- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈才,袁树人著
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7560217672
- 页数:586 页
作者自序 1
第一篇 中国东北与吉林省经济发展及其对外开放 1
综述 1
Summary 1
PART I Economic Development and Opening to the World in Northeast China and Jilin Province 1
前言页 1
东北区对外开放发展战略刍议 2
Tentative Comment on the Strategy of Development and Opening to the World in Northeast China 2
Preface 4
Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia and the Development in Tumen River Area 4
吉林省对苏开展地方贸易可行性研究的综合报告 15
Comprehensive Report of a Study on Development Feasibility of Local Trade between Russia and Jilin Province 15
On Development Strategy of Economic Regional in Jilin Province 25
论吉林省经济地域发展战略 25
Economic Development and Cooperation between Northeast China and Northeast Asia 42
中国东北与东北亚经济发展及合作 42
论中国东北港口体系与东北亚经济联系及合作 50
Port System in Northeast China and Economic Relations and Cooperation in Northeast Asia 50
图们江地区开发与东北亚经济发展及合作 61
The Development in Tumen River Area and Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia 61
Reunderstanding on the Mechanism Responsible for the Forming and Developing of Northeast Economic Region 68
东北经济区形成发展机制的再认识 68
International Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia and Prospect of Industrial Development in Northeast China 85
东北亚国际经济合作与中国东北产业开发前景 85
Summary Report on the 95 Changchun International Symposium on Economic Cooperation in Northeast China and Northeast Asia 101
关于’95中国东北一东北亚经济合作长春国际研讨会基本情况的总结报告 101
PART II On Regaining the Right of Navigating on Tumen River 112
Summary 112
综述 112
第二篇 关于恢复我国图们江通海航行权利 112
Report on an Investigation on Opening Trade Ports of Jilin Province by Tumen River 114
关于利用图们江及开辟吉林省对外贸易口岸的考察报告 114
A Proposal for Fangchuan s Development 120
关于开发防川的建议 120
Problems on Regaining the Right of Navigation on Tumen River 126
关于恢复我国图们江出海权问题 126
Working Report of Study Navigation on Tumen River and Strategy on Opening to the World in Jilin Province 134
关于图们江通海航行与吉林省对外开放战略研究的工作总结 134
恢复图们江通海航行权是振兴吉林经济的突破口 144
To Regain the Right of Navigation on Tumen River the Breakthrought of Vitalizing Jilin s Economy 144
关于图们江通海航行问题的背景材料 150
Background Material about the Navigation on Tumen River 150
图们江河口通航环境科学考察方案论证会会议纪要 159
Minutes of Demonstrative Meeting on the Plan of Scientific Study on Navigation Environment in the Mouth of Tumen River 159
Speech on Victory Celebration 163
祝捷辞 163
关于图们江出海水道开发利用的建议和设想 165
Proposal and Tentative Plan on Developing and Using Tumen River Channel 165
随“向阳红16”科学考察船顺访海参崴与新泻两港纪实 169
On-the -spot Report on Visiting Vladivostok and Niigata Conveniently by the Scientific Study ship Xiang Yanghong 16 169
恢复我图们江口出海权的学术研究与实践 178
Academic Research and Practice on Regaining the Right of Navigation on Tumen River 178
关于我国船只经图们江口通海航行权利的历史、现实和出路 188
History, Reality and Outlet on the Right of Navigation by the Mouth of Tumen River 188
PART III Changes of Economic and Political Situation in Northeast Asia and the Development in Tumen River Area 196
综述 196
Summary 196
第三篇 东北亚政治经济形势变化与图们江地区开发 196
东北亚政治经济形势变化及所取对策研究 197
Changes of Economic and Political Situation and Countermeasures We Must Take 197
Analysis Report on 90 Changchun International Symposium on Economic Development in Northeast Asia 212
关于’90东北亚地区经济发展长春国际研讨会基本情况的分析报告 212
Analysis on International Environment for the Development in Tumen River Valley 218
图们江流域开发的国际环境分析 218
The Navigation on Tumen River and Regional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia 233
图们江通海航行与东北亚区域经济协作 233
Report on the 92 Pyongyang International Symposium on the Development in Tumen River Area and Inter-regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia 243
关于’92图们江开发与东北亚区域合作平壤国际学术会议情况的报告 243
Analysis on Tactics of Related Countries during the Development in Tumen River Triangle Area 252
图们江三角国际合作开发中各国战略对策分析 252
Analysis on the 92 Vladivostok International Symposium on Economic Development and Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia 265
关于’92东北亚经济发展与区域合作海参崴国际讨论会情况的剖析 265
Changes of Economic and Political Situation in Northeast Asia and Multinational Cooperation in Tumen River Area 278
论东北亚政治经济形势变化与图们江地区多国合作开发 278
The Combination of Economic Resource Elements in Northeast Asia and the Development in Tumen River Area 299
东北亚地区经济资源要素配置与图们江地区的开发 299
关于’94图们江地区规划与东北亚政治经济合作汉城国际学术会议的情况分析 317
