- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田耀主编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7561814933
- 页数:383 页
1.What Is Economics? 1
2.To Satisfy Human Wants by Usig Economic Resources 8
3.Types of E?onomie Systems 16
4.Adam Smith John Maynard Keynes 23
5.Opportunity Costs and Marginal Costs 30
6.Sources of High Productivity 36
7.Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition 43
8.The Characteristics of Monopoly 51
9.The Characteristics of Oligopoly 58
10.The Concept of Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand 66
11.The Consumption, Saving, Investment Relationship 74
12.Employment and Unemployment 81
13.What Is Full Employment? 87
14.The Nature of Inflation 93
15.Demand-Pull Inflation and Cost-Push Inflation 100
16.The Role of Government 106
17.Sources of Government Revenues 113
18.Money 120
19.Balance of Payments 127
20.Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Rate 136
21.Foreign Exchange Market 143
22.Exchange Rate Determination 151
23.The International Monetary System 158
24.The Money Market 168
25.Tools of Monetary Policy 178
26.The Structure of Financial Markets 188
27.The International Monetary Fund 197
28.Introduction to International Trade 207
29.The Advantage of International Trade 214
30.European Economic Community 220
31.Trade Terms 228
32.Barriers to International Trade 235
33.Technology Transfer 243
34.Business Internet 251
35.Futures Trading 260
36.Business Negotiation 267
37.Contraer 273
38.Letter of Credit 280
39.Bill of Exchange 287
40.Bill of Lading 295
41.Marine Insurance 302
42.Lloyd s 310
43.Commodity Inspection 317
44.Transportation 325
45.Arbitration 333
46.Advertising 341
47.Multinational Corporations 350
48.The World Trade Organization 359
49.Tenders 366
练习答案 374
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