- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田森主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7300018270
- 页数:275 页
On Juvenile Delinquency and Moral Education 1
General Preface of Series of Contemporary Sociology Tian Sen 1
丛书总序 田森 1
Preface Tian Sen 18
本书序言 田森 18
在中国当代社会研究中心召开的“青少年犯罪与道德建设”学术座谈会上的主旨讲话 田森 21
The Guiding Speech at Symposium,held by the Chinese Centre for Research of Contemporary Society,on Juvenile Delinquency and Moral Education Tian Sen 21
Faxed Congratulations to Professor Tian Sen, Chairman of the Chinese Centre for Research of Contemporary Society,by Henryk J. Sokalski,Director of the UN Social Development Division and Coordinator for the International Year of the Family 31
联合国社会发展中心主任、国际家庭年协调领导人亨瑞克·索科尔斯基致中国当代社会研究中心主席田森教授的贺电 31
Letter of Congratulations to Professor Tian Sen from Eduardo Vetere, Chief of the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch 33
联合国预防犯罪和犯罪司法局局长埃杜阿尔多·维特尔致中国当代社会研究中心主席田森教授的贺信 33
The Whole Society Should Attach Great Importance to Juvenile Delinquency and Moral Education Cai Cheng 34
全社会都来重视青少年犯罪与道德建设 蔡诚 34
To Save Children We Should First Save Aldults Zhu Houze 38
为了救救孩子,首先要救救大人 朱厚泽 38
Moral Thinking on Problems of Juvenile Delinquency Luo Guojie 41
关于青少年犯罪问题的道德思考 罗国杰 41
青少年犯罪与道德建设问题的哲学思考 王霁 54
Philosophical Meditation on Juvenile Delinquency and the Moral Education Wang Ji 54
Chinese System of Criminal Justice for Nonadults Ma Yuan 69
中国的未成年人刑事审判制度 马原 69
Reinforce Comprehensive Control over the Juvenile Delinquency Tian Sen 76
必须大力加强对青少年犯罪的综合治理 田森 76
关于青少年犯罪问题的理性思考 高潮 85
Rational Thinking on Juvenile Delinquency Gao Chao 85
On Moral Education Ma Junru 95
谈谈道德建设 马俊如 95
A Close Look at the Socialist Moral Education through Problem of Juvenile Delinquency Xue Zhaoyun 100
透过青少年犯罪问题审视社会主义的道德建设 薛昭鋆 100
Comprehensive Control and the Role of Youth Organizations Jiang Daming 106
综合治理与青少年组织的作为 姜大明 106
青少年犯罪与道德建设 魏久明 113
Juvenile Delinquency and Moral Education Wei Jiouming 113
An Improved Environment and Education and Strength-ening the Overall Control over the Juvenile Delin-quency Qian Minggao 122
优化环境、教育为本,强化青少年犯罪的综合治理 钱明高 122
Psychological Survey of the Improvement of Moral Character of Young People and Problems of Juvenile Delinquency Wang Jisheng 138
青少年品德教育与防治青少年犯罪的心理学探讨 王极盛 138
On the Moral Education form the Viewpoint of Juvenile Delinquency Zhan Wansheng 158
从青少年犯罪看道德建设问题 詹万生 158
市场经济与道德选择 赵履宽 182
Market Economy and Moral Choices Zhao Lükuan 182
Punishment as a Measure in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Wang Mingdi 187
处罚在预防青少年犯罪中的作用 王明迪 187
Market Economy and the Juvenile Delinquency Dai Yisheng 194
市场经济与青少年犯罪 戴宜生 194
在“青少年犯罪与道德建设”座谈会上发表的几点意见 爱泼斯坦 204
Some Rough and Ready Remarks on Juvenile Delinquency and Moral Education Israel Epstein 204
在“青少年犯罪与道德建设”座谈会上的讲话 柯鲁克 208
Speech at Symposium on Juvenile Delinquency and Moral Education David Crook 208
中国未成年人刑事保护及其完善 赵秉志 赫兴旺 210
Criminal Law Protection and Its Perfection for Chinese Juvenile Zhao Bingzhi and He Xingwang 210
治本之举 阴家宝 225
Fundamental Guidlines Yin Jiabao 225
论内在控制及其制约因素与犯罪现象的关系 黄京平 233
On Relations between Psychological Control As well As Its Principal Factors and Crime Huang Jingping 233
大学生犯罪与德育工作 朱及群 246
Delinquency among College Students and Moral Education Zhu Jiqun 246
Family Education and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Zhao Youli 254
家庭教育与预防青少年犯罪 赵友丽 254
Money Worship and Juvenile Delinquency Tian Sen 261
拜金主义与青少年犯罪 田森 261
Social Communication and Juvenile Delinquency Tian Sen 266
社会交往与青少年犯罪 田森 266
Communication Media and Juvenile Delinquency Tian Sen 271
传播媒介与青少年犯罪 田森 271
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