英语 第4册 1 医学分册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:上海第二医院主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:1980
- ISBN:14048·3858
- 页数:226 页
1.Pain-One of the Prominent Neurologic Symptoms 疼痛——明显的神经症状之一 1
2.Mumps 流行性腮腺炎 5
3.Prevention of Whooping Cough 百日咳的预防 10
4.Prevalence and Epidemiology of Measles 麻诊的流行性与流行病学 14
5.Introduction to Microbial Diseases 微生物疾病概论 19
6.Prophylaxis of Streptococcal Infection 链球菌感染的预防 24
7.Immunity to Malaria 疟疾免疫 27
8.Prevention of Schistosomiasis 血吸虫病的预防 31
9.Pathology and Clinical Manifestations of Ascariasis 蛔虫病的病理学及临床表现 35
10.Classification of Pulmonary Tuberculosis 肺结核的分类 38
11.Treatment of Diphtheria 白喉的治疗 42
12.Clinical Manifestations of Typhoid Fever 伤寒的临床表现 46
13.Bacterial Food Poisoning 细菌性食物中毒 50
14.Immune Mechanisms in Disease 疾病的免疫机制 53
15.Chronic Bronchitis 慢性支气管炎 57
16.Lung Abscess 肺脓肿 60
17.Neoplasms of the Lung 肺部肿瘤 63
18.Rheumatic Fever 风湿热 66
19.Treatment of Mitral Stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄的治疗 70
20.Heart Failure 心力衰竭 74
21.Clinical Management of Heart Failure 心力衰竭的临床处理 79
22.The Pain of Angina Pectoris 心绞痛的疼痛 83
23.Acute Myocardial Infarction 急性心肌梗死 87
24.Clinical Manifestations of Cardiomyopathy 心肌疾病的临床表现 91
25.Essential(Idiopathic)Hypertension and Its Prognosis and Treatment 特发性(原发性)高血压及其预后与治疗 94
26.Differential Diagnosis of Peptic Ulcer 消化性溃疡的鉴别诊断 98
27.Carcinoma of the Oesophagus 食管癌 102
28.Acute Viral Hepatitis 急性病毒性肝炎 106
29.Infiltrative Disease of the Liver 肝浸润性疾病 109
30.Cholelithiasis and Chronic Cholecystitis 胆石病及慢性胆囊炎 112
31.Adenoma of the Large Intestine 大肠腺瘤 116
32.Glomerular Disease 肾小球疾病 120
33.Pyelonephritis 肾盂肾炎 123
34.Tumors of the Kidney 肾瘤 127
35.Scleroderma 硬皮病 131
36.Clinical Manifestations of Chronic Leukemias(1)慢性白血病的临床表现(上) 135
37.Chinical Manifestations of Chronic Leukemias(2)慢性白血病的临床表现(下) 139
38.Surgical Infections 外科感染 142
39.Diagnosis of Surgical Infections 外科感染的诊断 146
40.Wound Healing 伤口的愈合 150
41.Breast Cancer 乳房癌 153
42.Appendicitis 阑尾炎 156
43.The Acute Abdomen(1)急腹症(上) 159
44.The Acute Abdomen(2)急腹症(下) 163
45.Fibroids of the Uterus 子宫纤维瘤 166
46.Neoplasms of the Ovary 卵巢肿瘤 170
47.Diseases of the Cervix Uteri 子宫颈疾病 174
48.Diseases Related to Pregnancy 与妊娠有关的疾病 177
49.Eczema 湿疹 181
50.Examination of the Eye 眼的检查法 184
51.Cataract 白内障 187
52.Inner Ear Disorders 内耳疾病 190
Appendix 1 Case Histories in the Form of Dialogue 询问病史对话 194
Appendix 2 Selected Case Histories for Reading 病史选读 220
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