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  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:徐广联编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7562812322
  • 页数:497 页

一、教育Education 1

1)一般用词(General Words) 1

2)教育机构(Educational Institution) 5

3)教学人员(Teaching Staff) 8

4)学生与学位(Student and Degree) 9

5)教与学(Teaching and Learning) 11

6)考试与成绩(Examination and Grade) 14

7)学科与课程(Curricula) 17

8)文具与办公用品(Stationery and Office Stationery) 20

9)实验室(Laboratory) 22

10)批评责备(Criticism and Reproach) 22

11)说话与叙述(Speak and Narrate) 25

12)知识(Knowledge) 27

13)能力(Ability) 29

14)品行个性(Character and Personality) 30

15)问题(Question) 34

16)错误(Mistake) 36

17)观看(Look and See) 37

18)听(Listen and Hear) 40

二、出国Going Abroad 42

三、留学Overseas Studies 46

1)一般用词(General Words) 46

2)美、英主要著名大学(Key Universities in U.S.A. and England) 48

3)美国五十个州名(Fifty States in U.S.A.) 49

四、社会交往Social Interrelation 51

1)一般用词(General Words) 51

2)宴请(Party) 54

3)拜访(Visiting) 56

五、节日和假日Holiday and Festival 59

1)节假日(Holiday and Festival) 59

2)节日用语(Festival Term) 60

3)度假(Make Holiday) 61

六、娱乐与活动Amusement and Activity 63

1)一般用词 (General Words) 63

2)娱乐场所(Paradise) 66

3)娱乐活动及业余爱好(Entertainment and Hobby) 68

1)一般用词(General Words) 71

七、歌曲与音乐Song and Music 71

2)音乐(Music) 74

3)乐器与乐队(Instrument and Band) 76

八、工艺美术Arts and Crafts 79

1)一般用词(General Words) 79

2)工艺品与文物(Arts and Cultural Relics) 81

九、书报与出版The Press and Publication 84

1)报刊杂志(Newspaper and Magazine) 84

2)图书与图书馆(Book and Library) 89

3)出版(Publication) 92

4)印刷(Printing) 95

十、电视与广播Television and Broadcasting 97

1)电视(Television) 97

2)无线电广播(Broadcasting) 99

十一、电影Movies 101

1)一般用词(General Words) 101

2)影片(Movie/Film) 103

3)电影院(Cinema) 104

十二、舞蹈Dance 106

1)一般用词(General Words) 108

十三、戏剧Theatre 108

2)舞台与布置(Stage and Scenery) 110

3)戏剧与演出(Drama and Performance) 111

4)杂技与其他表演(Acrobatics and Other Performances) 113

十四、文学与作家Literature and Author 115

十五、语言与修辞 Language and Figure of Speech 119

1)语言(Language) 119

2)修辞(Figure of Speech) 120

1)视觉(Vision) 121

十六、感官与情感Sense Organ and Sentiment 121

2)听觉(Hearing) 122

3)感觉与触觉( Feeling and Touch) 122

4)味觉和嗅觉(Taste and Smell) 123

5)喜乐(Joy and Happiness) 125

6)声响(Sound) 128

7)白色(White) 131

8)黑色(Black) 132

9)红色(Red) 133

10)绿色(Green) 134

11)黄色(Yellow) 135

12)蓝色(Blue) 136

13)褐色(Brown) 136

14)粉红(Pink) 137

15)灰色(Grey) 137

16)紫色(Purple) 138

17)铜色(Bronze) 138

18)怨怒(Anger and Complaint) 139

19)悲忧(Unhappiness and Grief) 141

20)惊吓(Surprise and Fright) 144

21)困惑(Bewilderment) 146

22)厌倦(Fatigue and Boredom) 146

23)笑(Smile and Laugh) 147

24)哭(Cry) 149

25)恨(Hatred) 150

26)爱好 (Fondness) 151

27)习惯(Habit) 152

28)青春(Youth) 153

29)爱情(Love) 154

1)一般用词(General Words) 157

十七、旅游Travelling 157

2)观光(Sightseeing) 163

3)行李(Baggage) 165

4)山(Hill and Mountain) 166

5)水(Water) 167

