- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:江淑娟,吴松林主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7502137882
- 页数:442 页
1 Elements of Petroleum Reservoir 1
1.1 Permeability 1
1.2 Connate Water Saturation 3
1.3 Fluid Content of the Reservoir 7
1.4 Definition and Causes of Wettability 9
1.5 Determination of Wettability by Contact Angle Method 12
1.6 Determination of Wettability by Relative Permeability Method 16
1.7 Two-phase Relative Permeability 19
1.8 Three-phase Relative Permeability 23
1.9 Effects of Saturation States on Permeability 27
1.10 Effects of Temperature on Permeability 30
1.11 Reservoir Heterogeneity 32
1.12 Types of Reservoir Heterogeneities 35
1.13 Classification and Definition of Fracture 38
1.14 Wettability Influence on Multiphase Flow 41
1.15 Gas and Condensate Reservoirs 45
2 Reservoir Engineering 49
2.1 Derivation of Material Balance Equation 49
2.2 Features of Material Balance Equation 51
2.3 The Material Balance Expressed as a Linear Equation 53
2.4 The Material Balance of Gascap Drive 56
2.5 Natural Water Drive 60
2.6 Natural Water Influx 62
2.7 Factors Affecting Waterflood Oil Recovery Performance 64
2.8 Practical Use of Waterflood Prediction Methods 67
2.9 Historical Development of Waterflooding 71
2.10 Improve Waterflooding 74
2.11 Conditions of Solution of the Basic Radial Flow Differential Equation 76
2.12 The Constant Terminal Rate Solution of the Radial Diffusivity Equation 79
2.13 Well Stimulation 83
3 Oilfield Development 87
3.1 Reservoir Production Mechanisms 87
3.2 Water Drive 89
3.3 Solution Gas Drive 93
3.4 Gas Cap Drive and Gravity Drainage 95
3.5 Secondary Recovery 97
3.6 Flood Patte?s 100
3.7 Compaction Drive 102
3.8 Displacement Efficiency 105
3.9 Water Tonguing and Viscous Fingering 107
3.10 Advantages and Limitations of Pilot Floods 110
3.11 Estimating Drainage Volume 113
3.12 Average Reservoir Pressure 116
3.13 Factors Affecting Selection of Waterflood Pattern 119
3.14 Production Mechanism of a Fractured Reservoir 121
4 Improved Recovery 126
4.1 Methods of Improving Oil Recovery 126
4.2 Polymer Flooding 128
4.3 Caustic Flooding 131
4.4 Miscible Hydrocarbon Displacement 133
4.5 Miscible Displacement 135
4.6 Carbon Dioxide Injection 138
4.7 Favorable Reservoir Properties 140
4.8 Steam Stimulation 142
4.9 Steam Flooding 145
4.10 The Main Advantage and Disadvantage of Steam Flooding 147
4.11 In Situ Combustion 149
4.12 The Disadvantages of the In Situ Combustion 153
4.13 Oil Displacement 156
4.14 Oil Production 158
4.15 Pilot Tests 162
4.16 Overview of Conventional Oil-Recovery Methods 163
5 Completion and Flowing 168
5.1 Completion Interval 168
5.2 Effects of Reservoir Characteristics on Well Completions(1) 170
5.3 Effects of Reservoir Characteristics on Well Completions(2) 172
5.4 Effect of Gas on the Shape of IPR 174
5.5 Determination of IPR 176
5.6 Flow Regimes in Vertical Two-phase Flow 180
5.7 Multiphase Flow Correlations 182
5.8 The Flowing Well 184
5.9 Calculation Analysis in the Flowing Well 187
5.10 Effects of Changes in Choke Size on Production 189
5.11 The Heading Cycle 192
6 Rod Systems 197
6.1 The Beam Pumping System 197
6.2 The Advantages of Tubing Pumps and Insert Pumps 199
6.3 The Pumping Cycle 201
6.4 Plunger Travel 203
6.5 Valve Action 205
6.6 Selection of Pump 209
6.7 Calculation of the Rod Stretch 211
6.8 Effect of Free Gas on Pump Efficiency 213
6.9 Volumetric Efficiency 214
6.10 Design of the Rod Strings 218
6.11 Design of Beam-Pumping Installation 220
6.12 The Pump Dynagraph Card 222
6.13 Analysis of Problems in Rod-pumped Wells 224
6.14 Summary of Sucker Rod Pumping 226
7 Rodless Systems 230
7.1 Definition of Gas Lift 230
7.2 The Principles of Gas Lift 232
7.3 Determining Flow Rates Possible by Gas Lift 234
7.4 Gas Lift Valves and String Design 237
7.5 Analysis of Problems in Gas Lift Wells 239
7.6 Summary of Gas Lift 240
7.7 Introduction of Electric Submersible Centrifugal Pumps 243
7.8 Description of Electric Submersible Pumps 245
7.9 Summary of Electrical Submersible Pumps 249
7.10 Introduction of Hydraulic Pumping-piston Type 251
7.11 Description of Hydraulic Pumps 254
7.12 Summary of Hydraulic Pumping(1) 256
7.13 Summary of Hydraulic Pumping(2) 258
7.14 Introduction of Jet Pumping 260
8 Reservoir Stimulation 264
8.1 Theories of Hydraulic Fracturing 264
8.2 Fracturing for Well Stimulation 266
8.3 Determination of Wells Applicable for Hydraulic Fracturing(1) 269
8.4 Determination of Wells Applicable for Hydraulic Fracturing(2) 272
8.5 Fracturing Fluid Properties 273
8.6 Embedment Pressure 277
8.7 Fracture Conductivity 279
8.8 Effect of Packed Fracture on Conductivity 281
8.9 Summary of Hydraulic Fracturing 285
8.10 Acids and Additives Used in Well Stimulation 287
8.11 Factors Controlling Acid Reaction Rate 289
9.1 Definition of Sand Control 292
9 Special Problems of Oil Well Production 292
9.2 Cause of Sand Production 293
9.3 Damages of Sand Production 296
9.4 Sand Control Mechanisms 298
9.5 Mechanical Methods of Sand Control 299
9.6 Plastic Consolidation Methods of Sand Control 301
9.7 Comparison of Sand Control Methods 304
9.8 Conventional Remedies 305
9.9 New Remedy 308
9.10 Water Source Selection 310
9.11 Oilfield Water Handling 311
9.12 Why Scales Form 313
9.13 Downhole Cleanout 314
9.14 Basic Cause of Formation Damage 317
参考译文 320
练习参考答案 438
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