- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王正元主编
- 出 版 社:北京:知识出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7501533032
- 页数:364 页
Part 1 Welcome to Beijing 1
Act 1 Booking to Beijing 3
Act 2 Changing the Reservation 6
Act 3 Checking in at the Airport 9
Act 4 Going through the Security Check 12
Act 5 Boarding the Plane 15
Act 6 Anything to Declare 18
Act 7 At the Airport 21
Act 8 I'm an Olympic Volunteer 24
Act 9 On the Way to Olympic Village 27
Part 2 Olympic Village 30
Act 1 This Way, Please 32
Act 2 Everything Is Well Furnished 35
Act 3 Food and Dining Hall 38
Act 4 Very Good Transportation 41
Act 5 Medical Center Is Over There 43
Act 6 Let Me Show You National Olympic Committee Service Center 46
Act 7 Where Is Competition Information Center? 49
Act 8 Fitness Center and Entertainment Center 52
Part 3 Transportation Service 55
Act 1 Selling Tickets 57
Act 2 Taking a Bus 60
Act 3 Answering a Call for Taxi 63
Act 4 Taking a Cab 66
Act 5 Beijing Subway 69
Act 6 What Kind of Car Would You Like to Rent? 72
Act 7 I'll Show You 75
Act 8 Buying a Map Is Necessary 77
Act 9 Enjoy Taking Tricycle? 80
Part 4 Police Service 84
Act 1 What Can I Do for Taxi 86
Act 2 What Happened? 89
Act 3 Answering an Emergency Call 92
Act 4 The Ambulance Is On the Way 94
Act 5 We're Coming Right Now 97
Act 6 You Can't Park Here 100
Act 7 Car Accident 102
Act 8 Show Me Your Driver's License, Please 105
Part 5 Welcome to Our Hotel 108
Act 1 Reservation at Reception 110
Act 2 Greeting at the Entrance 113
Act 3 Checking In 116
Act 4 Information Service 119
Act 5 Bring Guests to Room 122
Act 6 What Will You Order for Breakfast? 125
Act 7 Yes, We Have Laundry Service 128
Act 8 A Wake-up Call, Right? 131
Act 9 The Toilet Doesn't Flush 134
Act 10 It's Time for Cleaning the Room, Sir. 136
Act 11 You Mean You Need a Conference Room, Yes? 139
Act 12 I'm Sorry to Hear That 142
Act 13 You Are Welcome Again 145
Part 6 Food Beverage 148
Act 1 Taking a Reservation 150
Act 2 Take Your Seats, Please 153
Act 3 What Would You Like? 156
Act 4 Thank You for Enjoying Beijing Duck 159
Act 5 Yes, We Have Maotai 162
Act 6 This Is the Bar. You Are Welcome 165
Act 7 I'm Terribly Sorry 167
Act 8 Would You Please Sign the Bill 170
Part 7 Sightseeing in Beijing 174
Act 1 A Visit to Tian'anmen Square 176
Act 2 A Visit to the Summer Palace 179
Act 3 A Trip to the Reserve (I) 182
Act 4 A Trip to the Reserve (II) 185
Act 5 A Trip to the Great Wall 188
Act 6 A Visit to the Palace Museum 191
Act 7 A Visit to the Museum 194
Act 8 At the Theatre 197
Part 8 Shopping 200
Act 1 May I Help You? 202
Act 2 It's on the Fourth Floor 205
Act 3 You Will Find Them Satisfactory 208
Act 4 They Are One Dollar Each 211
Act 5 Try It on, Please 214
Act 6 What Sort of Material Do You Prefer? 217
Act 7 What's Your Size? 220
Act 8 Yes, We Accept Checks 223
Part 9 Bank Service 226
Act 1 Money Changing 228
Act 2 Opening a Current Account 232
Act 3 Opening a Checking Account 235
Act 4 Incoming Remittance 239
Act 5 Buying Traveler's Check 242
Act 6 Using an Automated Teller Machine 246
Act 7 Reporting a Lost Passbook 250
Act 8 Handling Reconversion 254
Part 10 Communication Service 258
Act 1 Posting a Letter 260
Act 2 Posting a Parcel 263
Act 3 Making an Urban Call 267
Act 4 Making a International Call 271
Act 5 Sending a Telegraph 275
Act 6 Sending a Fax 279
Act 7 Olympic Internet 282
Act 8 Talking about E-mail 286
Part 11 Health Recreation 289
Act 1 Bar Service 291
Act 2 The Health Center 295
Act 3 At the Beauty Parlour 298
Act 4 In the Night Club 302
Act 5 Taking the Sauna Bath 306
Act 6 In the Keep-fit Gymnasium 309
Part 12 Sports Games 312
Act 1 A Football Match 314
Act 2 A Volleyball Match 318
Act 3 Watching a Track and Field Match 322
Act 4 A Gymnastic Display 325
Act 5 Diving 329
Act 6 Weighting 333
Act 7 Talking about Winter Sports 336
Part 13 See You Again 340
Act 1 A Farewell Dinner Party 341
Act 2 Closing Ceremony 345
Act 3 Seeing a Guest Off 349
Act 4 Before Departure 353
Act 5 On the Way to Airport 356
Act 6 See You Again 361
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