6)烟(Smoke) 169

7)火(Fire) 170

8)自然胜迹(Natural Scenery and High Spots) 172

1)一般用词(General Words) 175

十八、旅馆Hotel 175

2)饭店组织机构(Organization) 179

十九、电话Telephone 181

二十、邮政Mail 185

1)一般用词(General Words) 185

2)信件与包裹(Letter and Parcel) 188

二十一、会议Conference 190

1)会议与代表(Conference and Delegate) 190

3)会议议程(Agenda) 191

2)委员会(Commission) 191

二十二、城市City 194

1)街道(Street) 194

2)建筑物(Building) 196

3)商店(Shop) 197

二十三、家庭与日常生活Family and Daily Life 200

1)一般用词(General Words) 200

2)姓名(Name) 202

3)血缘与亲属(Blood and Relative) 202

4)爱情与婚姻(Love and Marriage) 205

5)人口与家庭生活(Population and Family Life) 208

6)友谊(Friendship) 211

7)房屋与房间(House and Room) 213

8)家具(Furniture) 217

9)门与窗(Door and Window) 219

10)家用电器与设备(Household Appliances) 220

11)厨房用具(Kitchen Appliances) 224

12)浴室(Bathroom) 227

13)日用品(Daily Goods) 228

14)购物(Shopping) 230

15)穿戴(Dress) 231

16)睡眠(Sleep) 232

17)烟与吸烟(Cigarette and Smoking) 234

二十四、果蔬与餐饮Fruit,Vegetable and Meal 235

1)水果(Fruit) 235

2)蔬菜(Vegetable) 237

4)饮料(Beverage) 239

3)茶与咖啡(Tea and Coffee) 239

5)酒(Wine) 240

6)肉(Meat) 242

7)面包(Bread) 243

8)糖类(Sugar) 244

9)乳品(Dairy) 245

10)蛋糕(Cake) 245

11)调味品(Seasoning) 246

12)炊具与餐具(Cooking Utensils and Tableware) 247

13)烹饪(Cuisine) 250

14)海味(Sea Food) 251

15)西菜(Western Style Food) 253

16)主食(Staple Food) 254

17)用餐(Serving) 256

18)餐馆与店铺(Restaurant and Shop) 258

二十五、理发店Barbershop 260

1)一般用词 (General Words) 260

2)理发与理发工具(Haircut and Haircut Tool) 261

二十六、化妆品与珠宝Cosmetics and Jewels 262

1) 一般用词(General Words) 264

二十七、布匹与服装Drapery and Clothes 264

2)颜色和花样(Colour and Pattern) 268

3)男服(Men s Clothes) 269

4)女服(Women s Clothes) 270

5)鞋帽袜(Shoes,Hats and Socks) 272

二十八、医疗Medical Service 274

1)一般用词 (General Words) 274

2)医院与药店(Hospital and Drugstore) 276

3)医生与患者(Doctor and Patient) 279

4)症状与医疗(Symptom and Medical Service) 280

5)常见疾病与药品(Common Disease and Medicine) 291

二十九、人体器官Human Body and Organ 300

1)头部与面部(Head and Face) 300

2)口腔与牙齿(Mouth and Tooth) 301

3)躯干(Trurnk) 301

4)四肢(Limbs) 302

5)生殖器与内脏(Genitals and Internal Organs) 303

7)神经与其他( Nerve and Others) 305

6)肌肉与骨骼(Muscle and Bone) 305

三十、体育运动Sports 307

1)一般用词(General Words) 307

2)比赛(Match) 311

3) 球类(Ball Sports) 313

4)田径运动(Track and Field) 317

5) 其他运动(Others) 319

三十一、职业Oaupation 322

三十二、 政治Politics 325

1)政治与政党(Politics and Political Party) 325

2)选举与其他(Election and Others) 327

1)士兵与兵种(Army of the Services) 329

三十三、 军事Military Affairs 329

2)枪炮(Weaponry) 330

3)军舰与战斗机(Warship and Fighter) 331

4)火箭与原子武器(Rocket and Atomic Weapon) 332

5)军衔与建制(Rank and Organizational System) 333

6)其他(Others) 334

三十四、经济 Economy 336

2)支票与汇票(Check and Bill of Exchange) 340

三十五、金融Banking 340

1)银行(Bank) 340

3)信贷与利率(Credit,Loan and Rate) 342

4)外汇(Foreign Exchange) 344

5)货币(Money) 345

6)金融(Finance) 346

7)证券,债券与股票(Securities,Bond and Stock) 346