Analysis on the 94 Seoul International Academic Conference on Tumen River Area Plan and Northeast Asia Economic and Political Cooperation 317
Prospect of the Development in Tumen River Area-Seen from 95 Niigata International Conference, the Fifth Northeast Asia Economic Forum 337
从’95第五次东北亚经济论坛新泻国际会议看图们江地区开发前景 337
Summary 347
PART IV Multinational Cooperation and Development Pattern and Their Advancement in Tumen River Area 347
第四篇 图们江地区多国合作开发模式及其推进 347
综述 347
关于建立珲春开放区几个问题的建议 348
Proposal on Some Problems of Turning Hunchun into an Open Area 348
Re-proposition for Turning Hunchun Economic Development Zone into an Opening Area 353
关于把珲春经济开发区改为开放区的再建议 353
图们江通海航行与建港的技术经济研究 356
Technical and Economic Study on Navigating and Building Ports on Tumen River 356
关于建立图们江国际自由贸易区的设想 366
Tentative Plan of Building International Free Trade Zone in the Mouth of Tumen River 366
Comprehensive Report on Navigation on Tumen River and Regional Development Pattern in the East of Jilin 374
图们江通海航行与吉林东部区域开发模式研究综合报告 374
Working Report on Navigation on Tumen River and Regional Development Pattern in the East of Jilin 402
图们江通海航行与吉林东部区域开发模式研究工作报告 402
Strategic Study on Comparison of Ports Selecting Plan on Tumen River 414
图们江通航建港方案比选战略研究 414
Catch the Current Opportunity Carry forward the Development and Opening in Tumen River Area 434
抓住当前有利时机,积极推进图们江地区的开发开放 434
The Navigation on Tumen River and the Conception of Overall Development Strategic Hunchun Area 439
图们江通海航行与珲春地区总体开发战略设想 439
关于图们江地区开发若干问题的思考 451
On Some Development Problems in Tumen River Area 451
Present Situation and Prospect of Regional Cooperation in Tumen River Area 463
图们江区域合作开发现状及其展望 463
沿边开放新形势下延吉地位和功能的变化 467
Changes of Yanji s Position and Function under the New Situation of Opening to the World Frontiers 467
Study on the Chinese Pole of Big Triangle in Tumen River Project Yanji 473
论图们江工程大三角的中国极--延吉 473
Development Prospect of Tumen River Area and Our Countermeasures 479
图们江地区开发的前景与我们的对策 479
Resource Characteristics, Cooperative Prospect and Countermeasures in Tumen River Golden Triangle 486
图们江“金三角”资源配置特点、合作前景与对策 486
Re-understanding on the Strategic Position of the Development in Hunchun-Tumen River Area 490
珲春一图们江地区开发战略地位再认识 490
Substantive Progress on Study and Operation of Tumen River Project 495
图们江工程的研究与运作有了实质性进展 495
Findings Report on the Opening and Development in Tumen River Area 500
关于我图们江地区开放开发进展情况的调研报告 500
Characteristics and Trend of International cooperation and the Development in Tumen River Area 509
论图们江地区国际合作开发的特点及趋势 509
Potentiality and Prospect of the Development in Tumen River Area 520
论图们江地区开发的潜力与前景 520
Re-promoting the New Situation of Development and Opening in Tumen River Area 530
重又增温--略论珲春一图们江地区开发开放新形势 530
Findings Report on Opening the Channel to Sea of Japan and Quickening the Development and Opening Progress in Tumen River Area 534
关于尽快打开日本海通道和加速图们江地区开发开放进程的调研报告 534
Substantive Step of Multinational Cooperation in Tumen River Area-Review for the 95 International Investment and Trade Consultation Meeting in Tumen River Area 545
图们江地区多国合作开发的实质性步骤--’95中国图们江地区国际投资贸易洽谈会述评 545
Development Situation and the Coordination of Multi-national Interests in Tumen River Area 554
论图们江地区开发的新形势及诸国利益关系的协调 554
New Stage of International Cooperation and the Development Project in Tumen River Area 568
图们江地区国际合作开发工程的新阶段 568
Implementation of Tumen River Strategy and Missions We Will Face With 571
图们江战略的实施及其面临的任务 571
Developing Project to Go Beyond the Century and the Coordination of Multinational Interests in TREDA 578
世纪之交的图们江地区开发工程与多国利益的协调 578
附图 584
后记 585
- 《区块链DAPP开发入门、代码实现、场景应用》李万胜著 2019
- 《高含硫气藏开发腐蚀控制技术与实践》唐永帆,张强 2018
- 《幼儿园区域活动新思考》黄玉娇,周霞编著 2019
- 《中国区域技术创新碳减排效应及优化政策研究》孙建 2019
- 《齐心开创共建“一带一路”美好未来 在第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲》习近平著 2019
- 《中国西北地区奥陶系达瑞威尔阶至凯迪阶的笔石研究》空 2018
- 《主题公园开发与管理》梁增贤编著 2019
- 《典型地区居民汞、镉、砷、铅、铬环境总暴露研究报告》中国环境科学研究院著 2018
- 《中南高校档案文化资源开发综合研究》涂上飙 2019
- 《普通高等职业教育计算机系列规划教材 Android Studio移动应用开发基础》(中国)吴绍根 2019
- 《中风偏瘫 脑萎缩 痴呆 最新治疗原则与方法》孙作东著 2004
- 《水面舰艇编队作战运筹分析》谭安胜著 2009
- 《王蒙文集 新版 35 评点《红楼梦》 上》王蒙著 2020
- 《TED说话的力量 世界优秀演讲者的口才秘诀》(坦桑)阿卡什·P.卡里亚著 2019
- 《燕堂夜话》蒋忠和著 2019
- 《经久》静水边著 2019
- 《魔法销售台词》(美)埃尔默·惠勒著 2019
- 《微表情密码》(波)卡西亚·韦佐夫斯基,(波)帕特里克·韦佐夫斯基著 2019
- 《看书琐记与作文秘诀》鲁迅著 2019
- 《酒国》莫言著 2019
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《中国地方艺文荟萃 华北东北卷 第1辑 3》《中国地方艺文荟萃》编委会编 2018
- 《中国地方艺文荟萃 华北东北卷 第1辑 1》《中国地方艺文荟萃》编委会编 2018
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《唐代营州与东北边疆经略》宋卿著 2019