经济全球化 金融、贸易与政策改革PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:魏尚进著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7301045670
- 页数:383 页
Acknowledgments 1
Introduction 1
PartⅠ New Issues in Financial Globalization 3
1.How Taxing in Corruption on International Investors? The Review of Economics and Statistics,82:1--11,2000 3
2.Currency Hedging and Goods Trade,European Economic Review,43:1371-1394,1999 14
3.Convergence to the Law of One Price without Trade Barriers or Currency Fluctuations(with D.Parsley),The Quarterly Journal of Economics,447:1211-1236,1996 38
4.Insignificant and Inconsequential Hysteresis:The Case of U.S.Bilateral Trade(With D.Parsley),The Review of Economics and Statistics,606-613,Novembr1993 64
5.Yen Bloc or Dollar Bloc?Exchange Rate Policies of the East Asian Economies(with J.Frankel),Macroeconomic Linkages:Savings,Exchange Rates and Capital Flows,Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.),The University of Chicago Press,295-329, 72
6.Price Volatility without News about Fundamentals,Economics Letters,37:453-458,1991 107
PartⅡ New Issues in Globalization and Regionalization of Trade 115
7.Regional Trading Arrangements:Natural or Supernatural?(with J.Frankel and E.Stein),American Economic Review,86(2):52-56,1996 115
8.Open Regionalism in a World of Continental Trade Blocs(with J.Frankel),IMF Staff Papers,45:440-453,1998 120
9.Trading Blocs and the Americas:the Natural,the Unnatural,and the Super-Natural?(with J.Frankel and E.Stein),Joural of Development Economics,47:61-95,1995 134
10.Can Regional Blocs be a Stepping Stone to Global Free Trade? A Political Economy Analysis(with J.Frankel),International Review of Economics and Finance,5:339-347,1996 169
11.Open versus Closed Trade Blocs(with J.Frankel),Regional versus Multinational Trade Arrangements,Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.),The University of Chicago Press,119-139,1997 178
12.Regionalization of World Trade and Currencies:Economics and Politics(with J.Frankel),The Regionalization of the World Economy,J.Frankel(eds),The University of Chicago Press,189-219,1996 199
PartⅢ Political Economy Issues of Reform Strategies 223
13.Gradualism versus Big Bang:Speed and Sustainability of Reforms,Canadian Journal of Economics,XXX(4b):1234-1247,1997 233
14.To Shock or Not to Shock:Economics and Political Economy of Large-Scale Reforms(with P.Lian),Economics and Politics,10:161-183,1998 247
15.Corruption and Economic Development in Asia,Integrity in Governance in Asia,UNDP(eds),39-53,1998 270
PartⅣ China in the World Economy 287
16.Attracting Foreign Direct Investment:Has China Reached Its Potential?China Economic Review,6:187-199,1995 287
17.The Open Door Policy and China s Rapid Growth:Evidence from City-Level Data,Growth Theories in Light of the East Asian Experience,Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.),The University of Chicago Press,73-98,1995 300
18.Foreign Direct Investment in China:Sources and Consequences,Financial Deregulation and Integration in East Asia,Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger(ed.)The University of Chicago Press,77-102,1996 326
19.Noise Trading in the Chinese Stock Market,Financial Market Reform in China:Problems,Progress,and Prospects,B.Chen,J.K.Dietrich and Y.Feng(ed.),Westview Press,221-241,2000 352
20 The Siamese Twins:Do State-Owned Banks Favor State-Owned Enterprises in China?(with Tao Wang),China Economic Review,8:19-29,1997 373
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