- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡见义著
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:750212490X
- 页数:154 页
中国东部第三系含油气盆地地层-岩性油藏形成的地质基础和分布特点 1
Distribution and Geological Bases Forming Stratigraphic-Lithologic Pools in Tertiary Oil Basins in East China 1
渤海湾盆地复式油气聚集(区)带的形成与分布 10
Formation and Distribution of Complex Petroleum Accumulation Zones in Bohai Bay Basin 10
中国陆相油气藏形成的地质基础 18
Geological Foundation of Formation of Continental Oil and Gas Pools in China 18
中国重油沥青资源的形成与分布 31
Formation and Distribution of Heavy Oil and Bitumen Resources in China 31
中国天然气地质与资源 39
Geology and Resources of Natural Gas in China 39
海相石油天然气地质综论 62
On Marine Petroleum Geology 62
含油气地质单元序列划分及其意义——兼评述“含油气系统” 68
Classification of Petroleum Geological Unit Series and Its Significance—Commenting on“Petroleum System” 68
Resource Bases and Chance for Natural Gas Development in China 74
我国天然气发展的资源基础和战略机遇 74
Prospects for the 21st Century Petroleum and Natural Gas Energy Science and Technology 81
新世纪石油天然气能源科技展望 81
Prospects and Tendency of Petroleum Exploration in the Circum-Pacific Region of Eastern China in the 80 s 86
80年代中国东部环太平洋地区油气勘探远景和趋势 86
Oil and Gas Accumulations in the Meso-Cenozoic Block Faulting Region in Eastern China 100
中国东部中、新生代块断区的油气聚集 100
Detailed Petroleum Exploration in Bohai Bay Basin 113
渤海湾盆地石油详细勘探不断深化与扩展 113
Petroliferous Province and Resource Potential of the Northeast Asia —the Most Prospective New Province in Asia 120
东北亚含油气区和油气潜力——亚洲最有潜力的含油气区 120
New Oil and Gas Exploration Frontiers and Resource Potential of the Old Cratons in NE Asia 134
东北亚古老克拉通油气勘探新领域及资源潜力 134
Integrated Study on the Composite Sedimentary Basins of China and Its Application to the Petroleum Exploration 144
中国叠加复合盆地综合研究及其在油气勘探中的应用 144
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