戴金星天然气地质和地球化学论文集 卷3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:戴金星著
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7502137114
- 页数:186 页
Gas pores in coal measures and their significance in gas exploration 3
Part I Works of Natural Gas Geology 3
天然气地质篇 3
我国煤中发现的气孔及其在天然气勘探上的意义 3
Gas pores in Permo-Carboniferous coals from the Dongpu Sag and their significance 7
东濮凹陷石炭—二叠系煤中气孔的特征及其意义 7
国外的煤成气和主要的聚煤气盆地 13
Coal-formed gas and its bearing basins out of China 13
Exploration of large and medium gas fiend should be intensified in China 30
加速寻找我国大中型气田 30
Some opinions on the exploration of large and medium gas field and on the acceleration of natural gas industry 34
寻找大中型气田与加速发展天然气工业之浅见 34
Formation and distribution of main coal-formed gas fields in China 38
中国煤成气田分布规律初探 38
Research,exploration and development of natural gas in Northwest China should be intensified 50
加强中国西北地区天然气的研究和勘探开发 50
Theory of abiogenic natural gas and the related gas fields (reservoirs) 54
无机成因油气论和无机成因的气田(藏) 54
Prospect of natural gas industry in China 73
中国天然气工业的开发前景 73
为我国2005年产500亿立方米天然气而努力 75
Work hard for the goal of annual natural gas production of 50 billion cubic meters in the year 2005 75
Some problems in natural gas exploration and development in China 76
中国天然气勘探开发的若干问题 76
Estimation of natural gas resource and reserves in China:with concerning to reserves for west-east pipeline project 90
中国天然气资源及前景分析 90
中国西部煤成气资源及其大气田 103
Coal-formed natural gas resource and large gas fields in the west part of China 103
The indication for coal-formed gas identification 117
天然气地球化学篇 117
鉴别煤成气的指标 117
Part Ⅱ Works of Natural Gas Geochemistry 117
δ13C—Ro relationship of coal-formed hydrocarbon gas in China 130
我国煤成烃气的δ13C—Ro关系 130
利用轻烃鉴别煤成气和油型气 133
Identification of coal-formed gas and oil-type gas by light hydrocarbons 133
中国主要含油气盆地天然气的C5-8轻烃单体系列碳同位素研究 140
A study on carbon isotopes of C5-8 Light hydrocarbon monomeric series of natural gas in main oil and gas bearing basins in China 140
Gas sources of large carbonate gas field in China (abstract) 143
中国碳酸盐岩大型气田的气源 143
四川盆地天然气的碳同位素特征 145
Carbon isotope characteristics of natural gas in the Sichuan Basin,China 145
Part ⅢSidelights in Geology 155
A survey on the natural gas industry of the United States of America 155
地学拾零篇 155
美国天然气工业概况 155
滇西程海气苗调查记 166
An investigation on the gas seeps in the Chenghai Lake,west Yunnan Province 166
还我青山碧水 168
Green hills and clear rivers should be returned 168
Some problems in the study of petroleum geology 171
油气地质学的若干问题 171
能源骄子天然气 181
Natural gas—the excellent fuel energy 181
固体气——可燃冰 183
Solid gas—combustable ice 183
悬崖泻油奇观 186
A marvelous phenomenon of an oil fall on a cliff 186
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