8)财会(Accounting) 348

9)税收(Tax) 349

10)资产,抵押与租赁(Assets,Mortgage and Leasing) 350

11)保险(Insurance) 351

三十六、贸易Trade 353

1)一般用词(General Words) 353

2) 贸易业务(Trade Business) 355

3)合同(Contract) 359

4)海关与签证(Customs and Visa) 360

三十七、外交Diplomacy 363

1)外交机构与人员(Diplomatic Institution and Personnel) 363

2)外交活动(Diplomatic Activity) 364

3)外交文件及外交用语(Diplomatic Document and Expression) 368

4)中国及其主要国家机关(China and Her Major Public Administrations) 370

5)美国及其主要国家机关(U.S.A. and Her Major Public Administrations) 371

6)(英国及其主要国家机关(England and Her Major Public Administrations) 372

7)联合国及其他主要国际组织 (The United Nations and Other Major International Organizations) 372

三十八、 工业与管理 Industry and Management 375

1) 一般用词(General Words) 375

2)职工与福利(Staff and Welfare) 377

3)就业与工资(Employment and Pay) 379

4) 工厂与工业(Factory and Industry) 381

三十九、法律Law 385

1)法律与法令(Law and Ordinance) 385

2)犯法与审判(Crime and Court) 387

四十、宗教Religion 392

1)一般用词(General Words) 392

2)基督教(Christianity) 394

3)佛教(Buddhism) 395

5)道教(Taoism) 396

4)儒教(Confucianism) 396

6)天主教(Catholicism) 397

7)伊斯兰教(Islamism) 397

四十一、交通Transportation 398

1)一般用词 (General Words) 398

2)飞机(Airplane) 400

3)火车(Train) 405

4)火车站(Railway Station) 407

5)汽车(Car) 409

6)摩托车及其他(Motoroycle and Others) 411

7)汽车部件(Vehicle Parts) 412

8)道路与交通(Road and Traffic) 413

9)轮船( Ship) 417

10)船舱与轮船部件(Cabin and Parts of Ship) 419

11)港口(Port) 420

12)海洋(Sea and Ocean) 422

13)江河(River) 423

四十二、环境保护与灾害 Environmental Protection and Disaster 424

1)一般用词(General Words) 424

2)火灾(Fire) 427

3)水灾与旱灾(Flood and Drought Famine) 428

4)地震与火山(Earthquake and Volcano) 429

5)战灾(War Calamity) 429

四十三、地球与地理The Earth and Geography 431

1)一般用词(General Words) 431

2)地理与地形(Geography and Topography) 432

3)方向与方位(Direction and Location) 433

四十四、宇宙与宇航Space and Astrology 436

1)行星与恒星(Star and Planet) 436

3)宇航(Space Travel) 437

2)月球与太阳系(Moon and Solar System) 437

1)哺乳动物(Mammal) 439

四十五、动物Animal 439

2)爬行类动物(Reptile) 441

3)家畜与家禽(Domestic Animal and Fowl) 442

4)鱼与贝(Fish and Shell) 443

5)昆虫(Insect) 443

6)鸟类(Bird) 445

7)鸟与动物的叫声(Birds Song and Animals Cry) 446

1)一般用词(General Words) 449

四十六、植物Plants 449

2) 树木(Tree) 451

3)花草(Flower) 454

四十七、自然界与天气Nature and Weather 458

1)一般用词 (General Words) 458

2)风(Wind) 461

3)雨(Rain) 465

4)雪(Snow) 467

5)霜(Frost) 470

6)雾与电(Fog and Lightning) 471

7)太阳(The Sun) 472

8)月亮(The Moon ) 474

9)云(Cloud) 476

10)冷与热(Cold and Hot) 477

四十八、时间与季节Time and Season 479

1)日、月、年(Day,Month and Year) 479

2)季节(Season) 480

3)钟表(Clock and Watch) 481

4)天干地支(Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches) 482

5)时间表方法 (Time Expression) 483

四十九、农村与农业Village and Agriculture 489

1)一般用词(General Words) 489

2)农作物(Crop) 490

3)畜牧业(Animal Husbandry) 491

4)土壤与害虫(Soil and Pest) 493

5)农机具(Farm Implement and Machinery) 495

6)种植与收成(Planting and Harvest) 496
