Type of Picture Writing 242

Exercises 246

Part Ⅳ Précis Writing 249

Unit 18 Guided Précis Writing 249

18.1 Introduction 250

18.2 Guidelines for Précis Writing 251

18.3 Guided Précis Writing Stages 252

Exercise 258

Unit 19 Unguided Précis Writing 261

19.1 The Process of Writing an Unguided Précis 261

19.2 Two Methods to Highlight the Main Points 262

19.3 Strategies to Grasp Main Points 267

Exercises 269

Part V Diction 272

Unit 20 Using the Exact Word 272

20.1 Use the Right Word for Your Meaning 273

20.2 Choose Concrete and Specific Words 275

20.3 Use Standard Idioms 277

20.4 Avoid Worn-out Expressions 278

Exercises 280

Unit 21 Using the Appropriate Word 283

21.1 Levels of Words 284

21.2 Other Kinds of Words 288

Exercises 291

Unit 22 Using Figurative Language 295

22.1 Literal and Figurative Language 296

22.2 Figures of Likeness 297

22.3 Figures of Association 303

22.4 Figures of Arrangement 304

22.5 Figures of Variance 306

Exercises 307

Unit 23 Avoiding Wordiness 309

23.1 Eliminate Wordy Sentence Structures 310

23.2 Eliminate Unneeded Words 314

23.3 Eliminate Unnecessary Repetition 316

23.4 Eliminate Roundabout Expressions 317

Exercises 317

Appendix 321

Symbol Chart for Correction of Composition 321

Bibliography 326
