英语听说ABC 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵春霞主编
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7560510620
- 页数:218 页
UNIT1 Courtesy and Gratitude 1
UNIT2 Apology and Regret 7
UNIT3 Complaint and Compliment 13
UNIT4 Intention and Decision 19
UNIT5 Obligation and Responsibility 25
UNIT6 Suggestion and Advice 31
UNIT7 Permission and Request 37
UNIT8 Acceptance and Refusal 43
UNIT9 Likes and DIslikes 49
UNIT10 DIsagreement and COntradiction 55
UNIT11 Prohibition and Warning 62
UNIT12 Condition and Supposition 68
UNIT13 Cause and Effect 74
UNIT14 Similarities and Differencess 80
UNIT15 Description and Definition 86
Notes 92
Typescript and Answers 102
UNIT1 Courtesy and Gratitude 102
UNIT2 Apology and Regret 110
UNIT3 Complaint and OCmpliment 118
UNIT4 Intention and Decision 126
UNIT5 Obligation and Responsibility 133
UNIT6 Suggestion and Advice 142
UNIT7 Permission and REquest 149
UNIT8 Acceptance and Refusanl 157
UNIT9 Likes and Dislikes 165
UNIT10 Disagreement and Contradiction 173
UNIT11 Prohibition and Warning 181
UNIT12 Condition and Supposition 188
UNIT13 CAuse and Effect 195
UNIT14 Similarities and Differences 202
UNIT15 Description and Definition 211
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